I suspect she's going to need funds for doing this recount. We should be prepared to pitch in, and not use any grifting organizations who pretend to be fundraising for her.

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The Democrat cabal set up for the 2020 Election will continue to steal elections as long as they are allowed to by State pay-offs, we have a corrupt DOJ and the only way to beat this is to expose it and sue the hell of them until the truth prevails, they are criminals. Zuck bucks were shown quite clearly in the 2000 Mules film that exposes a portion of what happened there is ample evidence yet we have a HOUSE AND SENATE THAT ARE BLINDED BY MONEY DONATIONS, AND THEIR OWN POCKEBOOKS, WE HAVE THE SAME WITH OUR THREE LETTER AGENCIES. It is a pathetic ponzi scheme with federal dollars going out of this country like a broken pipeline. Nothing has happened to Zuckerberg or the people who have altered the state laws to steal an election., this cabal is blatant corruption of law.

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democRat-rinoRat sElection Coup 2020, 2022, .......

Nov. 2022 sElections may not even take place. Too much is on the line for the Domestic Deep State Tyrants and their NWO Masters. Unconvential WW III is underway, It may very well go Hot before Nov. if necessary to Complete NWO Domination.

Most People of the USA still seem Oblivious to this WW Controlled Coup.

CYA, We will have to fight.

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Yes, we will have to fight if we want to keep our Freedom 🇺🇸

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Superb and continuous coverage of the fraud committed in this critical primary. Congrats to Emerald on being cited in Tina's letter that is on fire!

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I hope the recount works. The election sure AF didn’t.

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That letter is some no nonsense, well researched, well laid out and explained stuff right there. I wonder how the bots would've come at it if they had the chance, probably that hacky "Now do Trump" bullshit. I still have friends who deny 2020 fraud, but Dominion looks worse and worse and I would not want Tina coming after me.

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Em, some conservative outlets may be ignoring the Tina Peter’s story in Colorado, but we know we can count on you to keep hammering the RINOS. They survive on our indifference.

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How in the world did this candidate’s statistical analysis conclude this in such a short time regarding the mail in ballots and people filing various change of address?! I know databases exist and a simple macro can be written to analyze, but it appears to be impressive and really good work.

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True the Vote perhaps ?

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Zuckelections for the USSA! Good luck in Colorado in overcoming the Bolshevik democRats.

Here in JawGA a similar sElection occurred in the Repub Primary with the rinoRat Sec State crook "Ratsburger" reselected by 60%. No appeals of course as rinoRats control their own reelection and Covered Up their 2020 Steal for JoBama!!!

UniParty is THE Party, Comrades.

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1776 🇺🇸

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Great work, as always, by Emerald! She was on this from the beginning. It is shocking how blatant this was in spite of knowing all eyes would be on it.

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Keep shining a light on this - I hope Tina Peters is successful in getting to the bottom of this (and exposing what's going on with Dominion Voting Machines); it's the only way to have secure fair elections in November...

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Colorado is not the only state enjoying election crime; it appears that Utah and the CIA are in on the fraudulent fun! Zuckerberg, CIA, FBI, DoJ - does one need to make a distinction?!! Can you imagine the actual depth of this dark corruption? It is bottomless.


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Let's get Colorado back onto the straight and narrow. We The People can do this. Get rid of those machines! Thanks for continuing the quest for free, honest and fair elections, Emerald! Kudos!

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I just puked in my car listening to FNC Mike Emanuel report that the 2020 election was the cleanest ever and no evidence exists by this Republican study group found no evidence.

I’ll have to read the report, but I suspect they won’t reference how PA changed voting rules, Wisconsin recent ruling over drop boxes being illegal in the state and how the Supreme Court, Alito, wanted to hear PA case but Roberts the mingebag said no. I suspect they won’t reference Zuckerbucks and mailing out ballots to dead people either.

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Interesting Development today; The DA just announced he is looking at revoking Tina Peters Bond. The timing is very suspect.

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