How do we reconcile Kushner's claim that his generation will be the first to live forever or the last to die with Trump not being involved in whatever TH is going on in the world? Clearly, Kushner is delusional. We all have a shelf life. No one gets out alive. We are not biological machines. Whatever they upload to the cloud will not be human or alive or conscious.
Seriously, woke NASA can't manage to launch their spiffy new Artemis rocket, but we're all going to join the borg hive mind in a decade or two?
Peter Navarro is articulate and speaks honestly. Every family seems to have a rotten egg: Kushner. Never trusted him or Mnuchin. Some truth to the saying about keeping friends close and enemies closer. Another great piece, Emerald. Thank you.
Yowza! A blistering attack of Kushner and others, Emerald. Good for you, and thank you for your valuable insight and opinion. The bottom line is that we know you do your homework.
Re Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens accused of him of being a major profiteer of gun-running.
Who woulda thunk the greedy, underhanded Kushner ( another sell-out to the CCP?) would turnout to be such a royal ingrate- after Trump pardoned his father.
Also, Kushner is sounding like Kellyanne Conway's idiotic, backbiting husband. Conway also offers sharp criticism of Kushner in her book, as his constantly working to sabotage her work for President Trump.
Thus the conundrum: 1) Trump clearly motivates the base. Without him, the GOP goes nowhere 2) Trump continues to make bad personnel decisions. Can't live without him / can't live with him.
Ever since Navarro has been giving a simple guy like me in AZ this information about Kushner in the month of August, I’ve noticed a barrage of emails, texts and appearances by him. Like he’s trying to win us over. The shithead sold us out for his gain. We are all human including Trump. Trump is awesome. We’d be losing w/o him. We have chance with him. Please DJT dump Kushner from this point forward!
I really have a hard time embracing Kushner in any way shape or form. I simply never trusted him and after reading this, it seems my intuition was spot on.
I am thinking this was done on purpose to wake up folks who are still asleep to what is really going on. What better way than to have derision and back-biting during Trump's term and to air the dirty laundry now. I don't think this is hopium on my part but I do see a real strategy developing here. The timing is perfect with everything else going on.
I had misgivings regarding Trump at the beginning. I overcame them due to the endorsement of a popular conservative pundit. But this article is reawakening those concerns if Trump doesn’t completely overhaul his administrative choices. Assuming we actually overcome the communist coup that overthrew him last time.
One the one hand I thought Trump was a really smart guy HOWEVER he has sure made some BIG mistakes. The stories about his son-in-law Jared Kushner going behind his back. Surely he was informed about that but evidently did nothing. Strange?
JaVanka was beyond a major mistake. They should have stayed in NYC. I doubt President Trump agrees which is a big problem.
How do we reconcile Kushner's claim that his generation will be the first to live forever or the last to die with Trump not being involved in whatever TH is going on in the world? Clearly, Kushner is delusional. We all have a shelf life. No one gets out alive. We are not biological machines. Whatever they upload to the cloud will not be human or alive or conscious.
Seriously, woke NASA can't manage to launch their spiffy new Artemis rocket, but we're all going to join the borg hive mind in a decade or two?
I appreciate Navarro calling them out.
Does President Trump understand how this worked?
He seems so confident in recommending Jared's book.
President Trump doesn't which is a big problem.
Peter Navarro is articulate and speaks honestly. Every family seems to have a rotten egg: Kushner. Never trusted him or Mnuchin. Some truth to the saying about keeping friends close and enemies closer. Another great piece, Emerald. Thank you.
That’s just one of several great big failures of Trump including his family so prominently in the White House.
Still need to vote him in regardless for they are small problems comparatively speaking.
The country is down to its last struggling heart beats,
Actually we very well may be experiencing the death throes of once, great and mighty nation.
Corruption like a cancer eat the country up from the inside out.
That cancer of course is represented by all those currently in charge of the government and all its connecting organizations.
In that list are all the civilian corporations and companies that are being enriched by the transfer of wealth from the middle class to themselves.
The 1% have already increased their wealth by one trillion dollars since the pandemic or since Obama installed Biden.
So few leaders put “America first”. So many corrupt grifters!!
It's human nature. Everyone has evil within them. Some suppress it better than others.
Yowza! A blistering attack of Kushner and others, Emerald. Good for you, and thank you for your valuable insight and opinion. The bottom line is that we know you do your homework.
Re Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens accused of him of being a major profiteer of gun-running.
Who woulda thunk the greedy, underhanded Kushner ( another sell-out to the CCP?) would turnout to be such a royal ingrate- after Trump pardoned his father.
Also, Kushner is sounding like Kellyanne Conway's idiotic, backbiting husband. Conway also offers sharp criticism of Kushner in her book, as his constantly working to sabotage her work for President Trump.
I've always admired Peter Navarro.
Thus the conundrum: 1) Trump clearly motivates the base. Without him, the GOP goes nowhere 2) Trump continues to make bad personnel decisions. Can't live without him / can't live with him.
Ever since Navarro has been giving a simple guy like me in AZ this information about Kushner in the month of August, I’ve noticed a barrage of emails, texts and appearances by him. Like he’s trying to win us over. The shithead sold us out for his gain. We are all human including Trump. Trump is awesome. We’d be losing w/o him. We have chance with him. Please DJT dump Kushner from this point forward!
I really have a hard time embracing Kushner in any way shape or form. I simply never trusted him and after reading this, it seems my intuition was spot on.
Hello Emerald,
Why aren't you on Truth Social? I would think it would be the perfect platform for you to post whatever you want.
Substack is better, but ambitious authors use every available outlet. But that ambition also tends to dilute the messages.
Emerald needs a podcast....
I am thinking this was done on purpose to wake up folks who are still asleep to what is really going on. What better way than to have derision and back-biting during Trump's term and to air the dirty laundry now. I don't think this is hopium on my part but I do see a real strategy developing here. The timing is perfect with everything else going on.
I had misgivings regarding Trump at the beginning. I overcame them due to the endorsement of a popular conservative pundit. But this article is reawakening those concerns if Trump doesn’t completely overhaul his administrative choices. Assuming we actually overcome the communist coup that overthrew him last time.
Thanks Emerald. Been reading you for a while. Just subscribed. I hope you continue to get the support you need.
I always buy Navarro’s books. He always seemed like a real straight shooter and I like his style.
...when does treason produce traitors?
One the one hand I thought Trump was a really smart guy HOWEVER he has sure made some BIG mistakes. The stories about his son-in-law Jared Kushner going behind his back. Surely he was informed about that but evidently did nothing. Strange?