I am all for abandoning ERIC, limiting (or eliminating) mail-in and drop-box voting and cleaning up the voter rolls. But as long as we have electronic tabulators and voting machines that can be hacked and pre-programmed, election fraud will continue. Hand counts by precinct under video scrutiny is the only way we will have any semblance of election integrity.

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Our elections are doomed until we “outcheat” them. The second we do they will screech for “election integrity “!! As usual Trump is correct embrace mail in ballots.

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Thank you Emerald for bringing this to light. You are a patriotic and fierce defender of the truth.

This is a spiritual battle, and I pray for you every day.

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Yo Ken Paxton! I think we have some evidence to chase!

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Name a truthful Democrat. Now, name a Democrat voter who wants truth.

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Thanks for this important information....I would like to see a so called Clearing House of Information we can access regarding the methods, the devises, the clandestine organizations etc. that we need to be aware of and make sure that we make famous or infamous...

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“Non-partisan”= bullshit. The evil corrupt democrats and RINOS must be constantly policed. Lying election thieves.

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Rhode Island is a very corrupt democratic state. IMO. Privacy laws don’t apply to this?? I wonder why the house representative is stepping down in June.

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Mark Suckabird is a crooked SOB, he should be investigated as much a Trump has been.

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"Surprise, surprise, surprise, Sergeant Carter!"

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How is it most states run tight lottery programs but can not count live legal voters ?

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"This groundswell of resistance has created a panic in the corrupt corporate media too. That should tell you everything you need to know."

It did.

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Many thanks for clarifying the “how” ! I was aware that there were many problems with ERIC but no one has laid out what the problems actually involve. I’m composing a letter to my governor immediately.

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We should change our name to the Divided States of Corruption. The country is run by trash.

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I'm afraid my state is lost forever - The Communariate of Pennsylvania. The only statewide elected Republican is the Auditor General. In 2022, we even lost the majority in both Houses of the legislature, which we had held for decades.

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Impressive and informative account. You are a role model for honest and fair journalism, Emerald. Kudos! Add ERIC to the list of "things to get rid of" to have fair elections. Add the evildoers and money behind any and all efforts to corrupt our elections too.

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