Excellent forensic reporting. The simple solution is to ban all electronic voting machines in America. Paper ballots only, independently verified, hand counted with independent count verification. All ballots must never leave the chain of custody. Of course none of this will ever happen, especially in blue States.

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It’s already happened in Arizona, this is just the first domino.

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Hopefully it will hold up, I expect to see lawsuits upon implementation.

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Dominion already said that they expect to go bankrupt from all the negative publicity. Well deserved IMO.

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You mean Christmas (or celebration of choice here) will come early this year??

A dream come true, but we know it won't happen before the next election, or could we be that lucky?

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You would be surprised what is happening behind the scenes.

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Please keep us informed, as we will never hear about it through msm, which I don't watch anyways. You give me hope!

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I would like to believe that, but unfortunately, have you ever seen how a rhino stacks dominos? They have sensative feet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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My God Em, that was a good one. Scary shit.

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Excellent journalism.

So when liberals complain about Diebold, it's ok. When conservatives complain about Dominion, it's legally actionable. Of course.

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Thanks for linking to Black Box Voting. The entire website is excellent reading. Anyone who thinks the voting machines aren't being used for vote fraud should read Bev's material.

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Wow, the little Cabal of Machine makers, very interesting. TIME TO BAN ALL VOTING MACHINES

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This trail is too hard. I have a headache from reading it twice. It's like the Abbott and Costello routine "Who's On First Base" but that was at least funny.

Thanks for sharing this history. I'm going to take some aspirin now.

Danny Huckabee

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Wow! Just WOW! I had so many questions that have now been answered. This is why I PAY FOR THIS SUBSCRIPTION! Thank you Emerald for digging so deep for truth.

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"Election Day is now dominated by a handful of secretive corporations with interlocking ownership, strong partisan ties to the "far right", and executives who revolve among them like beans in a shell game." Was "far right" a typo? Otherwise, great article, interesting to know where it all came from. Praying we can get rid of the machines before our country is completely destroyed.

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It’s not a typo. The reference to “far right” was a quote from a left wing organization during the Bush administration.

Don’t forget, up until 2020, when MSDNC-watching leftist drones finally realized how their creepy candidates were managing to win elections despite being wildly unpopular, the propaganda on the left had all of them convinced Karl Rove and Dick Cheney owned Diebold and were fixing elections for republicans.

In 2020 the left finally realized the cheating was in their favor because when the uniparty wins they win.

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thank you for the clarification, I will have to go back and read it again, just did not get the proper context the first time around.

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remember, "far right"means : not totalitarian communist

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Understand that, but the article was about voting machines being rigged to favor the left, not to support those of the far right, believe that was meant to say far left

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“Election Day is now dominated by a handful of secretive corporations with interlocking ownership, strong partisan ties to the far right, and executives who revolve among them like beans in a shell game.” If this is true why do the election cheats seems to favor democrats? Also, California might have banned Diebold touch screen voting machines but we have others in use here now. However, we are doing everything possible to get rid of all voting and tabulating machines before the 2024 election.

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They are one Uniparty in DC. There is little difference in a RINO and a Dem; they are all for one and one for all, as long as they are enriched and empowered. The rest of us are mere peasants in their minds.

Two things would go a long way to recovering our free and prosperous country:

1) Paper ballots and only one day of voting, with a valid ID;

2) Strict term limits for elected swamp critters. Like, one term kinda term limits.

But neither of those things will happen until We the Peasants MAKE them happen.

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Great research! Once you see what lurks

behind the curtain, you can’t un-see it.

More and more folks are learning that fair elections are incompatible with black box voting, and blatant cases of massive, voter fraud, like the Arizona governor’s race,

make it impossible to ignore.

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Now that's some serious history background there, thank you for sharing this information.

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Once again, stellar work and research, Emerald. Shell games by terrible, awful, crooks continue even today! More than ever, we need to return to PAPER BALLOTS. Add VOTER ID. Throw away the machines. Our founding fathers would want us to return to simpler methods. Thank you for your meticulous job! Kudos!

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I am so grateful to you for your digging and reporting what you find. I love Tucker and when he was ripped off the air I said at least we still have Emerald to keep us informed of the truth!

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"If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it!" Mark Twain

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Time to awaken to reality! As Mark Twain famously said: "If voting mattered, they wouldn't let you do it!"

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I lived in Omaha for decades, and did not know ANY of this! (Also had a very good friend who spent most of his career at Kiewit...he doesn't know any of this either, I don't believe!)

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