Rep. Matt Gaetz of FL educated the public on TV last week on what determines who the Speaker will be. Some commission makes the determination based on how much money the candidate has provided, and McCarthy brings in lots of contributions. Therefore he will probably be Speaker. If that is true, we face a bleak future, with another Boehner/Ryan as Speaker. The best person for Speaker needs to have a strong backbone, and he has to be able to use, and make, House rules that can give desired results. One big giant step would be to establish serious punishment for lying to Congress. Democrats would probably be silent for 2 weeks before they could manage to talk and tell the truth. My preference would be Jim Jordan.
Because McCarthy is a Marxist Globalist Uniparty RINO and hates America First. You give him a pass and he will become Speaker. This will be forgotten by November. McCarthy needs to be replaced now! He shouldn't be the Minority Leader. Also Marxist Globalist RINO Romney Crime Family Member Ronna McDaniels shouldn't be running the RNC! She hates America First and is Uniparty. Why endorse her?
He had lots of support in terms of donations people on social media the rallies. He would’ve had more if he wouldn’t have supported lockdowns and Anthony Fauci.
In 2020, fauch was the most loved man in the world. If Trump fired him, he would have been impeached AND convicted. The lockdowns were the governors, not the president. Based on what we know now, we should have done many things differently. That hindsight wasn't available in 2020. The question now is whether we'll have the collective integrity to make things right. I'm guessing we won't. Things will need to get much worse before we'll be willing to reform our sick society. I'm guessing they will.
Yes massive mistake and led to the massive cheating in 2020 Election. Should have never put Marxist Globalists Pence in charge. Also his Marxist Globalist JaVanka had their hands all over the mess. My feeling is they were totally happy with what went down with the 2020 Election.
Depends on the outcomes in November. If we elect more RINOs, Mccarthy gets reelected. If we elect honest leaders, Jordan is more likely. I'd prefer they elect DeSantis as speaker, and go for immediate impeachment of Joe and Kam. DeSantis could be president by the end of January. Then the house can pick any speaker they like.
McCarthy along with Mcconnell both denounced President Trump on the floor of Congress shortly after January 6 accusing him of incitement when there had been no investigation or evidence of such. They deserve to be stripped of their leadership positions if the country is lucky enough to have the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party kicked out of power in the Congress. When will the republicans learn from Obama’s admonition to his acolytes to :”Bring a gun to a knife fight!”?
Bravo Emerald! Expose the RINO’s! Could use your help to expose more at where I am trying to coordinate the patriot movement. Please take a look. Thank you.
I watched everything that happened on Jan. 6, 2021 on CSpan. Here's what McCarthy said after Congress reconvened: “This was the saddest day I’ve ever had as a member serving this institution...We should not just raise the issue but work together to solve the problems. Now is the moment to show America we can work best together. By coming here today to complete the work we were sent to do we are proving that our democracy cannot be disrupted." His words tell us a lot about where his real sentiments lie. They didn't go there that morning to count the votes, but to have a debate. Yet, when they returned after the interruption, they were ready to count the votes. Don't ever forget that there were duplicate sets of electors there from the six battleground states. Trump would never have wanted those debates to be interrupted. Biden was the real winner, adding much evidence to the theory that the break-in was a false flag.
Rather sickening how many in D.C. are more worried about their own skin than American Law and Justice. President Trump never incited any violence and we all saw the videos on that day. The only violence was a false flag set up by the same politicians that conspired for their real insurrection of our Federal Elections. Many of these Rhino's so desperately want the federal contracts just like the rest of Congress. Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Schiff, Biden's, Clinton's, Obama's have been handing out no-bid contracts to family and friends for decades, dishing out billions to Ivy league schools for the most ridiculous "studies", knowing this is favor to come right back to them in the form of campaign donations. IT IS ONE BIG PONZI SCHEME WITH FEDERAL FUNDS, FOLLOWING THE SAME FORMULA AS THE ROCKEFELLERS THIS IS HOW THE ROCKEFELLERS GOT CONTROL OF THE BANKS, AND GOVERNMENTS., VIA FEDERAL SUBSIDIES, THIS IS WHY WALLSTREET HAS FOLLOWING AND TOWED THE LINE, FOR LEGAL, REGULATION, AND SUBSIDIES. We have to elect people that will reverse the laws that allow this usurpation of our wealth in America. The OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET IS A PATHETIC JOKE.
Assuming there's enough election integrity to get a Republican majority in the House after the midterms, how do we prevent "Speaker McCarthy" from becoming a reality?
I'd prefer to think that Trump has been taking his 'vacation' time to assess his true loyalists...not that there's that many in DC to consider. Assuming that he gets back in, I think we can expect a housecleaning of epic proportion.
Great article! Sad that Trump can’t or won’t see what a scumbag McCarthy is. Trump is really bad at endorsements, political appointments, hirings.
Rt.Wing,what makes you think Pres.Trump doesn't know what a piece of crud McCarthy is?
Donald doesn't have to give away all his suspicians and out right knowledge!
Rep. Matt Gaetz of FL educated the public on TV last week on what determines who the Speaker will be. Some commission makes the determination based on how much money the candidate has provided, and McCarthy brings in lots of contributions. Therefore he will probably be Speaker. If that is true, we face a bleak future, with another Boehner/Ryan as Speaker. The best person for Speaker needs to have a strong backbone, and he has to be able to use, and make, House rules that can give desired results. One big giant step would be to establish serious punishment for lying to Congress. Democrats would probably be silent for 2 weeks before they could manage to talk and tell the truth. My preference would be Jim Jordan.
Here! Here! agree......... and "Boehner/Ryan = a barf fertilizer mix!
He said recently he still supports him. What other way is there to interpret that?
You can't change cult members minds. I support President Trump but not on the Jabs, Virus Task Force and forgiving backstabbers that can't be trusted.
McCarthy is Turtle McConnell. There one in same. Both Globalist Marxist RINOs. They hate America First and are Uniparty to the Max!
Trump keeps what he wants to close to his vest.AND ,why would he want to start a big bru-haha at this stage in the game?
Because McCarthy is a Marxist Globalist Uniparty RINO and hates America First. You give him a pass and he will become Speaker. This will be forgotten by November. McCarthy needs to be replaced now! He shouldn't be the Minority Leader. Also Marxist Globalist RINO Romney Crime Family Member Ronna McDaniels shouldn't be running the RNC! She hates America First and is Uniparty. Why endorse her?
He sees. But electing the speaker isn't up to him.
He could his influence to elect a different speaker.
Many didn't notice, but he never had much influence with the establishment in the last term. That's our fault for not giving him support.
He had lots of support in terms of donations people on social media the rallies. He would’ve had more if he wouldn’t have supported lockdowns and Anthony Fauci.
In 2020, fauch was the most loved man in the world. If Trump fired him, he would have been impeached AND convicted. The lockdowns were the governors, not the president. Based on what we know now, we should have done many things differently. That hindsight wasn't available in 2020. The question now is whether we'll have the collective integrity to make things right. I'm guessing we won't. Things will need to get much worse before we'll be willing to reform our sick society. I'm guessing they will.
Of course it is fool.
US Constitution, Article 1, Section 2. "The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker" Fools don't know that.
Yes massive mistake and led to the massive cheating in 2020 Election. Should have never put Marxist Globalists Pence in charge. Also his Marxist Globalist JaVanka had their hands all over the mess. My feeling is they were totally happy with what went down with the 2020 Election.
Totally agree!! Jordan would be a great leader and MTG could be “the whip” with a real whip preferably!!
Depends on the outcomes in November. If we elect more RINOs, Mccarthy gets reelected. If we elect honest leaders, Jordan is more likely. I'd prefer they elect DeSantis as speaker, and go for immediate impeachment of Joe and Kam. DeSantis could be president by the end of January. Then the house can pick any speaker they like.
Proverbs 11:3 If you do the right thing, honesty will be your guide. But if you are crooked, you will be trapped by your own dishonesty.
Haha Emerald! Awesome. They all gotta go…McCarthy, McConnell, and all the other RINOs. Never trusted any of them.
McCarthy along with Mcconnell both denounced President Trump on the floor of Congress shortly after January 6 accusing him of incitement when there had been no investigation or evidence of such. They deserve to be stripped of their leadership positions if the country is lucky enough to have the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party kicked out of power in the Congress. When will the republicans learn from Obama’s admonition to his acolytes to :”Bring a gun to a knife fight!”?
If WE do our job, they'll learn in November.
Bravo Emerald! Expose the RINO’s! Could use your help to expose more at where I am trying to coordinate the patriot movement. Please take a look. Thank you.
McCarthy wreaks of creepy and slimey! He must be stopped
I watched everything that happened on Jan. 6, 2021 on CSpan. Here's what McCarthy said after Congress reconvened: “This was the saddest day I’ve ever had as a member serving this institution...We should not just raise the issue but work together to solve the problems. Now is the moment to show America we can work best together. By coming here today to complete the work we were sent to do we are proving that our democracy cannot be disrupted." His words tell us a lot about where his real sentiments lie. They didn't go there that morning to count the votes, but to have a debate. Yet, when they returned after the interruption, they were ready to count the votes. Don't ever forget that there were duplicate sets of electors there from the six battleground states. Trump would never have wanted those debates to be interrupted. Biden was the real winner, adding much evidence to the theory that the break-in was a false flag.
Amen! Add to the list McConnell, Romney, Sasse, Collins, Murkowski, etc. ... and you start to see why nothing ever changes in The Swamp.
And P.S. another MAJOR reason we need TERM LIMITS!
McCarthy is as much a Republican as Adam Schiff is.
Rather sickening how many in D.C. are more worried about their own skin than American Law and Justice. President Trump never incited any violence and we all saw the videos on that day. The only violence was a false flag set up by the same politicians that conspired for their real insurrection of our Federal Elections. Many of these Rhino's so desperately want the federal contracts just like the rest of Congress. Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Schiff, Biden's, Clinton's, Obama's have been handing out no-bid contracts to family and friends for decades, dishing out billions to Ivy league schools for the most ridiculous "studies", knowing this is favor to come right back to them in the form of campaign donations. IT IS ONE BIG PONZI SCHEME WITH FEDERAL FUNDS, FOLLOWING THE SAME FORMULA AS THE ROCKEFELLERS THIS IS HOW THE ROCKEFELLERS GOT CONTROL OF THE BANKS, AND GOVERNMENTS., VIA FEDERAL SUBSIDIES, THIS IS WHY WALLSTREET HAS FOLLOWING AND TOWED THE LINE, FOR LEGAL, REGULATION, AND SUBSIDIES. We have to elect people that will reverse the laws that allow this usurpation of our wealth in America. The OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET IS A PATHETIC JOKE.
When they sell out to the Globalists don't they ever think of the freedoms of their grandchildren? It is the epitome of absolute selfishness.
The term “California Republican” is forever sullied.
The description is a fantasy. And a very profitable fantasy for the weasels gravitating to the teats found in the WDC lobbyist farms.
Assuming there's enough election integrity to get a Republican majority in the House after the midterms, how do we prevent "Speaker McCarthy" from becoming a reality?
A grandiose assumption that stops the rest of the logic from condensing into sane thought.
I'd prefer to think that Trump has been taking his 'vacation' time to assess his true loyalists...not that there's that many in DC to consider. Assuming that he gets back in, I think we can expect a housecleaning of epic proportion.
Emerald, when are you getting back on twitter now that Elon owns it? WE MISS YOU!!!
Get back on it? Musk ought to hire her as the CEO!
We expect Democrats to Democrat but Republicans have been the worst traitors.