Mechanical, lever voting machines. You vote in-person, on the day. No exceptions. At least for the next two presidential cycles. They've discredited the whole system.
IMPORTANT, Emerald - You need to interview Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of Truth the Vote- workhorses of "2000 Mules". Phillips reported to Patel Patriot via recent interview that PEOPLE WILL FORGET all about the Mules- after their EXPLOSIVE news upcoming in about 6 weeks. Gregg Phillips said that EVERYTHING You thought you knew about elections will be completely shown to be FALSE. He said it involves top of federal agencies, multinationals and multibillions$$ and goes back for years! Phillips indicated that he and Englebrecht could be in danger. He was quite clear that this WILL be revealed and IS EXPLOSIVE. He talks with Trump frequently, and Catherine talks with Trump even more often.
And still we hear, “There’s no evidence” from those in the media - it’s unbelievable. Then there are those who say, “Look ahead, not behind.” What’s it going to take??
I'm not trying to sound sarcastic, but more and more people believe the election has been stolen. So when are we going to see significant change happen and arrests being made? Otherwise, people will just say, "Yeah, I knew that." and throw up their hands in helplessness.
Trump’s overwhelming popularity in 2016 “trumped” their cheat machines. HRC was never supposed to lose. Hence 4+ yrs. of Demobcrat rage and obstruction while they cranked up the fraud factory for 2020 including plandemic of nationwide mail-in drop boxes, hackable electronic voting devices, mules,ballot-stuffed suitcases, Mob Smear Media pump primed for propaganda and voilà, absurdly victorious dementia patient with a ridiculously excessive vote tally.
Keep everyone honest: paper ballot, in person, on election day, hand counted, live streamed and filmed. No more machines. Great job, Emerald! There are Patriots rooting for you and the others who have bravely researched and spent countless hours to remedy the fraud.
Our republic is teetering on the brink. We have an opportunity to restore it, or to lose it. The current government is colluding with entrenched bureaucracies and their propagandists to overwhelm us, and we're allowing it to happen. A few are fighting it, Lara, Emerald, Dinesh, and others, but we're still losing as the rest of us sit and watch in stunned disbelief. As Emerald closes her posts with, we need your support. We can't be shy, and polite and diplomatic, and win. Maybe we'll get lucky, like winning a lottery, and everything will work out on its own. Probably not. Victories come from fighting harder than your opponents. It's nature's way.
Shutdown all electronic voting. Voting should be all paper and votes should be counted at the local level and live streamed.
Mechanical, lever voting machines. You vote in-person, on the day. No exceptions. At least for the next two presidential cycles. They've discredited the whole system.
Yes they have. Consider the possibility that it's been going on since 2002 as well.
It's best to use paper. Counted at the local level and live streamed.
Voting should be all paper and votes should be counted at the local level and live streamed.
I hope the American citizens are paying attention. Trumps loss has revealed a treasure trove of deceit.
Trump was like a flashlight in the dark of the Washington swamp.
IMPORTANT, Emerald - You need to interview Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht of Truth the Vote- workhorses of "2000 Mules". Phillips reported to Patel Patriot via recent interview that PEOPLE WILL FORGET all about the Mules- after their EXPLOSIVE news upcoming in about 6 weeks. Gregg Phillips said that EVERYTHING You thought you knew about elections will be completely shown to be FALSE. He said it involves top of federal agencies, multinationals and multibillions$$ and goes back for years! Phillips indicated that he and Englebrecht could be in danger. He was quite clear that this WILL be revealed and IS EXPLOSIVE. He talks with Trump frequently, and Catherine talks with Trump even more often.
This would be a great, great interview!!!!!
I forgot to mention that Gregg Phillips said the evidence about this explosive revelation is absolutely "irrefutable".
Agree. Thank you. 2000 Mules is excellent. More to be revealed.
The last part of Laura Logan's trailer was perfect:
We no longer have elections;
We now have [s]elections.
And still we hear, “There’s no evidence” from those in the media - it’s unbelievable. Then there are those who say, “Look ahead, not behind.” What’s it going to take??
Well we have Johnny Dip Shit and Amber Turd to take our attention from what’s IMPORTANT.
Yeah, the really big news! 😂😂
And the Queen's jubilee too. 🙄
Yeah - vapid Sandra Smith of FNC.
I'm not trying to sound sarcastic, but more and more people believe the election has been stolen. So when are we going to see significant change happen and arrests being made? Otherwise, people will just say, "Yeah, I knew that." and throw up their hands in helplessness.
And the other side is counting on that.
According to Dinesh D'Souza, the arrests are starting to happen:
Arizona, Wisconsin - hopefully Georgia will be next!
We have some small fry people getting arrested. Someone coordinated this. Hopefully we'll get people to turn on them and expose them.
Well, typically, the head falls once the body supporting it crumples.
Keep Pressing! People are waking up and smelling the coffee Emerald!
Trump’s overwhelming popularity in 2016 “trumped” their cheat machines. HRC was never supposed to lose. Hence 4+ yrs. of Demobcrat rage and obstruction while they cranked up the fraud factory for 2020 including plandemic of nationwide mail-in drop boxes, hackable electronic voting devices, mules,ballot-stuffed suitcases, Mob Smear Media pump primed for propaganda and voilà, absurdly victorious dementia patient with a ridiculously excessive vote tally.
Keep everyone honest: paper ballot, in person, on election day, hand counted, live streamed and filmed. No more machines. Great job, Emerald! There are Patriots rooting for you and the others who have bravely researched and spent countless hours to remedy the fraud.
I second what you said. Thank you! Thank you, Emerald, you are a National Treasure!
Outstanding, Emerald, and thank you for the links to each documentary.
Our republic is teetering on the brink. We have an opportunity to restore it, or to lose it. The current government is colluding with entrenched bureaucracies and their propagandists to overwhelm us, and we're allowing it to happen. A few are fighting it, Lara, Emerald, Dinesh, and others, but we're still losing as the rest of us sit and watch in stunned disbelief. As Emerald closes her posts with, we need your support. We can't be shy, and polite and diplomatic, and win. Maybe we'll get lucky, like winning a lottery, and everything will work out on its own. Probably not. Victories come from fighting harder than your opponents. It's nature's way.
All the knowledge in the world does not change the fact that the US was stolen AND REMAINS STOLEN.
I just wish someone in the media, fox and Newsmax included that would run these and support them, instead of blowing them up
EMERALD...DON'T MISS THIS 2ND AMENDMENT STORY....Recent Mass Shootings Magically Timed as SCOTUS Ready to Rule on Reversal of Gun Rights. -
I don’t know if I can wait till July 16. I want to see more right now. TY.