I opined similarly on Courageous Discourse earlier today.
45 is poison to the Chinese plan for world dominance.
His America First policies will give the nation some breathing room if he makes it to the WH in spite of the RINO ESTABLISHMENT leaders like McConnell, Cornyn, Romney and Ryan. The Republican Party sold out 45 his first term. They will do it again.
People below say the "devil is at work." I say complete megalomania (ie insanity) and prodigious stupidity is at work. So they release lethal Disease X with the power to kill most of the population. Such a disease would have to be highly contagious to work. 1) Do they seriously think they can hide in their vast underground bunkers to save themselves, and that, when they crawl out of their lairs, the disease will not still be around to get them too? 2) Do they really think that people are just going to lie down and take this? I hate to tell them the bad news, but people over most of the planet are not docile anymore since economic development has brought most populations a sense of empowerment-- and entitlement. 3) The Chinese population is on a fast and irreversible downward spiral given their one-child policy for decades. Xi is just another Chinese emperor and he knows full well he could be overthrown, like the others before him. 4) Try as they will, the Feds have just not succeeded in serious gun control, and it becoming less and less likely as gun purchases have gone through the roof (for many years now).
The plans of these psychopathic oligarchs will go awry; their absolute hubris stands in the way as they neither understand history, nor, particularly, human nature. Most Americans by now are fully aware they were duped, trapped, and sentenced to death and prolonged illness due to the Pfizer injections. Why have only 6 or 7 percent of the population accepted the latest booster?
Knowledge is everything, and it is spreading rapidly, taking on a new life of its own.
I fully expect Disease X, false flags which will trigger a war, martial law and an attempt to cancel the elections.
But I am not expecting people to bow their heads and take it.
Ive heard if Trump wins, the leftist loons are going to destroy America, Ive even heard he could be killed. As for Disease X, if Ive learned anything about human nature Ive learned there are allot of sheep in this world, Im not one of them. I don't know what disease X will be but Ive heard about a cyber attack to shut everything down, I have to pray the sheep have had the sleep sheered off and they now can see the light, if we want to come out of this nightmare we will need everyone on our side to not comply with any of their crap.
Any treaty in which the United States participates in must be ratified by a vote in the U.S. Senate.
And who will be the enforcers of such dictates that were not ratified by the U.S. Senate or passed into law? The states? The counties of the states? Local governments?
If any of those states, counties or local governments do not wish to participate in such dictates from the WHO or any other entity that were not ratified by a treaty vote in the U.S. Senate or passed into law, they don’t have to do so. If these entities still decide to do so, then it is a conscious decision on their part to participate in unlawful acts. Also, note that there is no exception from these requirements due to any emergency situation.
What’s that? You say the Federal Government will then step in and take over the enforcement mechanism. In those states, counties and local governments that refuse to do so? In all of those jurisdictions the Federal Government will pick up the slack? Do you know how much resources that would take? If that was attempted, we would have a Federal Government that would be devoting 60 % of its resources on enforcing an illegal dictate. In other words, it wouldn’t be able to function.
Finally, let’s hear what the U.S. Supreme Court says about unconstitutional laws in Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886):
An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.
The pertinent question is: Will we sheeple fall for this, again? Or, will we stand up this time and say, Absolutely not?! I'm guessing most will be fooled into compliance, just like last time. There's a reason that democracy only works in an enlightened and educated population.
Emerald, spot on! The fight between GOOD and EVIL continues. Good will prevail. God is directing traffic! Resist and say NO when attempts are made to control us!
Trump's still pushing the Warpspeed beautiful injections that maim and murder. Elections are bogus. Does anyone seriously believe that Nimrata Haley got 19% in Iowa? It's fixed, folks.
Fosun Pharmaceuticals (CCP) in partnership with Pfizer / BioNTech to produce the shots and corona (bologna) PCR tests is in itself smoking gun proof of nefarious intent. We got sold down the Yellow River. Past time for a return of purchase.
My response to “Disease X”, long in the works no doubt, is: #Resist #DoNotComply #NeverForget #NoAmnesty and perhaps it is time to nuke the CCP biolab(s). Not that it would do much good because I’m sure our Deep State would move the bio agents to another lab elsewhere in the world.
Disease X will most likely be something that targets the food supply chain. Probably a cattle disease of some sort since they want everyone eating ZEE BUGZ! The Japanese tried to wipe out our cattle industry in WWII via balloons carrying a bioweapon that they floated over. Makes one wonder why Chinese balloons have been making their way across our Nation as of late...
Hitler learns the truth about the WEF’s Disease X:
excellent clip- thanks- sending it out to all I know
A classic bit of video, useful for so many purposes. Thanks.
Thank you for this report, Emerald! The devil is at work.
You are absolutely correct, Emerald.
I opined similarly on Courageous Discourse earlier today.
45 is poison to the Chinese plan for world dominance.
His America First policies will give the nation some breathing room if he makes it to the WH in spite of the RINO ESTABLISHMENT leaders like McConnell, Cornyn, Romney and Ryan. The Republican Party sold out 45 his first term. They will do it again.
MAGA rocks.
It’s very hard for my compassionate brain to wrap around, but my logical brain is nodding in agreement.
Gotta have Faith Folks!
God's in Control.
Well written Em.
People below say the "devil is at work." I say complete megalomania (ie insanity) and prodigious stupidity is at work. So they release lethal Disease X with the power to kill most of the population. Such a disease would have to be highly contagious to work. 1) Do they seriously think they can hide in their vast underground bunkers to save themselves, and that, when they crawl out of their lairs, the disease will not still be around to get them too? 2) Do they really think that people are just going to lie down and take this? I hate to tell them the bad news, but people over most of the planet are not docile anymore since economic development has brought most populations a sense of empowerment-- and entitlement. 3) The Chinese population is on a fast and irreversible downward spiral given their one-child policy for decades. Xi is just another Chinese emperor and he knows full well he could be overthrown, like the others before him. 4) Try as they will, the Feds have just not succeeded in serious gun control, and it becoming less and less likely as gun purchases have gone through the roof (for many years now).
The plans of these psychopathic oligarchs will go awry; their absolute hubris stands in the way as they neither understand history, nor, particularly, human nature. Most Americans by now are fully aware they were duped, trapped, and sentenced to death and prolonged illness due to the Pfizer injections. Why have only 6 or 7 percent of the population accepted the latest booster?
Knowledge is everything, and it is spreading rapidly, taking on a new life of its own.
I fully expect Disease X, false flags which will trigger a war, martial law and an attempt to cancel the elections.
But I am not expecting people to bow their heads and take it.
Ive heard if Trump wins, the leftist loons are going to destroy America, Ive even heard he could be killed. As for Disease X, if Ive learned anything about human nature Ive learned there are allot of sheep in this world, Im not one of them. I don't know what disease X will be but Ive heard about a cyber attack to shut everything down, I have to pray the sheep have had the sleep sheered off and they now can see the light, if we want to come out of this nightmare we will need everyone on our side to not comply with any of their crap.
Any treaty in which the United States participates in must be ratified by a vote in the U.S. Senate.
And who will be the enforcers of such dictates that were not ratified by the U.S. Senate or passed into law? The states? The counties of the states? Local governments?
If any of those states, counties or local governments do not wish to participate in such dictates from the WHO or any other entity that were not ratified by a treaty vote in the U.S. Senate or passed into law, they don’t have to do so. If these entities still decide to do so, then it is a conscious decision on their part to participate in unlawful acts. Also, note that there is no exception from these requirements due to any emergency situation.
What’s that? You say the Federal Government will then step in and take over the enforcement mechanism. In those states, counties and local governments that refuse to do so? In all of those jurisdictions the Federal Government will pick up the slack? Do you know how much resources that would take? If that was attempted, we would have a Federal Government that would be devoting 60 % of its resources on enforcing an illegal dictate. In other words, it wouldn’t be able to function.
Finally, let’s hear what the U.S. Supreme Court says about unconstitutional laws in Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886):
An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.
The pertinent question is: Will we sheeple fall for this, again? Or, will we stand up this time and say, Absolutely not?! I'm guessing most will be fooled into compliance, just like last time. There's a reason that democracy only works in an enlightened and educated population.
Emerald, spot on! The fight between GOOD and EVIL continues. Good will prevail. God is directing traffic! Resist and say NO when attempts are made to control us!
If any of our elected representatives were doing anything but cya they would be proclaiming these things loudly and incessantly.
Trump's still pushing the Warpspeed beautiful injections that maim and murder. Elections are bogus. Does anyone seriously believe that Nimrata Haley got 19% in Iowa? It's fixed, folks.
Fosun Pharmaceuticals (CCP) in partnership with Pfizer / BioNTech to produce the shots and corona (bologna) PCR tests is in itself smoking gun proof of nefarious intent. We got sold down the Yellow River. Past time for a return of purchase.
My response to “Disease X”, long in the works no doubt, is: #Resist #DoNotComply #NeverForget #NoAmnesty and perhaps it is time to nuke the CCP biolab(s). Not that it would do much good because I’m sure our Deep State would move the bio agents to another lab elsewhere in the world.
God, I wish you weren’t right. It’s obvious they aren’t letting Trump back in. I wonder why people in the CIA and FBI want this though
Disease X will most likely be something that targets the food supply chain. Probably a cattle disease of some sort since they want everyone eating ZEE BUGZ! The Japanese tried to wipe out our cattle industry in WWII via balloons carrying a bioweapon that they floated over. Makes one wonder why Chinese balloons have been making their way across our Nation as of late...