Nothing. That is exactly what is happening. Those who speak out are fired, censured, jailed, ostracized and threatened in a million ways. In my opinion, we as a country will probably descend into total chaos before the people will rise up in any meaningful way. Look at how the farmers in the Netherlands are being treated or the truckers in Canada and the French marching in the streets. Their efforts have done almost nothing. It will take an armed rebellion to stop the Democrats and their deep state tentacles. I don’t see that happening until things get much worse although, I don’t know how it can get any worse than it already is.
True patriots!! I’m disappointed the Trump campaign did not realize what would happen. I knew, as soon as they stopped counting that the election was fraudulent and stolen. The system is completely corrupt.
I am not at all surprised at the thuggish treatment Mr. Stenstrom received and the illegal practices he directly observed at the counting center. Nor am I surprised at the unprofessional, cowardly and ignorant response he got from the GOP, especially the Trump campaign staffer who told him to go home. But, seriously, why is this detailed and incriminating account of the blatantly obvious Chester City counting center's fraudulent operation just publicly surfacing now, 21 months after the stolen election?
It was presented at the hearings that occurred, presided by Doug Mastroiano, somewhere between Nov and Jan. Every state had one, many hours, some days long, with people just like this guy giving eye witness accounts. I’m sure you remember those. This excerpt reveals the biggest impediment to accountability. The elements that would allow a replication (verification) of what went on were destroyed or tampered with. Envelopes, signatures, unsecured thumb drives, unsecured machines, post election machine “updates”, replacement of machines in one state (GA, I believe?), chain of custody violations, etc. The evidence was destroyed. You cannot show anybody the rotten cadaver. No body, no crime. There are more than enough violations for the GOP to launch a response. Start by prosecuting the small fry. Treat them like Jan 6ers. Watch how quickly they flip. IMO- elections were show. GOP establishment benefits from the broken system too.
IMHO the GOP has demonstrated clearly that they are not interested in launching a response. Had they been interested, Mr. Stenstrom would have received a response to his calls for help much more quickly and with far greater professionalism and tenacity than the useless and spineless replies that he received. We should forget the current GOP in any solutions to this problem. They are complicit in the schemes. I (and many others from what I read) have concluded there hasn't been a legitimate national election in this country for at least five election cycles, maybe more. PDJT out-schemed the Establishment in 2016 but he was aided by their foolish overconfidence and their underestimating his genuine appeal, not to mention sHrillary's significant negative appeal factor.
I don't think the Trump staffer were those things you mentioned, I think (I know) they thought it was in the bag. Nobody and I mean nobody but the perps - and even they were freaked when they saw Trump got more votes than any Prez in history - knew they were going to find those big bags of ballots and kick dominion into higher gear. Pa had violated all their legislature's election rules to set up the fraud, but Trump did 3 rallies in one PA day and his turnout was massive... everybody went to sleep thinking it was a done deal. I was on the west coast so I saw Fox rush the AZ call before calling FLA cuz Fox was in on the whole thing, but even then all the internet people I trust thought it was a done deal by 4 am east coast time... and then they started dropping ballot bags. That staffer phone call wasn't cowardly, it was blissfully ignorant to just how much fraud Elias and Zuck and the rest pulled off, with Rino help.
Yes - "they thought it was in the bag." The Trump staffer was derelict in their duties by assuming anything. We have been told that the President very much anticipated fraud in the election. Any staffer who wasn't also looking out for reports of significant fraud and as such ignored an urgent call for support based on observations of significant fraud as they did Stenstrom's, demonstrated naive overconfidence and failed their job, IMHO.
Maybe you're right, but Trump was telling everybody who would listen (not too many) that drop boxes and covid changes were violations but the state and federal courts (and ultimately the Supreme court) either rejected, slow walked, didn't have jurisdiction, or kicked the suits upstairs, so all in all a total cluster fuck, you're right about that... but I was hearing (as if anybody gives a shit "what I heard" but I have a tiny group of friends in the know) that as the votes came in Trump was performing even better than their internal polls had shown, and the only thing they (Trump) were worried about later that night was Fox slow walking their electoral wins (even MT!) and calling AZ, of course, but also Cali, OR, Wash, HA, etc. the second the polls closed to help the Biden narrative during challenges and recounts to come (and maybe the Murdoch kids knew more) but I thought the sheer numbers of the a.m. vote drops in the 5 counties came as a big surprise cuz of the sheer huge scale, maybe I'm wrong?
The real travesty is that the RINO's were in on it! There's no way any of this could have happened had the RINO's not given their blessing. They are fearing a 2nd term of Trump, hence why they are pushing so hard with this Jan 6th BS. But they also fear DeSantis, because he's Trump in a more measured way and he knows the games they play, but he's not afraid to confront them and expose their silly games. Be leery of any Rino's the RNC pushes on the conservative electorate in 2024. It will be a trojan horse.
This why I pay for this subscription to Emily Robinson's sub stack, it is worth its weight in gold!
It's notable that there were lots of dem poll "watchers" but very few pubs. That's why we lose. Victory always goes to the most aggressive combatant. Always. Surrender means you lose. Always. Those who want to win had better get involved, and get to work. Winning is a choice, not a right.
Chilling to read. Grateful to Naval officer Greg for his unwavering faithfulness to the call to duty. We the People need to continue to stand strong and resist. Thanks to Greg and all the Patriots for their service. Thank you , Emerald, for your riveting account of events. We have our work cut out for us!
Excellent excerpt! I will read the book. I watched hours upon hours of the hearings where people testified the shenanigans they experienced, so what really blows my mind here is the blasé attitude from the “senior Trump campaign executive.” The fraud was telegraphed even before it happened. Trump himself said the mail in ballots were a recipe for fraud. How do you maintain confidence that “everything’s fine”, especially after the 5 swing states go dark in the midst of the count- something never before seen? That’s incomprehensible to me.
This enrages me. And normally reputable newspapers like the Wall Street Journal still uses terms like "Trump's unfounded lies about election fraud" in stories (few, and mostly on the editorial page) when it writes about the 2020 election. WSJ lectures us on how vulnerable (i.e. limited prospects) Trump supported candidates are, and that he should not be interfering in the primary process. Instead, they are the election deniers.
Astonishing. But we knew this must’ve taken place in numerous counties. So it begs the question, will we ever have a legitimate election again? Or perhaps more accurately, have we ever had one?
I am firm believer Trump’s popularity overwhelmed their insufficient cheating schemes in 2016. So they pulled out all the stops for Babbling Biden. Who believes they’ll suddenly play fair ...ever?
Any Republican who claims there is no evidence of a rigged/stolen election is in on the steal. This includes the likes of Liz, Cocaine Mitch, Mittens, etc. One by one these people will be voted out. Real republicans know the truth!
It still amazes me that despite all the evidence, we all seem incapable of doing anything about this other than hand wringing. What am I missing?
The RINOs were in on the steal. Mitch McConnell is a traitor. Head on a pike....We need a new political party: HOAP - Head On A Pike.
Nothing. That is exactly what is happening. Those who speak out are fired, censured, jailed, ostracized and threatened in a million ways. In my opinion, we as a country will probably descend into total chaos before the people will rise up in any meaningful way. Look at how the farmers in the Netherlands are being treated or the truckers in Canada and the French marching in the streets. Their efforts have done almost nothing. It will take an armed rebellion to stop the Democrats and their deep state tentacles. I don’t see that happening until things get much worse although, I don’t know how it can get any worse than it already is.
True patriots!! I’m disappointed the Trump campaign did not realize what would happen. I knew, as soon as they stopped counting that the election was fraudulent and stolen. The system is completely corrupt.
Elections are rigged in the USA.
Lawless country.
I am not at all surprised at the thuggish treatment Mr. Stenstrom received and the illegal practices he directly observed at the counting center. Nor am I surprised at the unprofessional, cowardly and ignorant response he got from the GOP, especially the Trump campaign staffer who told him to go home. But, seriously, why is this detailed and incriminating account of the blatantly obvious Chester City counting center's fraudulent operation just publicly surfacing now, 21 months after the stolen election?
It was presented at the hearings that occurred, presided by Doug Mastroiano, somewhere between Nov and Jan. Every state had one, many hours, some days long, with people just like this guy giving eye witness accounts. I’m sure you remember those. This excerpt reveals the biggest impediment to accountability. The elements that would allow a replication (verification) of what went on were destroyed or tampered with. Envelopes, signatures, unsecured thumb drives, unsecured machines, post election machine “updates”, replacement of machines in one state (GA, I believe?), chain of custody violations, etc. The evidence was destroyed. You cannot show anybody the rotten cadaver. No body, no crime. There are more than enough violations for the GOP to launch a response. Start by prosecuting the small fry. Treat them like Jan 6ers. Watch how quickly they flip. IMO- elections were show. GOP establishment benefits from the broken system too.
IMHO the GOP has demonstrated clearly that they are not interested in launching a response. Had they been interested, Mr. Stenstrom would have received a response to his calls for help much more quickly and with far greater professionalism and tenacity than the useless and spineless replies that he received. We should forget the current GOP in any solutions to this problem. They are complicit in the schemes. I (and many others from what I read) have concluded there hasn't been a legitimate national election in this country for at least five election cycles, maybe more. PDJT out-schemed the Establishment in 2016 but he was aided by their foolish overconfidence and their underestimating his genuine appeal, not to mention sHrillary's significant negative appeal factor.
I don't think the Trump staffer were those things you mentioned, I think (I know) they thought it was in the bag. Nobody and I mean nobody but the perps - and even they were freaked when they saw Trump got more votes than any Prez in history - knew they were going to find those big bags of ballots and kick dominion into higher gear. Pa had violated all their legislature's election rules to set up the fraud, but Trump did 3 rallies in one PA day and his turnout was massive... everybody went to sleep thinking it was a done deal. I was on the west coast so I saw Fox rush the AZ call before calling FLA cuz Fox was in on the whole thing, but even then all the internet people I trust thought it was a done deal by 4 am east coast time... and then they started dropping ballot bags. That staffer phone call wasn't cowardly, it was blissfully ignorant to just how much fraud Elias and Zuck and the rest pulled off, with Rino help.
Yes - "they thought it was in the bag." The Trump staffer was derelict in their duties by assuming anything. We have been told that the President very much anticipated fraud in the election. Any staffer who wasn't also looking out for reports of significant fraud and as such ignored an urgent call for support based on observations of significant fraud as they did Stenstrom's, demonstrated naive overconfidence and failed their job, IMHO.
Maybe you're right, but Trump was telling everybody who would listen (not too many) that drop boxes and covid changes were violations but the state and federal courts (and ultimately the Supreme court) either rejected, slow walked, didn't have jurisdiction, or kicked the suits upstairs, so all in all a total cluster fuck, you're right about that... but I was hearing (as if anybody gives a shit "what I heard" but I have a tiny group of friends in the know) that as the votes came in Trump was performing even better than their internal polls had shown, and the only thing they (Trump) were worried about later that night was Fox slow walking their electoral wins (even MT!) and calling AZ, of course, but also Cali, OR, Wash, HA, etc. the second the polls closed to help the Biden narrative during challenges and recounts to come (and maybe the Murdoch kids knew more) but I thought the sheer numbers of the a.m. vote drops in the 5 counties came as a big surprise cuz of the sheer huge scale, maybe I'm wrong?
The real travesty is that the RINO's were in on it! There's no way any of this could have happened had the RINO's not given their blessing. They are fearing a 2nd term of Trump, hence why they are pushing so hard with this Jan 6th BS. But they also fear DeSantis, because he's Trump in a more measured way and he knows the games they play, but he's not afraid to confront them and expose their silly games. Be leery of any Rino's the RNC pushes on the conservative electorate in 2024. It will be a trojan horse.
This why I pay for this subscription to Emily Robinson's sub stack, it is worth its weight in gold!
It's notable that there were lots of dem poll "watchers" but very few pubs. That's why we lose. Victory always goes to the most aggressive combatant. Always. Surrender means you lose. Always. Those who want to win had better get involved, and get to work. Winning is a choice, not a right.
Chilling to read. Grateful to Naval officer Greg for his unwavering faithfulness to the call to duty. We the People need to continue to stand strong and resist. Thanks to Greg and all the Patriots for their service. Thank you , Emerald, for your riveting account of events. We have our work cut out for us!
Excellent excerpt! I will read the book. I watched hours upon hours of the hearings where people testified the shenanigans they experienced, so what really blows my mind here is the blasé attitude from the “senior Trump campaign executive.” The fraud was telegraphed even before it happened. Trump himself said the mail in ballots were a recipe for fraud. How do you maintain confidence that “everything’s fine”, especially after the 5 swing states go dark in the midst of the count- something never before seen? That’s incomprehensible to me.
I will never trust my government to hold a completely open and honest ecection.
Wow, what an incredibly detailed account of what we've always believed happened
This enrages me. And normally reputable newspapers like the Wall Street Journal still uses terms like "Trump's unfounded lies about election fraud" in stories (few, and mostly on the editorial page) when it writes about the 2020 election. WSJ lectures us on how vulnerable (i.e. limited prospects) Trump supported candidates are, and that he should not be interfering in the primary process. Instead, they are the election deniers.
Just ordered the book. Thank you, Emerald!
Astonishing. But we knew this must’ve taken place in numerous counties. So it begs the question, will we ever have a legitimate election again? Or perhaps more accurately, have we ever had one?
I am firm believer Trump’s popularity overwhelmed their insufficient cheating schemes in 2016. So they pulled out all the stops for Babbling Biden. Who believes they’ll suddenly play fair ...ever?
Politics has always been a low down dirty business but this was more than stealing an election.
This was in fact a staged and planned coup to takeover this government and everyone who stood to gain was in on it.
We’ve had our country taken from us plain and simple??
Any Republican who claims there is no evidence of a rigged/stolen election is in on the steal. This includes the likes of Liz, Cocaine Mitch, Mittens, etc. One by one these people will be voted out. Real republicans know the truth!
I will never trust my government to hold open and honest elections.