Here Comes A Recount In Colorado
Tina Peters calls for a second count in the GOP primary for Secretary of State
We are headed for a recount in the race for Secretary of State in Colorado.
The initial results of that race were astonishing: a little-known employee of Mark Zuckerberg’s private election charity named Pam Anderson took temporary leave from that position to run in the most important election integrity race in Colorado (and a GOP primary no less) as a write-in candidate — and somehow managed to win the race by 15 points (even though she trailed Tina Peters by 20 points in the polls) with no money and no visible support from Republicans.
That’s right: a no-name Zuckerberg charity stooge was the beneficiary of a 35 point polling swing in a GOP primary!
Isn’t that convenient?
Don’t forget: Colorado uses Dominion Voting System machines.
Here is Tina Peters’ official letter requesting a recount.
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The federal government’s cybersecurity agency (CISA) released a bulletin to all state election officials who use Dominion Voting System machines to alert them that nine software issues needed to be addressed immediately — because the machines were vulnerable to hacking and manipulation.
Did state election officials in Colorado bother to fix those machines before the primary races?
The Colorado county clerks I talked with last week told me: no.
Don’t forget to read my two previous articles on this race — which have now gained nationwide attention.
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Colorado Secretary of State, Jena Griswold needs to be prosecuted and LOCKED UP.
I suspect she's going to need funds for doing this recount. We should be prepared to pitch in, and not use any grifting organizations who pretend to be fundraising for her.