I took the “vaccine” because I thought it was a vaccine(of course I am in the medical system so I would have lost my job). Since then I can’t go up a flight of stairs without feeling like I’m passing out. Did not take the booster. What a disaster.

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I feel for you madjack, you got coerced, but my wife is a doctor who questioned the vax, refused the vax, fought against the vax, spoke up and spoke loud for EVERYONE, and she was punished(still trying to take her license, ruing a GREAT medical career) not just the establishment, but her colleagues came with blood in their eyes. So I feel for you, my guess is, you knew those who fought against the vax, and I must ask, "did you fight with them or against them?"

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There are ways to get your body back to normal. Check out Dr. Mercola's website. There are supplements that you can take to purge your body of the toxins from the jab.

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Get on the FLCCC website - they have just published a post-vaccine injury protocol - you can also schedule a telemed visit with the thousands of doctors who are working with FLCCC. This is treatable. https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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https://covid19criticalcare.com/ FLCCC has new post-vaccine injury protocol

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Nurses with purses

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My son who was forced to get the vax at one of our nation's service academies to graduate, had chest pain and an abnormal EKG subsequently. God knows what else down the road. The spike protein is a toxin.

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Steven- Retired Navy Family here- checking in on your son to ask how he is doing?

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So far, so good. How long the spike protein takes to be metabolized by the body remains an open question. I discuss this in my book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Pandemics, if you ae interested. Thanks for asking.

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Last year my former son-in-law, a 46y.o. letter carrier, died in his sleep sometime after proudly taking the second shot. My daughter reports he posted on FB his frustration with unmasked/unvaccinated public he was often required to interact with. Little did he know the jab was poison plain and simple.

All for a virus with a 99.87% recovery rate. 🤦🏻‍♂️

And thank you, Emerald, for your faithful service of keeping us informed. We all appreciate it immensely.

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Luke so sorry for your loss- absolutely criminal 😞🙏🏻

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I like to remind people that recovery rate is of people who actually GET the virus....not everybody.

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No kidding? Wouldn’t that be the other.0003%?

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Praying for the truth to be exposed more and more. Great piece and I respect John Roberts. God bless him for speaking truth and asking the tough questions. I refuse to call it a vaccine. Like so many other things, liberals label things the opposite of what they really are to deceive. The vaccine was just another grotesque example. So many have suffered. Thank you for your brave reporting.

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Up until now apparently, John Roberts (and his mean-spirited wife) have been complicit in the lies and the cover up. That's not journalism. Emerald is the real deal.

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For me, not shot = no chest pain. I am also prone to anaphylactic shock and so I knew better. This is why mandating these jabs across the board is insane. The various cruise ship incidents alone, along with the Israel data have proven the shot, mask combo do not work. God gave me a great immune system and Im riding with it.

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Emerald, great post like always. Just watch FOX for an hour and almost all the ads are connected with Big Pharma, or US Government ads showing kindly white-coated doctors telling you to get the clot shot! For the most part, FOX is part of the problem, not the solution!

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Spot on once again Emerald. As a health coach and researcher I am seeing so many alarming changes in my client base blood work. I added D Dimer and many inflammatory markers as well. The Providers are scoffing at patient questions about the vaccine of course. What else can they do as they were the biggest advocates (vax pushers) for the jab! When Dr Malone says these vaccines are leaky and should not be taken, folks need to listen. If you have not seen this sweet girls story please consider watching and then tell me these jabs are safe (only 8 minutes): https://www.aflds.org/videos/post/protectthechildren-the-story-of-emma-burkey/

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I lost my job at CBS Television because I would not be coerced into complying even though I was working from home. These media companies need to be called out before they mandate more shots and bamboozle the public. My story:


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"It is Trump's fault," will be the approved narrative within the next year as more evidence shows vaccines were a failure for all, and for many others, worse. "Because Trump pushed the FDA and drug companies to move fast, they created a vaccine and approved it before it was safe. He cannot be elected in 2024!." It's so obvious, I feel silly even writing it.

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You are assuming that by 2024 “everyone will know”. This will get exposed but it will take catastrophic numbers to expose it that quickly - while there could be catastrophic numbers, their percolating under the surface to be diagnosed in the future.

This is going to be like Tobacco - it will take quite a bit of time for the medical community to admit this. And it will be exposed via the grass-roots docs, communities/neighbors talking to each other (outside social media, MSM, etc.) IE do not rely on the MSM to pick this up - ever.

Meanwhile, the FDA, CDC, NIH will continue experimenting on the public using the same pathways they used for this debacle.

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I agree that long term impacts are likely to be much worse. I am talking here though of the politics. The left will do anything it can to keep Trump from winning in 2024. If it means abandoning their love of vaccines to take him out, they will do it. They will blame Trump and hope 50.01% of the voters will agree.

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The vax is a tool to advance power via compliance. Seems unlikely they would give it up that easily to defeat PDJT. They’ve (elites of both parties) had decades of proven success in primaries and national elections with their regular tools: the MSM, Tech, Election Dis-Integrity (ballot boxes, absentee voting, vote by mail, etc.), racial animus, escalating violence, etc. So they’ll go with these before throwing their beloved vax under the bus.

They could also allow Trump one more term - thinking they can mop up after him in 4 years. (Although he’d have to pick a running mate they didn’t fear, ie not DeSantis). What they can’t allow is the Trump movement - that’s why the primaries are so f-ed up.

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Love him or hate him, he did have a hand in pushing this death shot. Just sayin......

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If he had not pushed the vaccine, it would have been much worse for him. I do not believe that he ever intended for the vaccine to be mandated for the entire population. Rather, it was only supposed to be given to "high-risk" groups.

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He did what everyone expected him to do at the time

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And there in lies the problem. He shouldn't have done what everyone expected - that was how he governed his first 3 years - why change in the last year when he had to know that C19 was released in large part to get him out of office. They couldn't impeach him and they knew that there was no way he would lose unless there was some major event that could turn the tides on him. As a leader, he should have done the opposite of what they expected him to do. Don't get me wrong - I know why he did it. He thought that if he could rush the fix to C19 out, he'd be a hero and get re-elected but the DemonRats had already unleashed their plan to steal the election. It was a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.

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You got that right.

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I don’t think he even knew how bad it was going to be, but I believe he was caught between a rock and a hard place - push for the vaccines or keep us locked down for years and years. I think he took the lesser of the two evils.

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Agreed. Also, don't forget he never agreed with mandating the vaccine. You can blame the absolutely wicked democrats for that.

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I voted for him twice, push come to shove, I'd vote for him again. However, my opinion of his character would be improved if he would flat out admit that the vaccine he promoted was not what he thought it was. I do not think his ego, or those he trusts, would allow him to speak that truth. It is what it is and we, as a nation, are pretty much screwed.

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Why, he gets the blame for everything else

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Will the sheeple buy it though? Probably, they seem to be stupid enough.

Imagine, they got injected with some Ultra MAGA shit...that’s just too funny. Stupid mud bloods.

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Despite all the pressure, I have never been vaccinated nor tested for Covid, I believe I did have Covid though back in Feb. 2020, was sick for over a month with Covid symptoms, but no problems or sickness since. Natural immunity has always been the best immunity, but the media and the Government actively tried to hide this fact too. It was easy for me since I am retired and was not required to be vaccinated to keep my job. But members of my family, friends, even those who were not forced to take the Jab, did so anyway and despite their ill health and repeat Covid infections since being vaccinated, still actively defend their choice to be vaccinated and don't want to be around me since I am unvaccinated. Being vaccinated has become a cult! Even people who have lost loved ones after they were vaccinated, refuse to acknowledge any connection between the vaccine and the destroyed health of their loved ones!

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My 31 year old son passed away this past December after receiving the 2nd Covid jab that was mandated by his employer. He had a massive heart attack caused by a blood clot (occlusion) in his left descending coronary artery. He complained of shoulder pain and back pain like some of the comments listed here. Our family is broken forever, we are living in a nightmare. This boy had a wonderful life and had so much to offer the world. Do not get vaccinated, tell everyone you know. There are evil people all around us that only care about profit at our expense.

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I'm so sorry, Jim.

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So sorry for your loss...so tragic. I pray your hearts will mend

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I'm so sorry for your loss. This never should have happened.

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The injuries are driven by corrupt government. The media, like most of us, survive at the pleasure of the government, so we shouldn't be too hard on those who submit to oppression. It's just survival, and when survival is threatened, everyone becomes mean. The solution is to replace the government. That begins November 8th. Tell your friends.

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I wish I could be as optomistic as you are about November 8th - they stole the last election and got away with it so what makes you so sure it won't happen again this November??

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I keep saying the same thing in comments. Doing the same things over and over expecting change... No one has fixed, done anything to the election system except show what they did, guess what, they'll do it again. If they do it again I believe we'll see revolution 2.0.

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If they do it again, when you know they'll do it again, means you weren't smart enough to learn from the first one. Cheat me once, shame on you. Cheat me twice, shame on me.

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Oh dear me, I'm so stupid. David Watson, congressional fixer!!!!!! What have you done? Did you fire off some letters??

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I agree.

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They stole it because we weren't paying attention -- we allowed them to steal it. Lesson learned -- pay attention, don't allow cheating.

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Millions of us WERE paying attention. We knew it was going to happen and watched it in real time.

However, nobody with any power wanted to prevent the steal. And it's looking like they still don't.

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If you think you have no power, you don't. Surrender never wins.

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If you weren't paying attention, of course you lost. Mindlessness never wins.

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Apathy is our most serious pandemic.

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Thats my point, no one has done jack!!! Thats up to congress and or law enforcement, not you and I.

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Congress and law enforcement are our employees. If they don't do jack, its because we haven't done jack. If you wait for others to take care of you, you'll often be disappointed.

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Again you're chastising others for not doing anything. So you fixed all the voting problems? Wow, you are a liar!

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I'll correct my comment -- it's because YOU haven't done jack.

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Not in Commifornia. I put my ballot in the paper shredder. It’s pointless.

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California used to be rational and honest, fairly recently. It will be again, but not if rational and honest people surrender. Fundamental law of the universe is you gotta fight for what you want.

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I agree with you…to a certain point. I’m jaded. I’ve seen first hand the direction Commifornia has gone (a retired deputy sheriff of 23 years) with no end in sight. The Leftist politics are so ingrained in this state, it would take years, if not a decade to turn the tide. I’ll never surrender. But after nearly 59 years in this once “free” state, I want to live the rest of what’s left of my life around sane human beings. It will take pain and suffering for most people to understand what they’ve lost.

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Not sure where you'll find those sane people. Any place that's mostly sane now might not be next year. It's always best to protect what you have. Civilian life is pretty much like law enforcement -- you make do with what you have.

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Sane is definitely NOT a middle aged woman, with FIVE different colors of short cropped hair wearing a “Down With Putin” pin. There’s lots of this on the left coast, outside of San Fransicko. Just when you think you’ve seen it all. Life IS stranger than fiction.

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They're everywhere.

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Hospital RN for 30 years. Blessedly was able to avoid the shot with a granted religious exemption. Would have taken the forced firing otherwise. THE HOSPITALS ARE FULL AND OVERFLOWING WITH "VACCINE" INJURIES. I am wondering when this is going to be talked about. I am fairly sure that most doctors and nurses that I work with are not admitting or acknowledged this in any way. My head is spinning from these last 2 years and the moral distress has been just unreal.

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WOW! This is truly a BOMBSHELL! The Tsunami of death and injury from the 'SHOT' begins. Such a devilish scheme. Frighten the pants out of the public with COVID COVID COVID and then force the 'SHOT.' What perfect way to make a bioweapon hit its MARK. Every. Single. Time. Government - MSM - WEF (Globalists) are all complicit.

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Great post Emerald. One thing that was left out is that OUR President, DJT, not only oversaw this rush the vaccine out to the public but was still pushing it last year AFTER a lot of this information came out. Don't get me wrong, I wish that he was sitting in the Oval office now but he was also part of the problem. A lot of people beleive that C19 was released on the world so that the SWAMP rats could steal (literally) the election from Trump. He was doing great things for our country and this was the only way they could even attempt to change the tide. That said, he did not have to allow this RUSH to the jab happen. He could have stopped it but I think his ego got in the way and he thought that maybe, just maybe, he could be re-elected if there was a rush cure that turned out to be anything but a cure. This is where Trump lost me. Deep down he knew the election would be stolen from him so why did he go along with rushing this poison shot out to the masses??? Until he can explain that, he needs to step away from the political limelight. Yes, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. ALL bear some blame for pushing this death shot but so does our once great leader DJT.

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He was never for forcing it on anyone. I think he believed in what the “experts” were telling him. I don’t think he should be promoting it either, but at least he gave people a choice and was never for mandating it.

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Trump never intended for the entire population to be jabbed.

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I appreciate your keeping the light shining on FOX corruption. Too many think they're "the good guys." Maybe better than CNN but that's a pretty low bar.

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Let's be real honest - NONE of the big media are "the good guys". That includes NewsMax too. For one, they pushed out an awesome WH Correspondent and they too took money from Big Pharma to "push the death shot"! They all SUCK!!

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