Emerald you nailed it again! That "flamboyant Manhattan real estate developer" figured out how to expose the hundreds of Congressional and Executive branch charlatans who had been disguising themselves as "conservatives" for years while quietly letting the radical Left DemoCommies get away with just about everything that hardened their power as long as GOPe palms were well-greased.... Now we know that "drain the swamp" actually meant lowering the murky swamp water level so that all of its miserable slimy occupants were exposed to sunlight!

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Mar 12·edited Mar 12

President Trump operated within that system until he realized the system was going to collapse under the weight of political greed and corporate sociopathy. When he reached his senior years, he understood his grandchildren would never be able to take advantage of the system which no longer allowed the hardworking to rise from humble beginnings. You had to be insulated with obscene wealth and to his credit, he decided to do something about it. I don't like a lot of things about Trump, but I don't trust those who present themselves as perfect even more. That's why I didn't support Ron DeSantis despite living in Florida and appreciating all he did for Floridians.

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Couldn't have said it better.

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Great piece that not enough R's will see. I started asking what the GOP stood for when Dole was nominated.

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When they nominated Mitt Romney and Jeb!, I became a Conservative Independent. They haven't been serious about winning an election in years. Trump won in *spite* of the Republican Party. What national election have they won that truly mattered since Reagan? It's our fault in the end though. We went to sleep and allowed the country to run without us for 30 years. The establishment took full advantage.

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The world has devolved into a life or death struggle of facts vs fraud. It is an all out battle between those who are complete storytelling frauds trying to control the world vs. those who seek actual facts, data, science and reason. Why would any sane person believe anything coming from any government, MSM, institution or institutional figure, when they have been shown time and again to be malevolent frauds who have been wrong - either intentionally or ignorantly or both - about absolutely everything they have purported to be true?

My only hope for mankind is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. I have no faith in any governmental leaders, or a civil war, to alleviate the problems of man's present condition. This quotation from Revelation 18 is profound and enormously timely when you consider the warning to: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” “And strong is the Lord who judges her.”

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Absolutely on point. I read a few articles this week discussing the State of Washington implementing a new law creating civil penalties for "hate speech" and "misgendering." A Hawaiian Federal Judge just ruled the citizens of Hawaii have no natural right to keep and bear arms because historically, guns have *never* been allowed in Hawaii. Never mind Hawaii agreed to uphold the Constitution when it became the 50th state. That's the first and second amendment gone, but there's an even more disquieting fact underlining these decisions. Both of these rulings create rogue states which no longer recognize the Supreme Court as the final arbiter of Constitutional rights and law in America. It's all downhill from there. I don't believe we're getting out of this in any way but the Rapture or finding Christ after the Rapture occurs. I want to weep for those who don't see Russia's threats to defend Iran in the event of an Israeli strike in self-defense as the battle of Gog and Magog. It's nearly as clear as Pope Francis being the "Whore of Babylon," the Mark of the Beast as digital ID, currency and Neuralink. The only question here is timing. Is our reading of prophecy correct and we'll see this within 5 - 10 years (if not sooner) or are we missing something? Either way, my heart and mind are prepared to see my Lord and Risen Savior return. After which, we can recognize one another by saying, "He is Risen" and I'll respond, "He is Risen indeed." 🙏

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Leslie L Allen: It is my humble opinion you are a trusted "Steward of the mysterious of YHVH/God". Only a small group of followers of Christ are entrusted with what Paul calls "the mysteries God has revealed" - the secrets and hidden wisdom of YHVH/God. These are priceless truths which are only found in the revelations of the Word of God and nowhere else. [1 Corinthians 4:1-7]


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Carl, fwiw...I'm a devout Catholic but I am warning all the evangelical types out there to stop mixing politics with religion. You can already see the "Christian Nationalist" narrative being formed to use against the Right this cycle - nothing will set us back more if you make this about Christianity. You do realize that the Puritan's vision of society failed in colonial America, yes? That the more secular, open civic space Roger Williams envisioned prevailed, as it was consistent with classical liberal values and Natural Law.

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I don't believe our political goals are connected to Christianity. Our reading of the prophecy of Revelation suggests this is the end times. The globalist push for digital ID, digital currency and integrating computer chips with the human brain (transhumanism) which has already seen one successful test in Elon Musk's new Nuerolink program, is exactly what Revelation warned against. It also speaks of the push for a one world government and being forced to accept the Mark of the Beast to buy and sell.

The globalists made this about politics, not us. We're simply using God's Word for a source of solace and support as we watch all of the above prophecy come to fruition and the looming aspect of the War of Gog and Magog.

As for keeping religion out of politics, historically, you're very wrong, not to put too fine a point on it. We began to see the death throes of America with the removal of prayer from schools, courtrooms, government offices and public sector employment. The Founders were very clear on the subject. A Constitutional Republic cannot survive without the morality provided by our Judeo-Christian heritage. Our children no longer know why they're here on Earth, don't realize that without God's direction, life is meaningless, empty and fleeting. Childhood suicide has grown to epic numbers. Violence between children or on their teachers and parents have gone from nearly unheard of to so common, no one can keep track of the instances. Destroying people's property, taking over intersections in big cities to do dangerous stunts and sometimes accidentally killing their fellow criminals, attacking police officers, looting stores, rioting and arson has become ubiquitous. When schools teach minorities are victims and white people can be treated as oppressors over immutable characteristics, it creates crushed dreams, violent outbursts and zero respect for the law, lack of respect for the lives of themselves or others and/or no respect for the hard-earned property someone else sacrificed to obtain.

The answer to all of these problems is to remind our nation's youth there *is* someone who can judge and sentence them for their crimes. That there is a God and you have one life to walk in faith and grace and if you choose to throw God's gifts of freedom and individuality back in His face, you are dooming your soul for eternity. Kids today believes there's no accountability for bad behavior, because they see our leaders live this way, but the truth is the longer you separate yourself from God's love, the more likely you are to be separated from His mercy when you are suddenly torn from this life.

God bless you and keep you. My prayers are with you and yours.

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Boom. Me too. I was like, 'WTF, this is our 'best and brightest'?" Dole was always a sellout hack phony. Went on to lobby for legal marijuana I believe, lol...Some conservative.

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All the world is a stage inside the Beltway, Emerald. DC UniParty. Pork barrel spending. Shifting the deck chairs on the Titanic. The iceberg is the $34T ( and counting ) national debt. Thank you RINO'S. The gonads are in 45's camp. Mitch and Cornyn (disliked in Texas) know it. They are at the WH raiding the Diapered Muppet 's diaper supply closet.

DC diarrhea plagues the two faced RINO'S.

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Correction, Cornyn is loathed here in Texas.

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I stand corrected, Cara. You are absolutely correct. I would not cross the street to piss on his boots. Waste of good fluid.

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We are in one hell of a mess, because we have all been lazy for the last 15 years and let our elected officials run all over us and steal us blind. We are all guilty to a degree so we must stick together to throw those responsible in jail or to hell . At this point the way I see it NO one can be trusted, so I plan to fully support DJT and be ready for one serious fight. The Democrats are in too deep to turn back so we should look out for all hell to break loose around November. Folks if you aren't armed you better get busy, it's going to get ugly. God help us and bless the USA

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It appears that I will be enjoying some turtle soup this week.

By now, it's obvious that GOP is an acronym for Gang Of Parasites, whose only reason for not calling themselves Democrats is because they want to keep the two-party illusion going.

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“Why did Glitch McConnell lead a revolt of GOP politicians against their own voters the last few years?”

Because he was protecting his wife’s family’s Asian based companies called the Foremost Group and EDG Capital. He is directly or indirectly paid by both so F the American People.

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All democratic socialism (which is where the Uniparty is headed) is just communism in a party dress. As early as the 80's, true conservatives warned this was happening and the middle class still fell asleep and snoozed through the destruction of small government and fiscal responsibility until they abruptly woke and realized their way of life was gone. Once freedom has been destroyed, it's nearly impossible to get back. Look at the Soviet Union. Russians still don't know how to be truly free and continue to encourage "strong Russian leaders," a.k.a. dictators. I'm truly afraid we've waited too long and we're shadow boxing Godzilla at this point. I pray every night I'm wrong, but I'm the first to admit that even if God gave us another in a million chances, we'd fritter it away as a fallen people. Remember the source of your strength, Christians. We're going to need it.

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Great article, keep up the good work. I sent to all the GOPers I know.

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Here's my simple political philosophy as a Republican: To crush my enemies, to drive them before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women. 😃

No more reaching across the damn aisle. But that's not what they're doing today. The trying to crush us. For power, for profit? For every evil thing, most likely. Enough!

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Donald Trump is not only by comparison an honest man, he IS an honest man!

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You tell ‘em, Emerald! I don’t care how imperfect Trump is, he’s the only president since Reagan who actually cares about this country and its people. The worthlessness of the Republicans is stupefying. All most of them care about is using their positions to get rich.

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Love this piece. Thanks for your perseverance, principles, and insight.

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". . . because he was, by comparison, an honest man. "

Love you, Emerald, but he's not an honest man "by comparison". He IS an honest man. In many ways, that's been his greatest failing as a politician.

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Thank you Emerald for an excellent bottom line piece. Rotten to the core. A great early 20th Century theologian once said “you can’t reform rotten wood,” about the mainline Presbyterian Church. Hundred years later he’s looking good! I think he would say the same about our old Deep State and two party system too, which is why we need to clean house and rebuild!! Good thing Trump likes renovating and building things. Termites beware!!!

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Stupid is as stupid does. Time for DJT to the rescue. The LION will rid us of the turtle!

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Emerald, you have got to get out of DC. I think politics are over.

It is hard to see when you are in the cesspool.

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