Per Kennedy’s The Real Anthony Fauci, he populated the CDC and FDA review panels with folks on the payroll of one or more of the pharmaceutical companies. No independence or authenticity, just bought votes. Repugnant is not nearly strong enough when the result of their corruption is loss of life. Real people with real families and real relationships…dead. I wonder how they sleep at night. And don’t they see that that there are vistas beyond this temporal horizon? They must not think they have souls, otherwise they would heed the warning embedded in the rhetorical question: “What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”

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Bravo for speaking aloud the reality that is not permitted to be spoken, Emerald!

Check out how Puerto Rico health insurer MMM created a perfect case-control study demonstrating the inefficacy of the injections vs. natural immunity:


When they were prohibited from firing uninjected employees, they set up the vaxxed in one building and the unvaxxed in another. Lo and behold, the vaxxed suffered a COVID outbreak, and the unvaxxed are just dandy!

For anyone who wants to review an arsenal resources demonstrating the injurious and frequently fatal consequences of the global mass vaccination pogrom (including its mapping to the 10 Stages of Genocide), see my “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

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The "vaccines" (which are not actually vaccines at all) are the pandemic. These shots have nothing to do with public health.

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"People are not dying from the vaccine." -Donald Trump

Clearly, either it's all fake news and they're still alive, or they weren't really people! Donald Trump would never lie or tell us to take a deadly injection! He's our pal!

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I agree Russ. Trump lost me when he came out supporting the BOOSTER. I'm done with him.

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I love Trump as the change agent, and he is right so often. In this case; however, either the "science" got pulled over his eyes, or he has trouble admitting a wrong path.... or both?

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The jab is a poison death shot. It's the mark of the beast. Each and every one of us must choose who we will serve. God has given us all free will to make that choice. Choose wisely my friends.

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When this issue appeared on my radar screen, I thought I might prepare by rereading Albert Camus's The Plague. I read that in an upper division European Literature class entitled "Proust to the Present." and reread it last year. But, this is a much different kettle of fish. What we now have is a species of quasi human-fish who feed off favor of government by being adept at dancing to the latest steps and moves of the insider to stay in favor

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Another great article. Objectively compelling and so important for all to read and become educated by, whether vaxxed or unvaxxed. Bottom line, we’re all in this together and it’s resource-based information/ data, such as you have documented here, that allows us all to see the truth regarding these vaccines and potential of vaccine injury… or worse. Thank you.

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My brain accidentally (?) read your last line as "Are we about to enter a very dark winter in the *DEMONIC* West?" Amazing how our brains can fill in the blanks...

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