I feel nothing will happen yet again

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Yes total corruption.

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Great exclusive! Let’s hope that stinking smell turns into some Orange jumpsuits soon.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Fulton County is typical of the Commie Dem Urban Hell Hole called Atlanta. The GA Uniparty GOPers like Raffensperger and Kemp feed off the corruption. Because they allowed the 2020 Steal they will be reelected in 2022.

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Why on earth would Fulton County Election Officials hold their own hearing? Retain a lawyer, and a recorder - make it official; and scare the hell out of them. Unless someone is threatened, or perceives to be threatened with imprisonment, this crap will go on forever. Do they not know the gravity of this situation? Or is a Communist parade needed to convince them?!

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Georgians need to be in the streets. That's the only way for the gov't officials to see you.

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The only people in the streets will be the Commie Dem promoted Street Scum of Atlanta burning it down yet again.

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Sadly it's true. Seems to be BLM and Antifa Basement babies committing all the crime doesn't it?

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And straight up Gang Banger types looking to burn, loot and pillage.

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Emerald, you’re the best! Thank God for you and your real reporting!!! Big hugs to you today and every day!


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The stench is odoriferous! Georgia needs some serious assistance in telling the truth. We the People are smart and know this. Get rid of the machines! Stop the fraud. Thank you, Emerald, for sticking with this and making them honest in the state of Georgia!

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This has been happening for many, many years. Thank you for shining the light on election fraud, Emerald. I hope and pray that change will come soon.

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Unless the current governor and his group being replaced, the election in GA will not be truthful.

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Jun 16, 2022·edited Jun 16, 2022

Georgia is an absolute cesspool of lies, cheats and fraud! They simply cannot stand that the majority of the people want no part of their LEFTISTS desires. Georgia must fix their own house!

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If we don’t fix this now, we might never get another chance.It would be easier as a matter of law, than later at the barricades.

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Until the voting system is changed back to only voting in person, on one day, voter ID, paper ballots with FEW exceptions for absentee ballots...the system can be hacked/changed just as what happened in the 2020 and 2022 elections. This manipulation has no doubt been going on for a long time previously. Let’s get it fixed!

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I just had an image of Emerald juxtaposed with Paul Revere. Instead of, "The British are coming", it's, "The elections are rigged".

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Great work, Emerald. Real investigative journalism. A true professional.

Time to audit ALL of Georgia's elections dating back to and including 2020. And this https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/breaking-voterga-report-evidence-shows-georgia-voting-system-may-added-15-raffensperger-totals/ . Add to Emerald's substack posts about Dekalb County irregularities and the CISA announcement that, yes, voting machines can be hacked (which the fraud deniers have resisted since November of 2020), and we are arriving at a perfect storm that begs for investigation and criminal referrals/indictments, as well as decertification of the 2020 election and the later runoff election (you don't believe they didn't cheat in that one, too, do you?). Whatever happened, by the way, to the Dominion suits against Mike Lindell and Sidney Powell. I think the defamation portion of those cases is being destroyed.

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Three black males, two black females, one white female and I'll bet they are all "non-biased" Democrats!

Where are the white males? Why are we surprised about the results? And, no, I'm not a racist or misogynist, just concerned about the equality problem I hear so much about.

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