Our Lord warned His disciples, "See to it that no one deceive you!" Oh how we need discernment with our compassion for our own needs and the needs of others...
Problem is, does dr. Moore see this article? Toxic compassion is now in vogue. We see it all the time around the world. A couple of refugee or a different race is not a problem but wait until they reach a certain critical mass. Then it starts. They settle only among themselves were previously they were kind of scattered. That forced them to integrate with the local population. Once critical mass has been reached, no reason to learn the local language, gangs, they get their own ammans in , they sit around and bitch about the country. Discontent follows
"Critical mass." Detroit, anyone? Minneapolis? (I still live in Minnesota [for around 4 more months till I retire and get out] and I don't go to the twin cities anymore unless I absolutely have to [e.g., to visit one of my church members in a hospital]).
Yet another facet of the glinting insanity that is burgeoning across Western Civilization. Dr. Moore is a coward so he uses his influence to normalize cowardliness. Evil exterminates cowards.
My dear Ms. Robinson. Have you forgotten of how evil the Jewish presence in the United States is, or do you think the ACLU and the SPLC are simply misunderstood?? More Americans have died because of our association with Israel (Including the 9/11/2001 disaster) in the last 50 years than any other reason. "God's chosen people" my ass.
Funny, my Bible says Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were God's Chosen people. Not sure if you caught the point of today's post, but the irony of your statement is almost rich to the point of insanity. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics. Christians follow the Word and the Word is God's law. Please stop spreading your hate here. It's hurtful to those who are Jewish *and* Christian and I come here to feel *less* alone in a fallen world. God bless you. I hope you find peace.
Funny, my Bible says Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were God's Chosen people.
Where in the bible does it say Jews are the chosen people? I believe this is a myth created by Hollywood Jews. And for the record it was the Jews who could not tolerate Jesus's message so they demanded the Romans kill him. So, the irony of your point is beyond rich to the point of idiocy. To say this country was built on Judeo-Christian ethics is to ignore reality. There is no hate here, these are facts. You know who your oppressors are by who you cannot criticize. Do you not think it's hateful when Jews in America incessantly use a broad brush smear of all white Christian Americans as White Nationalist Nazi's? Who is spreading hate here? It's organizations like ACLU, ADL and SPLC, that's who.
WHERE in The Bible have you ever read that Jesus was a Jew?? Jesus came to save the Jews (a lost cause) but NOWHERE does The Bible say that Jesus was ever a Jew. Jesus was apolitical. Besides, since when is telling the truth an act of hate, such as the Jews ONLY worship money or is it my imagination that the wealthiest parts of any town are all controlled by Jews.
The Bible says nothing of the sort. The Bible says "Salvation to ies through the Jews," but what does that mean? All I know is that biggest criminals in world history are Jews.
Yeah, because Ted Bundy was Jewish (murdered dozens). Chairman Mao was Jewish (murdered millions). Stalin was Jewish (murdered millions). Castro was Jewish (murdered hundreds of thousands). Pol Pot was Jewish (murdered millions). Genghis Kahn was Jewish (murdered untold numbers). The Spanish Inquisition and Witch Burnings were run by Jews (murdered untold thousands). Hitler was...
The Bolshevists were primarily Jewish and we don't get a unit in our schools about the Jewish implemented holocaust against Russians to the tune of 10 million!
Bolsheviks. 🙄 Yeah, read a little further and see what happened to them. They paid for their sins. Are you God you may sit in judgment, because I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
That is not what the Bible says. Genesis 12 is speaking about one man, Abraham. Israel is not referenced in those verses. It is all about Abraham. You must have read the tainted commentaries that were placed in the margins to sway the minds of people and cause them to misrepresent the scripture as you did unknowingly. The commentaries were placed there by those with less than pure intentions.
The people of Israel were chosen to carry the Christ-line. The Christ that they reject and deny to this very day.
There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian founding, that is just more propaganda in order to insert themselves into our founding when they had nothing to do with it. You will never find Jews establishing a nation for anyone outside of themselves. We have an example of what they do with a nation that was handed to them...it becomes an ethnostate.
I have personally read the letters between Adams and Jefferson discussing the fact that they did not want the Jews to come to America because of their banking and usury practices that made Europe a mess. Adams relented, based on the religious liberty concerns, and caved to say they could come. Now they are here, infiltrating our government to benefit Israel to the detriment of Americans. The Communism they developed will not be far behind. Americans are in debt to them as predicted! So much for the concern of their usury practices! These are provable facts both biblically and historically and it has nothing to do with hatred. The most hateful thing a Christian can do is withhold from preaching the gospel to Jews. Yet they have outlawed the gospel from being preached in Jerusalem. Although they are happy to take the billions of dollars each year in holy land tourism from Christians! They are happy to have Americans die fighting their enemies! They are happy to receive billions in the military that we pay for them!
I spend a good deal of time in religious discussion groups and invite you to join one to witness as they trash America, Americans and their savior, Jesus. hey say some of the most vile comments you could imagine. It is obvious we are hated by all foreign nations, including Israel. If you look hard enough on Youtube you will find Benjamin Netanyahu trashing America and calling us the new Rome. You know, the Rome that sacked their temple and leveled it? Two thousand years later and that is his opinion of Americans, even after World War 2! He recently made a statement that they were abandoned by everyone during the holocaust. What a short memory they have.
Speaking truth is always offensive to someone, and I won't stop speaking it. Even when they pass laws to make it unlawful to criticise them as though any group should be exempt for ALL criticism. If you point out a truth you will be deemed a Hitler. That's simply radicalized speech and totally bonkers.
First, you need to know Israel more than pays us back for our military largesse. Israel develops many of our weapons systems. Without them, we wouldn't have won Desert Storm. One internet search would tell you as much.
Second, as far the rest, Deut. 14:2 For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
1) Anything that Israel does for us would be paid for. Israel doesn't give us anything.
2) post war information about scud missiles revealed they were so inaccurate it was comical. Do a YouTube video on the generals talking about the zero percent accuracy.
Lastly, the phrase in Deut 27-30 God clearly lays out the result from obedience to the stipulations of the Mosaic covenant and curses that will result from disobedience Leviticus 26. It was a conditional contract and one that Israel breeched.
The entire Bible is about the coming Messiah. Not a guidebook of a racial supremacist cult. The begats and begottens in the text are the genealogy of the Messiah. It is not about a entire chosen race. The Christline was goal. After he arrived, there is no more need to focus on flesh. His spiritual kingdom is in force today and we don't need to continue to track the genealogy of a coming Messiah. There is no Jew or Greek, male or female or bond or free in spirit. That's the entire point of the Bible.
You ignored and dodged every single fact I stated, and you can't out Bible me either.
Dude, you clearly have issues with Israel and the Jews and I'd like to not leave here with ugly, because God doesn't like ugly. You know what else He doesn't like? Arrogance. Everyone can learn something from everyone else. Christ is about loving your neighbor regardless of their perceived or real sins. That includes you, me and the Jews. May God bless you and lead you to for what you're looking. I don't want to fight. Revelation speaks of the 144,000. Perhaps that's something we can both look forward to. Peace.
Firstly, I am not a dude and you are falsely accusing me of "issues" with Israel and Jews. I speak to Jews every day and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
Secondly, I suggest you learn the difference between arrogance and confidence. As it stands you are incapable of discerning much of anything when it comes to certain topics. Mainly because you have been radicalized into thinking you will incur a curse if you ever remotely see a negative in a Jew or a citizen of Israel. That's crazy.
Thirdly, the only person that has been "ugly" is you who refuse to accept facts and factual information. You can be shown truthful information, and you glibly dismiss it because you have made a race of people a type of religion for yourself. It is bizarre.
Fourthly, I have spent the past 30 years of my adult life studying scripture, devoting myself to the quest of truth. I used to believe just like you. That's because at that time I only believed what was fed to me by pastors and people I esteemed to be more knowledgeable than me who told me what and how to think. Once I started to actually put in the work, time and effort into a relationship with God myself I was able to stop being one of the billions of deceived masses.
Lastly, I never once stated that Israel or Jews are irredeemable. However, their current view of Jesus Christ and their unbelief render them so. As Paul said they have a veil, but this veil can be removed in Christ. You should spend more of your time seeking truth instead of trying to prevent a conjured curse about criticizing Jewish people. Jews say the most vile, disgusting, horrible things about Jesus Christ, his disciples and Christians. It might do you some good to experience that. I have learned that the most antisemitic people I have met are Semites themselves. Some of them have devoted their entire lives and careers to trashing the Semite (Jesus) and his followers to be frauds, sorcerers and demonic. They say our New Testament should be toilet paper. I suggest that you come out of your bubble and join the battle of the Lord. As it is you aren't much different from them in that you are attacking Christians who are doing more than you to try to win Jews.
I left our Catholic church in 2014 when Obama authorized billions to Catholic charities to 'help re-settle migrants'. Further re-enforced when the church abided by government to lockdown during the Scamdemic while liquor stores remained open.
Thanks. I was listening to a podcast last year where a man who was or is a current member of the Vatican described the inner fight within between Freedom and Marxism. I wish I remembered his name...
Islam is not compatible with civilized societies. All one need do is look to the barbarism promoted by its false prophet whose doctrines promote violence both sexual and physical. Islam is a geopolitical movement that uses religion to spread it's message. Any religious ideology that violates its women and children without conscious is blindingly mad and should be eradicated.
It would be great if US Christian leaders would become outspoken anti-war activists instead of supporting endless wars, then virtue signalling and supporting the refugees endless wars create.
David French and Michael Moore have ruined this publication. I wouldn't waste my time picking it up. They are evil perveyors of untruth. We'll see if someone in his family gets raped or their throats sliced how he feels. These people have never lived under a structured society. They still fight amongst themselves and kill one another. How are they to function in our society?
Billy Graham surely didn't intend this publication for evil, but it is.
As I have observed for many years, the cult of "nice" will be the destruction of the USA and probably the entire West....It's an effeminate way of dodging critical issues...
Eric Metaxes writes about the end of the church and our brought about by "nice" people in the church. Just as the German churchgoers were silent as atrocities were being committed. This is no different. Eric advises to get out of woke churches. The is a chain of churches here in south Florida. A McDonalds for the churchgoer. Stand for nothing, encouraged the VAX and now say nothing about the massive invasion of our land. GET OUT!
These events should not be a surprise to the true followers of Jesus Christ. What Emerald describes is yet another example of the Great Apostacy foretold by the Apostle Paul in his Second Epistle to the Church at Thessalonica:
"Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God." [2 Thessalonians 2: 1-5]
Google how many Afghan “refugees” Biden has let in and “resettle” (gave money to) in all our states - including filling our military bases. And Obummer before him brought in even more. Our poor country.
Our Lord warned His disciples, "See to it that no one deceive you!" Oh how we need discernment with our compassion for our own needs and the needs of others...
Problem is, does dr. Moore see this article? Toxic compassion is now in vogue. We see it all the time around the world. A couple of refugee or a different race is not a problem but wait until they reach a certain critical mass. Then it starts. They settle only among themselves were previously they were kind of scattered. That forced them to integrate with the local population. Once critical mass has been reached, no reason to learn the local language, gangs, they get their own ammans in , they sit around and bitch about the country. Discontent follows
"Critical mass." Detroit, anyone? Minneapolis? (I still live in Minnesota [for around 4 more months till I retire and get out] and I don't go to the twin cities anymore unless I absolutely have to [e.g., to visit one of my church members in a hospital]).
Exactly!. I lived in Minneapolis for 20 years and left end 2018 when I retired.
Yet another facet of the glinting insanity that is burgeoning across Western Civilization. Dr. Moore is a coward so he uses his influence to normalize cowardliness. Evil exterminates cowards.
Corky, look forward to Moore (he can't be a doctor; he advocates things that are bad for humanity) having quite the miserable day on November 6, 2024.
My dear Ms. Robinson. Have you forgotten of how evil the Jewish presence in the United States is, or do you think the ACLU and the SPLC are simply misunderstood?? More Americans have died because of our association with Israel (Including the 9/11/2001 disaster) in the last 50 years than any other reason. "God's chosen people" my ass.
Funny, my Bible says Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were God's Chosen people. Not sure if you caught the point of today's post, but the irony of your statement is almost rich to the point of insanity. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics. Christians follow the Word and the Word is God's law. Please stop spreading your hate here. It's hurtful to those who are Jewish *and* Christian and I come here to feel *less* alone in a fallen world. God bless you. I hope you find peace.
Funny, my Bible says Jesus was a Jew and the Jews were God's Chosen people.
Where in the bible does it say Jews are the chosen people? I believe this is a myth created by Hollywood Jews. And for the record it was the Jews who could not tolerate Jesus's message so they demanded the Romans kill him. So, the irony of your point is beyond rich to the point of idiocy. To say this country was built on Judeo-Christian ethics is to ignore reality. There is no hate here, these are facts. You know who your oppressors are by who you cannot criticize. Do you not think it's hateful when Jews in America incessantly use a broad brush smear of all white Christian Americans as White Nationalist Nazi's? Who is spreading hate here? It's organizations like ACLU, ADL and SPLC, that's who.
WHERE in The Bible have you ever read that Jesus was a Jew?? Jesus came to save the Jews (a lost cause) but NOWHERE does The Bible say that Jesus was ever a Jew. Jesus was apolitical. Besides, since when is telling the truth an act of hate, such as the Jews ONLY worship money or is it my imagination that the wealthiest parts of any town are all controlled by Jews.
Those who bless his people will be blessed. Try it the other way, our nation will be struck down quickly.
The Bible says nothing of the sort. The Bible says "Salvation to ies through the Jews," but what does that mean? All I know is that biggest criminals in world history are Jews.
Yeah, because Ted Bundy was Jewish (murdered dozens). Chairman Mao was Jewish (murdered millions). Stalin was Jewish (murdered millions). Castro was Jewish (murdered hundreds of thousands). Pol Pot was Jewish (murdered millions). Genghis Kahn was Jewish (murdered untold numbers). The Spanish Inquisition and Witch Burnings were run by Jews (murdered untold thousands). Hitler was...
Oh, wait. None of those people are Jewish. 🙄
The Bolshevists were primarily Jewish and we don't get a unit in our schools about the Jewish implemented holocaust against Russians to the tune of 10 million!
What the hell are you talking about?
Bolsheviks. 🙄 Yeah, read a little further and see what happened to them. They paid for their sins. Are you God you may sit in judgment, because I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
That is not what the Bible says. Genesis 12 is speaking about one man, Abraham. Israel is not referenced in those verses. It is all about Abraham. You must have read the tainted commentaries that were placed in the margins to sway the minds of people and cause them to misrepresent the scripture as you did unknowingly. The commentaries were placed there by those with less than pure intentions.
The people of Israel were chosen to carry the Christ-line. The Christ that they reject and deny to this very day.
There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian founding, that is just more propaganda in order to insert themselves into our founding when they had nothing to do with it. You will never find Jews establishing a nation for anyone outside of themselves. We have an example of what they do with a nation that was handed to them...it becomes an ethnostate.
I have personally read the letters between Adams and Jefferson discussing the fact that they did not want the Jews to come to America because of their banking and usury practices that made Europe a mess. Adams relented, based on the religious liberty concerns, and caved to say they could come. Now they are here, infiltrating our government to benefit Israel to the detriment of Americans. The Communism they developed will not be far behind. Americans are in debt to them as predicted! So much for the concern of their usury practices! These are provable facts both biblically and historically and it has nothing to do with hatred. The most hateful thing a Christian can do is withhold from preaching the gospel to Jews. Yet they have outlawed the gospel from being preached in Jerusalem. Although they are happy to take the billions of dollars each year in holy land tourism from Christians! They are happy to have Americans die fighting their enemies! They are happy to receive billions in the military that we pay for them!
I spend a good deal of time in religious discussion groups and invite you to join one to witness as they trash America, Americans and their savior, Jesus. hey say some of the most vile comments you could imagine. It is obvious we are hated by all foreign nations, including Israel. If you look hard enough on Youtube you will find Benjamin Netanyahu trashing America and calling us the new Rome. You know, the Rome that sacked their temple and leveled it? Two thousand years later and that is his opinion of Americans, even after World War 2! He recently made a statement that they were abandoned by everyone during the holocaust. What a short memory they have.
Speaking truth is always offensive to someone, and I won't stop speaking it. Even when they pass laws to make it unlawful to criticise them as though any group should be exempt for ALL criticism. If you point out a truth you will be deemed a Hitler. That's simply radicalized speech and totally bonkers.
First, you need to know Israel more than pays us back for our military largesse. Israel develops many of our weapons systems. Without them, we wouldn't have won Desert Storm. One internet search would tell you as much.
Second, as far the rest, Deut. 14:2 For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Jews-As-God~s-Chosen-People
1) Anything that Israel does for us would be paid for. Israel doesn't give us anything.
2) post war information about scud missiles revealed they were so inaccurate it was comical. Do a YouTube video on the generals talking about the zero percent accuracy.
Lastly, the phrase in Deut 27-30 God clearly lays out the result from obedience to the stipulations of the Mosaic covenant and curses that will result from disobedience Leviticus 26. It was a conditional contract and one that Israel breeched.
The entire Bible is about the coming Messiah. Not a guidebook of a racial supremacist cult. The begats and begottens in the text are the genealogy of the Messiah. It is not about a entire chosen race. The Christline was goal. After he arrived, there is no more need to focus on flesh. His spiritual kingdom is in force today and we don't need to continue to track the genealogy of a coming Messiah. There is no Jew or Greek, male or female or bond or free in spirit. That's the entire point of the Bible.
You ignored and dodged every single fact I stated, and you can't out Bible me either.
Dude, you clearly have issues with Israel and the Jews and I'd like to not leave here with ugly, because God doesn't like ugly. You know what else He doesn't like? Arrogance. Everyone can learn something from everyone else. Christ is about loving your neighbor regardless of their perceived or real sins. That includes you, me and the Jews. May God bless you and lead you to for what you're looking. I don't want to fight. Revelation speaks of the 144,000. Perhaps that's something we can both look forward to. Peace.
Firstly, I am not a dude and you are falsely accusing me of "issues" with Israel and Jews. I speak to Jews every day and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
Secondly, I suggest you learn the difference between arrogance and confidence. As it stands you are incapable of discerning much of anything when it comes to certain topics. Mainly because you have been radicalized into thinking you will incur a curse if you ever remotely see a negative in a Jew or a citizen of Israel. That's crazy.
Thirdly, the only person that has been "ugly" is you who refuse to accept facts and factual information. You can be shown truthful information, and you glibly dismiss it because you have made a race of people a type of religion for yourself. It is bizarre.
Fourthly, I have spent the past 30 years of my adult life studying scripture, devoting myself to the quest of truth. I used to believe just like you. That's because at that time I only believed what was fed to me by pastors and people I esteemed to be more knowledgeable than me who told me what and how to think. Once I started to actually put in the work, time and effort into a relationship with God myself I was able to stop being one of the billions of deceived masses.
Lastly, I never once stated that Israel or Jews are irredeemable. However, their current view of Jesus Christ and their unbelief render them so. As Paul said they have a veil, but this veil can be removed in Christ. You should spend more of your time seeking truth instead of trying to prevent a conjured curse about criticizing Jewish people. Jews say the most vile, disgusting, horrible things about Jesus Christ, his disciples and Christians. It might do you some good to experience that. I have learned that the most antisemitic people I have met are Semites themselves. Some of them have devoted their entire lives and careers to trashing the Semite (Jesus) and his followers to be frauds, sorcerers and demonic. They say our New Testament should be toilet paper. I suggest that you come out of your bubble and join the battle of the Lord. As it is you aren't much different from them in that you are attacking Christians who are doing more than you to try to win Jews.
"Too Many Gullible Christians Want To Invite Muslim Terrorists Into The USA"
They're not gullible, Emerald, they're making money at it. Catholics and Lutherans, specifically, but I'm sure there are others.
I left our Catholic church in 2014 when Obama authorized billions to Catholic charities to 'help re-settle migrants'. Further re-enforced when the church abided by government to lockdown during the Scamdemic while liquor stores remained open.
No guts, no glory.
Thanks. I was listening to a podcast last year where a man who was or is a current member of the Vatican described the inner fight within between Freedom and Marxism. I wish I remembered his name...
Islam is not compatible with civilized societies. All one need do is look to the barbarism promoted by its false prophet whose doctrines promote violence both sexual and physical. Islam is a geopolitical movement that uses religion to spread it's message. Any religious ideology that violates its women and children without conscious is blindingly mad and should be eradicated.
It would be great if US Christian leaders would become outspoken anti-war activists instead of supporting endless wars, then virtue signalling and supporting the refugees endless wars create.
David French and Michael Moore have ruined this publication. I wouldn't waste my time picking it up. They are evil perveyors of untruth. We'll see if someone in his family gets raped or their throats sliced how he feels. These people have never lived under a structured society. They still fight amongst themselves and kill one another. How are they to function in our society?
Billy Graham surely didn't intend this publication for evil, but it is.
As I have observed for many years, the cult of "nice" will be the destruction of the USA and probably the entire West....It's an effeminate way of dodging critical issues...
Eric Metaxes writes about the end of the church and our brought about by "nice" people in the church. Just as the German churchgoers were silent as atrocities were being committed. This is no different. Eric advises to get out of woke churches. The is a chain of churches here in south Florida. A McDonalds for the churchgoer. Stand for nothing, encouraged the VAX and now say nothing about the massive invasion of our land. GET OUT!
I don't remember Jesus using the word "nice" either...Using a bullwhip on the moneylenders in the Temple wasn't nice....
These events should not be a surprise to the true followers of Jesus Christ. What Emerald describes is yet another example of the Great Apostacy foretold by the Apostle Paul in his Second Epistle to the Church at Thessalonica:
"Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God." [2 Thessalonians 2: 1-5]
No more refugees. No more illegals.
Thank you for bringing this goof to our attention. What a false Christian he is.
Has he adopted a Muslim family to support?
Has he opened his home to the family?
Oh, just young men? And goats, too?
More is good for Moore but not for this Christian Nationalist Veteran.
Read the f'in Koran, Moore.
Google how many Afghan “refugees” Biden has let in and “resettle” (gave money to) in all our states - including filling our military bases. And Obummer before him brought in even more. Our poor country.
I used to think it was due to "Pathological Altruism". I now think they use their pathological altruism as a cover for more sinister schemes.