Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Jennifer Rubin, George Will, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, Liz Cheney and the rest of the Bush-Cheney-McCain-Boehner-Ryan-Romney-McConnell Viche RINO neo-con arrogant sanctimonious elitist ruling class cabal just can't help politically ideologically shooting themselves in the head .. It's in their elitist ruling class Fake Conservative Neo-con Republican DNA

The only thing worse than an anti-American Socialist Marxist Leninist Communist Democrat is a the GOP Bush-Cheney-McCain-McConnell-Murkowski-Boehner-Ryan-Romney-Kinzenger-Kasich-Kemp-VICHE Neo-Con RINO rat-shit Traitor who allies with Communist Democrats against their own voting base constituency, against their political party and president.

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The GOP has been a globalist workhorse for 70 years. NR, American Spectator, and the rest thought they'd keep that globalism dream alive despite lost wars, immigration mayhem, and Chinese domination.

The jig is up and all those you name just didnt get the memo.

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True, it's more like 140 years. The GOP was the first socialist party to gain power in the US.That party has never been conservative and was instrumental in overthrowing the US Constitution via the 4 poisonous amendments, the 14th-17th..

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You think that National Review is a book? I read books. I just don't read rags like National Review.

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That's a MOUTHFUL of Truth you spouted. Bravo!

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You are good with names. Can't think of one you missed.

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Mona Charen, Jay Nordlinger, Arthur Brooks, Rob Long, David French, Max Boots, Tom Nichols, Most of the crew at Ricochet....and on and on and on.

My God it really is disgusting that nearly all of the so-called conservative literati were shills and grifters isn't it? I mean I really respected these people. I feel like a chump, but no more.

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We were all duped for years and years. They genuflect toward Evangelical America when it's appropriate (just to keep everything "Judeo-Christian" enough to be "Conservative") but the real goal is sending billions and billions in cash and Military Aid to their pet Middle Eastern and Eastern European clients. They will say and do anything, and side with anyone, to keep that cash flowing their way. Pure scum.

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Guilty as charged along w you

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Wellll, I was just speaking colloquially, there could be half a billion or more. Who has that kind of time and rage. Andrew did a yeoman's job of getting the list started. Gives you some sense of what kind of challenge Trump had to deal with. If he gives it another go, I hope he has more info on who might be singing from his hymnal, and who ain't.

Goldberg had complicity written all over him, didn't know much about French. Monsieur, bon voyage, peut-etre?

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I actually hosted Jonah at an event in 2014 at Hillsdale college for a non-profit I was part of, and he was great. We hung out afterwards for some adult beverages. I think it was later that year and we had another event at AEI with

Charles Murray, and again he was nice and engaging, a pure pleasure to hang out with. I was too impressed to pick up complicity, but he caught a bad case of TDS in 2015, and either it destroyed his character, or more likely, revealed the true character that was always there. My wife never took a cotton to him, so her woman's intuition was right on.

Trump was an incredible gift of God to reveal things that would have otherwise remained hidden for who knows how long. As Roger Daltrey sang years ago, We won't be fooled again!

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But not derogatory names...names that make a point.

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It'd be great if they'd shoot themselves in the head. The problem is they always seem to miss and hit Americans in the head.

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Don't br shy. Tell us how you really feel!

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Andrew, our justified bile could not be spewed any better. Bravo!

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That is a battle cry that I can get behind.

Really leaves a bad taste in your mouth doesn’t it?

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You put a lot of, a lot of people's dinner table espoused thoughts in two paragraphs. Well done.

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You win. 👏👏👏

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deletedSep 1, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson
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Man oh man. The truth in this article as well as many of these comments, all 100% on point, continue to rip my guts out. Like other commenters, 20 years ago, I really truly believed that these people were my conservative-elite intellectual allies, who had risen in the ranks to defend our freedoms and our Constitution thanks to their selfless sacrifice and intellectualism. The blinders came off for me in 2015-2016 - before Trump was elected - when I saw how apoplectic The Weekly Standard had become over his impending takeover of the Republican Party. The National Review tried to play both sides for a while and survive, but there was no hiding how they really felt. Trump's rise was like the Conservative Book of Revelations.

Remember these facts when you are searching for perspective as you read the news every day: The Neo-cons hate Trump. Deep, bitter, gut-felt hate. The Neo-cons love China. The Neo-cons love war. The Neo-cons love big government.

McCain, the man who chose folksy Sarah Palin to garner appeal from The Tea Party when running against Obama - against Obamacare - walked on to the Senate floor, with cancer eating his brain, and gave a big thumbs down as his last vote in the Senate to kill the bill that would have accomplished exactly what he ran on. These people are THIEVES and LIARS. Remember that.

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Yeah, that was the time when I jettisoned both of those rags (Nat Rev, Weekly Standard)----but the evidence I ignored for yrs out of the likes of Goldberg, Hayes, and Kristol became too much to avoid----SNARKY AS HELL----too much to put up w seeking a few nuggets of conservative truth----Alas, truth left the building long ago with all of those phonies----they couldn't hide their contempt for everyday Americans when the GOP nominee actually said that's who he cared about----

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson

"The three of them were now free to plummet into new depths of unpopularity together. The most intellectually bankrupt and vitriolic of the Never Trumpers had finally been thrown into the dustbin of history." Priceless writing Emerald!

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson

This is the most revealing insight into the evidence on the downfall of National Review with Jonah Goldberg and David French in their starring TDS roles selling us out to Big Tech. Extraordinary.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson

Hi Emerald, You are a courageous reporter/journalist. I have been following you for the last couple of years and your tweets are apt exposing the chicanery by the liberal media and the sleazy Pelosi Democrats and of course demented JOE Biden. We will, I personally will, support you fully and your right to express your opinion without any reservation. or fear. You can count on that. Please note there are millions like me who love you and your writings.Keep up the good work without fear. GOD BLESS you and your family.

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This explains Ann Coulter's past 4 years of NeverTrumpism...and now her sudden lurch to the Left. Ol Gal is getting PAID, is what it seems like. Makes total sense.

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I'm not so certain about Coulter (see my posts here), though one of her oldest dear friends is Matt Drudge. With Coulter it could be that she simply didn't understand the DEPTH of The Deep State POTUS Trump was trying to overcome and wanted him to move faster, especially on the issue of immigration and wall-building. It took POTUS Trump years to get started on The Wall because of Paul Ryan, another filthy creep. I think Coulter never realized who her true enemies were...perhaps...

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She used to sleep with Bill Maher.

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You should be "careful" with such comments unless you have verifiable proof. (Even if you're correct, sleeping with Bill Maher isn't a capital, moral, or ethical crime or misdemeanor...yet!)

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It should be

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If sleeping with Maher isn't an ethical crime, then they don't exist. But maybe you're on the payroll. I guess I should be "careful" saying that.

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Stuff it, Jerk, in the presence of your "Lord".

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Years ago I'd eagerly look forward to reading Ann Coulter's conservative snark in her latest column published every Wednesday on Human Events. Until I read her column blasting Tea Partiers for trying to primary (establishment RINO...) Mitch McConnell's re-election campaign. Coulter argued in her column that McConnell was the Best Friend we conservatives had in fighting against king zero's and the Dems' open borders policies. That was the last column by Coulter I've ever read. She's been dedd to me ever since.

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Biden fan now.. Ann Coulter says Biden ‘had the balls’ to withdraw from Afghanistan — unlike Trump

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Once a whore......

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson

The Weekly what? The cruise ship magazine run by Captain Krystol?

Like much of the GOP, Conservatives, Inc. has a price and many have sold their souls.

Big Tech and the Dems play checkers, a game of annihilation, while the GOP plays chess, a game of maneuver, which the feckless GOP thinks is the same game since it is all played on the same game board.

The Long March Through the Institutions continues, the Gramscian Damage accumulates. If you had any doubt, the debacle in Afghanistan proves that point. We can no longer fight a major war, and our enemies know it now.

The GOP THINKS it is fighting back because its leading members truly do not understand what is taking place. A few do. Most are there in D.C. only to build generational wealth, and in that they are successful.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson

In my humble opinion, Jonah Goldberg & Rich Lowry have been Deep State Never Trumpers. Really enjoyed you article, isn’t it disgusting how people revert to personal attacks against anyone that doesn’t revere their every word. Emerald, I commend you for your reporting and journalistic integrity.

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I stopped reading NR articles after the execrable Milo Yiannopoulos hit piece. I didn't like what Milo said about underage sex. But he was NOT encouraging pedophilia. He was telling about his own life. The hit piece, primarily driven by Goldberg and NR, was terrible. I just wish Victor Davis Hanson would stop writing there. He gives the magazine a patina of credibility it does not deserve.

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Hanson DOESN'T write for them anymore. They just pay to run his syndicated column. They perpetually misrepresent his association with them because they fear losing even more people.

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Just slightly off topic: Does it bother anyone but me that the justifiably highly respected VDH never write about and therefor implies he doesn't recognize the implications of the stolen election for president in 2020?

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“And I truly believe had there been a fair vote count, and I don’t want to say this as a partisan, but a fair vote count according to the rules established by the state legislatures, Donald Trump won that election.” - Victor Davis Hanson (interview with John Anderson)

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VDH quit NR a year ago. You must be thinking about Andrew C. McCarthy?

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Thanks for the like. I didn't know that about VDH. Makes me feel better.

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What you say about Conservative Inc's think tanks and magazines applies equally to most supposedly Conservative politicians. They are more than happy to help manage the decline of our Republic as long as their prospects don't get dimmed in the process.

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That’s why term limits are needed. Apply the same term limits as the President of the United States.

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Term limits? Just OUTLAW lobbying. The parasites won't even hang around for 2 seconds if they can't line their pockets. Getting rid of the District of Corruption "sugar" is the answer. Term limits will absolutely follow as a natural consequence of cutting off their money.

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They will just call it "consulting" or "advising" etc. etc. You cannot legislate away corruption, you need men with moral fiber to attack corruption unceasingly.

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This is so sweet! Schadenfreude on steroids. To think that NR (and the sadly pathetic WSJ editorial page) was my introduction and education in conservatism. I even subscribed for over 30(!) years, and stopped the day I got the anti-Trump issue. I used to respect those guys so much, and now couldn't respect them less. Now I know they lied to me for years, and pretended they were actually conservatives. What a joke, and everyone who doesn't suffer from TDS knows it.

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I gave up NR when it went NEVER TRUMP in 2015.

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There was an obvious ethnic bias behind the never Trumper philosophy. I do not know the reason or rationale though. Maybe they believed it was more intellectual to be anti-Trump and anti-deplorable even though the opposite is the reality.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson

Love it. Keep the light on Emerald. Thanks

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The Trump intermission has allowed the conservative base to take a hard look in the mirror and sort the soldier from the traitor. This article may be the seminal moment that separates the conservatives intellectuals from the leadership of the movement. Thank God if so. This article is groundbreaking.

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NO! It was ME who "ground-broke" it after the #NeverTrump edition of NR in Feb. 2020!

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Any conservative with working brain cells could tell the NR just like the Heritage Foundation sold it's soul to the left years ago. I was a member of both groups until the lies and dribble coming from their newsletter smacked of narcissist just like the Democommies. Patriots we are surrounded by commie enemies in DC. Don't trust any of them.

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They were always about mass offshoring of U.S. jobs, U.S. capital investment, and U.S. invention-innovation even to hostile foreign competitors such as China. They loved immigration and population replacement. Despite their self-propaganda to the contrary, they were never about what's best for this nation or Western Civilization.

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Sep 1, 2021Liked by Emerald Robinson


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Everybody has to stop with the death wishes.... (and I INTENSELY DISLIKE JONAH so I am not playing defense for him).

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Their influence at Fox News (especially on Bret Baier's show) explains quite a lot.

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