Another GEM from Emerald. Folks, please paste the link to this article all over the FOX youtube and Twitter channels. People need to be armed with the TRUTH.
I hope so!! FOX is crap. Hope it craters. So disappointed in Tucker. He was the last one I had faith in. Voter fraud is the only issue that matters. Everything emanates from that. We wouldn’t be in the terrible, and dangerous, position we are in if Trump was still in power
I live in Ventura where the attorney poll-watcher witnessed shredded ballots during the Newsom recall.
I knew in my gut the result was fixed, not that I had any confidence otherwise. California is where election fraud was polished and perfected before they inflicted it on the country.
FYI, immediately after securing his phony victory Newsom declared mail-in ballots be sent to every registered voter permanently. Sickening.
Yup. 2020 saw my rural, historically "red" town turn "blue" on CA's voter map. I said "BULLsh*t!" I know my neighbors and there's no way you drive through a town full of Trump flags, but everyone voted for Biden??
Thanks, Alex. I'll take "sh*t that never happened" for $1,000.
I'm registered "Independent", and have reached out to the local Republican Women's group, before the Newsom recall. They couldn't be bothered with my questions. In fact one email response was "Who are you? What do you want to know and why?" when I emailed saying I'm registered Independent but would like to hear your recommendations on the candidates running in the recall of Newsom.
My reply - "Pfft. Never mind. Sorry I bothered you. Thanks"
The Grand Old Party isn't as "grand" as they think they are.
Oh, one more thing.... we all know Lindsey Graham is a swamp creature. I rarely listen to anything he says, but on accident when it happens, and IF LG is sounding tough ("heads will roll"), the only thing that ever rolls is my eyes. His sabre rattling weapon is a "Peter Pan toy sword". God Help us. Thankful for this platform where the truth can shine out!
Fuckin A Emerald! Another great, accurate read. If we could get you and Laura Logon together, we would have a world changing network! Keep up the great work.
Great Read! I get tired of writing the same intro in the comments section but its true. Fox News Sucks !! I cant wait for Bret Baier to get what's coming to him. He can join Chris Wallace in the Unemployment line.
Fox is clearly on board with the uniparty for some reason much to the chagrin of their viewers. FCC and other regulatory threats certainly are concerning. But I think they also perceived Trump as a serious threat to their media empire. However, what I can't get over with the uniparty is why they sacrificed the Senate. Ok, they ceded the POTUS election steal to the Dems, but why not fight back in the GA senate runoff? What deal to McConnell make to sell out the country?
That was not the plan. Both parties conspired to dump Trump in 2020 but the Dems broke the deal and "stole more" in various states. McConnell even warned in November 2020 that if John James was cheated in the Michigan race he would refuse to seat his challenger.
Wow, Emerald, first I've heard of this! If this is true, it is as big (if not bigger) than 2,000 mules! Some of the mules were Republican operatives? Makes sense if the ultimate goal is the destruction of the US for the CHICOMs and tech oligarchs with the WEF.
I stopped watching FOX right after election…but sometimes watch Tucker because he seems to be the only one who CAN point out the corruption…like how the Feds were in on J6. I saw Catherine on Tucker (at least he had her on)…and knew she wasn’t allowed to mention the movie! We’re all getting our information from other sources…like Emerald Robinson!
I just signed up after this great article. I don't understand the part about Lou Dobbs who, at least now, has a great podcast and mentions the rigged election all the time.
Great job, as always Emerald. I believe that any true conservative really takes these ‘conservative’ networks as what they are; news shows. They are all following their own narratives and I hope the people watching realize it. Keep telling the REAL story so there’s at least ONE Conservative VOICE letting us know the TRUTH! 🇺🇸
This is perhaps your most important post to date, Emerald. 2017 and the 'media' were in complete TDS. Rush came on his show after a vacation and said(paraphrased) "Ladies and gentlemen, I turned off mainstream media a few days ago and I have never had more peace." I followed his example - including Fox - and felt the same.
Very grateful for you and the rest at the Stack telling the truth!
Unfortunately, it is too late for Fox at this point. It will go the way of CNN and CNBC not because their show hosts are not eloquent, but rather because it betrayed its audience, and, even more important -- and don't forget this, Fox betrayed America.
I fired Fox shortly after 2020 election, they are dead to me!
Same Here. Will Not allow it on at my house. EFF Them!
Another GEM from Emerald. Folks, please paste the link to this article all over the FOX youtube and Twitter channels. People need to be armed with the TRUTH.
Now that's a fantastic idea!
just started doing that ;)
I hope so!! FOX is crap. Hope it craters. So disappointed in Tucker. He was the last one I had faith in. Voter fraud is the only issue that matters. Everything emanates from that. We wouldn’t be in the terrible, and dangerous, position we are in if Trump was still in power
After Election Day on 2020, I never watched Fox News again. I got rid of cable for good, there’s nothing worth paying for…
That's a great start - now convince your friends and colleagues to do the same. Be an influencer yourself. We must win back our country.
I live in Ventura where the attorney poll-watcher witnessed shredded ballots during the Newsom recall.
I knew in my gut the result was fixed, not that I had any confidence otherwise. California is where election fraud was polished and perfected before they inflicted it on the country.
FYI, immediately after securing his phony victory Newsom declared mail-in ballots be sent to every registered voter permanently. Sickening.
Yup. 2020 saw my rural, historically "red" town turn "blue" on CA's voter map. I said "BULLsh*t!" I know my neighbors and there's no way you drive through a town full of Trump flags, but everyone voted for Biden??
Thanks, Alex. I'll take "sh*t that never happened" for $1,000.
I'm registered "Independent", and have reached out to the local Republican Women's group, before the Newsom recall. They couldn't be bothered with my questions. In fact one email response was "Who are you? What do you want to know and why?" when I emailed saying I'm registered Independent but would like to hear your recommendations on the candidates running in the recall of Newsom.
My reply - "Pfft. Never mind. Sorry I bothered you. Thanks"
The Grand Old Party isn't as "grand" as they think they are.
Not a coincidence the Supreme Court ‘leak’ happened on the same day as 2000 Mules premiere
Oh, one more thing.... we all know Lindsey Graham is a swamp creature. I rarely listen to anything he says, but on accident when it happens, and IF LG is sounding tough ("heads will roll"), the only thing that ever rolls is my eyes. His sabre rattling weapon is a "Peter Pan toy sword". God Help us. Thankful for this platform where the truth can shine out!
Fuckin A Emerald! Another great, accurate read. If we could get you and Laura Logon together, we would have a world changing network! Keep up the great work.
Working on it....
...teaser alert!!!
Emerald had Laura on her show recently which was a fantastic interview.
Great Read! I get tired of writing the same intro in the comments section but its true. Fox News Sucks !! I cant wait for Bret Baier to get what's coming to him. He can join Chris Wallace in the Unemployment line.
That's damn right.
Fox News is asshoe
And so much for Tuckers “we can say what we want on this show”. Not.
Fox is clearly on board with the uniparty for some reason much to the chagrin of their viewers. FCC and other regulatory threats certainly are concerning. But I think they also perceived Trump as a serious threat to their media empire. However, what I can't get over with the uniparty is why they sacrificed the Senate. Ok, they ceded the POTUS election steal to the Dems, but why not fight back in the GA senate runoff? What deal to McConnell make to sell out the country?
That was not the plan. Both parties conspired to dump Trump in 2020 but the Dems broke the deal and "stole more" in various states. McConnell even warned in November 2020 that if John James was cheated in the Michigan race he would refuse to seat his challenger.
Wow, Emerald, first I've heard of this! If this is true, it is as big (if not bigger) than 2,000 mules! Some of the mules were Republican operatives? Makes sense if the ultimate goal is the destruction of the US for the CHICOMs and tech oligarchs with the WEF.
I stopped watching FOX right after election…but sometimes watch Tucker because he seems to be the only one who CAN point out the corruption…like how the Feds were in on J6. I saw Catherine on Tucker (at least he had her on)…and knew she wasn’t allowed to mention the movie! We’re all getting our information from other sources…like Emerald Robinson!
I just signed up after this great article. I don't understand the part about Lou Dobbs who, at least now, has a great podcast and mentions the rigged election all the time.
Keep it up Emerald!
Fox News canceled Lou Dobbs' show after Dobbs kept talking about voter fraud!
I miss Lou so much! He was the highlight of day. Once Fox got rid of Lou, I got rid of Fox.
I did the same thing but you can listen to Lou's podcast each day. It's only an hour long but he is still the same Lou and I try to never miss a show.
So do I. Watched him everyday. He's great❤
Great job, as always Emerald. I believe that any true conservative really takes these ‘conservative’ networks as what they are; news shows. They are all following their own narratives and I hope the people watching realize it. Keep telling the REAL story so there’s at least ONE Conservative VOICE letting us know the TRUTH! 🇺🇸
This is perhaps your most important post to date, Emerald. 2017 and the 'media' were in complete TDS. Rush came on his show after a vacation and said(paraphrased) "Ladies and gentlemen, I turned off mainstream media a few days ago and I have never had more peace." I followed his example - including Fox - and felt the same.
Very grateful for you and the rest at the Stack telling the truth!
Unfortunately, it is too late for Fox at this point. It will go the way of CNN and CNBC not because their show hosts are not eloquent, but rather because it betrayed its audience, and, even more important -- and don't forget this, Fox betrayed America.