Stolen! 2020 was absolutely STOLEN from us! This is the greatest fraud story of our country IMHO. A scandal of enormous proportions. Just think of this if DJT was still in office; No Ukraine War most likely, no open border (and all the crime, death and burden on legal taxpayers it causes), Energy independence, fair trade (American workers do much better), low inflation... GOSH, the world would be a much better place for sure. SO infuriating!
So what's next? Maricopa County, Az and Fulton County, Ga are rejected. Wisconsin knows they got rolled by Zuckerberg. When are the cases going to the next level as the SC demanded?
The election situation CRISIS!, is the most important issue from here on!
And they know by the numbers where this fall election is heading and they know they cannot turn a jackass into a racehorse by Nov. There is only one thing they can do.
Cheat again!
And they will be ready to do so. Will we have our ducks in a row to stop it? All of you independant honest journalists have to work together best you can to do so.
I assume the complaint is the first step in the necessary litigation that will be required to resolve Georgia and other states. Fulton is unlikely to admit their own crimes voluntarily, they will need to be presented in court. But successful judgements are also unlikely to prevail until governments are replaced with honest prosecutors who will enforce those judgements. If we don't root out the corruption at all levels, quickly and vigorously, our society will fail, quickly and vigorously. Then China will straighten things out for us, their way.
We’ve known this all along but you put it into understandable terms. Thank you. But unfortunately I don’t have any faith this will get fixed anytime soon!
We need so many more Emeralds. Went to vote in IL primary recently. In addition to drop boxes, there were at least 2 places I could have voted. Chicago. Likelihood there’d be any attempt at reconciliation if someone wanted to vote more than once?
Thanks Emerald for staying on 2020. If we can’t get this fixed, how can we expect to have fair results going forward? What’s the definition of insanity....doing the same over and over and expecting a different result. Let’s get sanity back in our electoral process!
Stolen! 2020 was absolutely STOLEN from us! This is the greatest fraud story of our country IMHO. A scandal of enormous proportions. Just think of this if DJT was still in office; No Ukraine War most likely, no open border (and all the crime, death and burden on legal taxpayers it causes), Energy independence, fair trade (American workers do much better), low inflation... GOSH, the world would be a much better place for sure. SO infuriating!
And the gaslighting by the media makes it even worse.
So what's next? Maricopa County, Az and Fulton County, Ga are rejected. Wisconsin knows they got rolled by Zuckerberg. When are the cases going to the next level as the SC demanded?
Emerald, you need to be in Fulton during the vote count this November. Georgia (and the nation) needs Walker to not get jobbed.
Great reporting, Ms. Robinson! I was delighted to pay for your new service, and miss your reporting on OANN. Please continue. Mark Lane - GA
Emerald, thank you, and I am a monthly supporter.
The election situation CRISIS!, is the most important issue from here on!
And they know by the numbers where this fall election is heading and they know they cannot turn a jackass into a racehorse by Nov. There is only one thing they can do.
Cheat again!
And they will be ready to do so. Will we have our ducks in a row to stop it? All of you independant honest journalists have to work together best you can to do so.
I assume the complaint is the first step in the necessary litigation that will be required to resolve Georgia and other states. Fulton is unlikely to admit their own crimes voluntarily, they will need to be presented in court. But successful judgements are also unlikely to prevail until governments are replaced with honest prosecutors who will enforce those judgements. If we don't root out the corruption at all levels, quickly and vigorously, our society will fail, quickly and vigorously. Then China will straighten things out for us, their way.
CORRECTION: Joe Biden "won" Georgia by 12,000 BALLOTS, not votes.
Exactly, votes require people!
Nothing ever happens!! How powerful are these people running our country?!?
Not as powerful as God and His saints.
We’ve known this all along but you put it into understandable terms. Thank you. But unfortunately I don’t have any faith this will get fixed anytime soon!
Go Em! The people of Georgia should never be allowed to forget what happened in 2020 (and in the ‘22 midterms, as you’ve thankfully enumerated).
Evil forces remain at work in Georgia.
We need so many more Emeralds. Went to vote in IL primary recently. In addition to drop boxes, there were at least 2 places I could have voted. Chicago. Likelihood there’d be any attempt at reconciliation if someone wanted to vote more than once?
Thanks Emerald for staying on 2020. If we can’t get this fixed, how can we expect to have fair results going forward? What’s the definition of insanity....doing the same over and over and expecting a different result. Let’s get sanity back in our electoral process!
Thanks for reporting this, Emerald. Can't disagree. The TRUTH will set us free. Major overhaul required.
Go figure. And add feckless republican governor and secstate with Dominion manipulated machines... I have SO much confidence in our election system.
Thanks. Nothing else matters if elections are stolen.