Here's my advice for becoming a big game hunter on social media too
Man this was an EPIC POST. I'm upping my game....lmao!!!
Well done again young lady keep up the good fight🌎🕊❤️🇺🇸🌞🌻🙏😇
Such wit! Emerald, you have outdone yourself. This was raucously hilarious! Bring on more of the same! Kudos!
Savage! I spit my coffee out I laughed so hard at #10. You’re the greatest big game hunter ever!
Sadly, I can't use your tips to take down big game on Twitter. The thought police banned me forever a month ago for hurting a leftist's feelings...l'il ole me.
Your tweets are brilliant.
Sometimes the targets are just too big to miss! But it's still fun to take 'em down!
Omar has her own special Vulcan sign. It could be Skull & Bones tho.🤣
WAY TO GO. Keep it up. You inspire. Agree to step up my game .
Inspirational way to start the week.
You go young lady! If you need it, I have an AR laying around here somewhere.
Admirable safari!
Emerald, great post! I am more than happy to keep up the support.
Let me get my hunting gear together....
Savage! Well done.
Man this was an EPIC POST. I'm upping my game....lmao!!!
Well done again young lady keep up the good fight🌎🕊❤️🇺🇸🌞🌻🙏😇
Such wit! Emerald, you have outdone yourself. This was raucously hilarious! Bring on more of the same! Kudos!
Savage! I spit my coffee out I laughed so hard at #10. You’re the greatest big game hunter ever!
Sadly, I can't use your tips to take down big game on Twitter. The thought police banned me forever a month ago for hurting a leftist's feelings...l'il ole me.
Your tweets are brilliant.
Sometimes the targets are just too big to miss! But it's still fun to take 'em down!
Omar has her own special Vulcan sign. It could be Skull & Bones tho.🤣
WAY TO GO. Keep it up. You inspire. Agree to step up my game .
Inspirational way to start the week.
You go young lady! If you need it, I have an AR laying around here somewhere.
Admirable safari!
Emerald, great post! I am more than happy to keep up the support.
Let me get my hunting gear together....
Savage! Well done.