Sue them Emerald! Every freakin one! The Dispatch, Stephen Hayes and all the other sycophants that obscured the truth!

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He had no plans to take the vax. Him getting his two doses would not have been considered "cutting in front of the line". He's the CEO and should stand behind his product. I am not convinced he is vaxxed even now, in spite of the video clip claiming to "prove" he got the vax.

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He' still alive, proof that he didn't get them.

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Good guess or statement - besides who in their right minds believes anything any of the alphabet groups and companies say anyway?

They have had very little truth to anything they have “sworn” to.

Did you really believe watching any of the politicos and their “vaxx’s”. And “boosters”?

If they got the full Monty?

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Just when I thought things could not get anymore insane:


Which is the fail;t of the approximately two billion unvaccinated (poison-free) shirkers on the planet ("Zay vill be dealt mit mercilessly!").

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I'm waiting for the alibi in his obituary about cause-of-death (if he got the shot, the real thing, then he might be dead before long. Oh golly what a shame that would be...).

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He knows it’s dangerous. He knew it was dangerous. And now there’s nowhere to hide

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I did not get the shot. My entire family/friends, including children, got the shots and boosters. Two months ago my 84 yo mom did not want me to visit because I did not get the shot. She is shot-injured (hypertension crisis post booster)-however she called her shill doctor for advice about my visit who told her she could get another booster to protect her from me! I canceled my visit. I inform all my family members and friends about the data against the shot and news sources like Emerald-I get no response. I refuse to stop informing them-I will be damned if I will let them deny it any longer or allow this Regime to sweep it away with all their chaos BS. Emerald thank you for keeping this out there.

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Thank you. What an unimaginable horror.

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Your thoughts appreciated.

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Sandman size settlement or more warranted on this.

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I hope by “very soon” you fully intend to sue this Hayes for slander or something.

Just keep dishing out to them you’re in a position where you can strike the nerve center; we humbly ask you to do this often and severely.

Thanking you in advance!!

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Wear your Twitter ban with pride in the knowledge that TRUTH will be revealed eventually, Emerald! Stick with the winners and shine light on their lies and corruption. There are still more of us!

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So he "eventually" did or did not?? Actually, never mind...who cares. The lies, manipulation, deceit , deaths and damage were ALL in the name of MONEY. So far, facts don't seem to matter and to date, no consequences for the biggest hoax played on the entire world! And thank you Emerald!!

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You can only hope that he did. He will soon die of some blood clots.

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"Fact checkers" we're launched to support the official narratives and attack any alternative explanation or correction. They exist to intercept any legitimate push back against fake news

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They are 1000% corrupt. Just look who signs their paychecks.

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It makes you wonder if the Pfizer CEO didn't complete the vaccine protocol because he had an adverse reaction to one of the shots?

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Or he took the saline shot

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Of course…

…sleazy creeps

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Yes.You were always right and ahead of the game- a real reporter

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SUE THEM EMERALD!! And hire dozens of real journalists to work for you to expose all these psychotic pathological frauds...

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The center of gravity for the tyrannical globalists is their monopoly on the lies, false narratives and information pushed by the owned corporate media! It must be destroyed, in return, the globalists will not be able to survive in a world based on truth! God Bless! https://www.constitutionalcol.com/post/lies-propaganda-psychological-operations-and-disinformation-the-center-of-gravity-of-the-tyrannic

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Obviously, Pfizer CEO doesn't believe Trump either: 'one of the greatest achievements of mankind' -Donald Trump

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The people most responsible for the deadly COVID vaccines are discussed right here: https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/the-treachery-of-vp-mike-pence-explained

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The vax isn't the problem. The mandates, and censoring risk info, are the problem. Many people were immune compromised, mostly due to a lifetime of poor lifestyle choices, and the vax was their easiest chance at salvation. Everything in life has risks and benefits, and successful people learn to manage those risks. Forcing people with little risk from the virus (most people) to take a vax with known risks was an unnecessary risk, which most would not have taken if they had been informed. The information needed for competent risk decisions was not only suppressed, it was manipulated to make it appear beneficial. They lied to us, and many died, many more were injured. That was a crime that must be punished.

Pharma controls the airwaves, flooding every channel with pharmaceutical ads. Watch the lawyer talk at the end of EVERY AD - they all say this med for inconvenient or uncomfortable conditions carries higher risk of a list of serious outcomes. The vax ads never say that.

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Oh my god the vax was salvation for some? And you style yourself a health expert? You haven't heard about the spike protein? "Poor lifestyle choices" the reason for Crohn's, Lupus, autoimmunity, cancer, the list goes on and on and on? Talk about blaming the victim. You are something else.

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Yes, the vax boosted immunity for a while, against the strains prevalent at the time, so some who were otherwise at risk from the virus were saved from deadly outcomes that afflicted many. Many people with immune deficiencies were also saved with antibody injections. Those with decent immune health had little difficulty from this virus. Those with poor immune health could learn to improve it.

And, yes, most immune deficiencies are due to self inflicted damage from poor diets and poor lifestyles. Those who want to avoid this voluntary sickness could start learning how with a little book, 21 Day Immunity Plan.

Relying on medical orthodoxy is riskier than most peoplecrealize.

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Trump made the vax, which was life saving for some. The fraud, and the unnecessary damage from the vax was all on Joe and the psychopath dems.

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Deborah Birx

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My vote for dem psychopath villain of the century is Rick Bright, head of BARDA, who single handedly outlawed hydroxychloroquine, which would have prevented most deaths and prohibited the emergency authorization for the vax. Read McCullough's recent book for details. Deb is definitely a contender. Both deserve severest penalties, along with many others.

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Trump "made" the vax? Which was lifesaving for some? Wow.

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The Pfizer CEO had to be forced by court order to release alarming trial data for the "vax". Cover ups and intentional manipulation of the press to push this scam as safe and effective is not a Trump issue....except in your state of TDS, in which everything is a Trump issue.

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Were it not for Trump, we would not have had the (gene therapy) vaccine. Ask him.

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Legitimate effort hijacked by by pharma criminal cartel. Trusting these criminals was his mistake. Same for Fauci, CDC, NIH. Try, even you can think it through Skippy.

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Poor Scooter still believes Trump actually told people to "inject bleach" and that ivermectin is "horse paste". Scooter's media-brainwash was a success!

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Were it not for Trump we would not have had Fauci, Birx, Pompeo, and the warmonger walrus, to name a few he was stupid enough to choose to keep. Assange is still rotting in prison thanks to Trump.

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Back to the kids chat room, Skippy.

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Thank you for always telling the truth Emerald! I’m happy that I support you and will continue. We hope that our liberties will continue as well

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Total Commie and Total Commie Company. Hope the worst for both.

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