It takes a very brave person to put their career on the line to report the truth. Getting the truth out ultimately cost you your job but I hope your paid subscriptions on here keep going up. It’s amazing how many conspiracy theories have turned out to be 100% fact in the end. Thank you for reporting the truth and not giving in to the pressure of just repeating what the government wanted you to say Emerald.

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So accurately named: “Luciferase”; talk about tone-deaf. They’re not even hiding who they’re serving.

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Thank you, Mrs. Robinson for letting your "light" shine, to glorify our Father in Heaven!

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I knew you were right, even back then. That’s when I knew you were a stand-up truth teller, a rare breed. There aren’t many truth tellers left in this world. I wish more people had your courage.

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You took a HUGE hit on this one. (We all hope that it was worth it for you personally, Emerald.) You risked it all to tell us the truth and to expose this evil. God bless you. 🙏

"Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge."

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Emerald, you are a True Patriot of FREEDOM and the American Way. Your diligence and courage echo what Thomas Paine wrote of in November 1776: “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

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I imagine Newsmax is slapping themselves for " letting you go" for telling the truth.... Not...Oh well... Too bad for Newsmax...

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Newsmax can be disappointing!

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Maybe they'll apologize. Eventually. Not yet. Soon. Congrats on the scoop!

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I couldn't find the paper referenced but my interpretation of this is they use mRNA coding for luciferase in the vaccine development process to verify that the transcription is happening, and where. It's used to test the "platform", not in an actual production vaccine.

For example they used it in the bio pharmacokinetics study that showed where in the body the mRNA was expressed. I don't think it's in the real shots.

You could test this by applying the vaccine to a cell culture and see if it starts glowing under uv light.

I like Dr zelenko but I'm not sure he's correct in this without some evidence. Even if it were true, you would need to do surgery to see the luciferase inside the body.

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I believe you are correct. At least from what I read. Regardless I am totally against the Jabs.

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100% the jabs are bad news. But I don't think it's helpful to put out this rhetoric which I believe is not factual.

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They created a product to inject into human beings and named it after Lucifer. 'Nuff said.

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The enzyme was named a long time ago, it's naturally occurring in many bioluminescent forms of life. It glows, may not even be particularly harmful.

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Huge mistake for Newsmax. When one door closes, many more open. The truth ALWAYS WINS in the end! You are winning!

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If the vaccines produce two protein luciferase for compliance and the spike protein for intervention, then it means they have the luciferase color codes for each dose of the vaccines and the boosters.

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I greatly appreciate your willingness to ask questions and say what you think. However, I think you're on the wrong track on this.

To my understanding, luciferase is a commonly used biomarker in research. The word "lucifer" itself comes from the latin root "lux" meaning light and basically means "light-bearer". While I don't at all consider pharma in any way reliable, there's no indication luciferase is actually in or produced by the jab as distributed. If anything, they wanted to _hide_ the biodistribution. It directly belies their claim the mRNA and spike stay near the injection site. That claim is their primary basis for saying there cannot be any serious side-effects. It would be contrary to their purpose to put an easily detected biomarker in the jab.

Judicial Watch just released FOIA acquired biodistribution studies. Those studies show the mRNA most definitely does spread throughout the body and accumulate in the organs. AND they prove that Pfizer knew it.

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Of course, in all probability NewsMax, like every other U.S. media organization, was being paid to promote the vax and jettisoned you when you questioned it. Carry on bravely, Emerald.

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Keep on it!

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you did the right thing and paid a price, but long term it will be beneficial to you and your readers. Integrity always wins in the end.

Whereas losers like Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum (among many) who traded their integrity for a paycheck, will ultimately pay the price for their treachery and underhandedness.

Keep going forward and don't look back !

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Does that mean functionally, those who have been jabbed several times have no further need for a night-light to illuminate their darkened bedrooms on awakening during the night? Say, if they had a UV light instead?Would the glow indeed suffice instead?

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Maybe we should just be praying for people who were lied to and/or coerced into taking the vaccine.

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Remember the cow-nightlights after Three Mile Island? It has always been about government control of the people.

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