Telegram has it uses because you can access Russian media that is being totally blocked in the West. I don't agree with or believe everything on the pro Russian based sites but overall they have proved to be much more accurate about what is happening in Ukraine. Telegram is very much the Wild West so there are going to be fake accounts. I am sorry about Emerald's situation but I will continue to use Telegram.
I replaced my cable tv service with Roku and just discovered that I could get FrankSpeech's Lindell TV1 and TV2 via Roku. Am so excited that I can now watch Emerald's The Absolute Truth on tv! ✝️
Telegram has access to pro Russian based sites (Z News, Intel Slava Z). I don't believe everything on them but they have been far more accurate than what has been reported in the West regarding Ukraine. Telegram is the Wild West so there will be fake accounts.
Thank you and the General for speaking the TRUTH for so many months non-stop. Having to deal with these fake accounts has to be incredibly frustrating. God bless!
I use Telegram for Russian based Ukraine Operation info that is being blocked by Western media outlets. I don't believe all of the information from these pro Russian sites (Intel Slava Z, Z News) but I believe these sources have been much more accurate about the Russian Ukraine Operation than what is being reported by Western media. Telegram is the Wild West so there will be fake accounts. I am sorry about Emerald's situation but Telegram does serve a purpose (at least for me).
Emerald, you need to investigate where all the money is going. My sources say Trump died of prostate cancer months ago. Ivana knew and was going to talk (guarantee of her demise). Not a day goes by that I don't get an email or text asking for money for Trump or selling Trump bucks. Who gains?
But this is a good opportunity to simply say I'm grateful for the REAL Emerald! 😀
Ditto and AMEN. Thank you
I continue to support you Emerald. Truth is very difficult to find today. Lies are from Satan, the father of all lies.
Telegram has it uses because you can access Russian media that is being totally blocked in the West. I don't agree with or believe everything on the pro Russian based sites but overall they have proved to be much more accurate about what is happening in Ukraine. Telegram is very much the Wild West so there are going to be fake accounts. I am sorry about Emerald's situation but I will continue to use Telegram.
Yes, I like United Network News on Telegram!
I replaced my cable tv service with Roku and just discovered that I could get FrankSpeech's Lindell TV1 and TV2 via Roku. Am so excited that I can now watch Emerald's The Absolute Truth on tv! ✝️
It just never ends with these scumbags. Don't worry, we know where to find you and watch! It's not on telegram for me! lol
Telegram is full of shills and deep state actors. The only accounts I truly trust are Emerald's, Lin Wood's and Exposing Flynn Network.
Telegram has access to pro Russian based sites (Z News, Intel Slava Z). I don't believe everything on them but they have been far more accurate than what has been reported in the West regarding Ukraine. Telegram is the Wild West so there will be fake accounts.
The only one I trust is Kim Goguen.
Thank you and the General for speaking the TRUTH for so many months non-stop. Having to deal with these fake accounts has to be incredibly frustrating. God bless!
This just proves you are on the right track and you are annoying our enemies. Thanks, Emerald. I really appreciate you and your work.
I use Telegram for Russian based Ukraine Operation info that is being blocked by Western media outlets. I don't believe all of the information from these pro Russian sites (Intel Slava Z, Z News) but I believe these sources have been much more accurate about the Russian Ukraine Operation than what is being reported by Western media. Telegram is the Wild West so there will be fake accounts. I am sorry about Emerald's situation but Telegram does serve a purpose (at least for me).
Thank you Emerald! I know you are the REAL DEAL!
I second that. Thank you.
No, you may not be… but you could though…lol
Emerald, you need to investigate where all the money is going. My sources say Trump died of prostate cancer months ago. Ivana knew and was going to talk (guarantee of her demise). Not a day goes by that I don't get an email or text asking for money for Trump or selling Trump bucks. Who gains?
TRUTH will prevail! We the People will continue to stand strong. Let Freedom ring! I am so grateful for you, Emerald. So very proud of you.
Emerald - you are the bomb!
What is the best way to follow you?
Amen. One foot in front of the other! Onward. Upward. Keep speaking TRUTH. Thank you. Emerald is a wonderful gem of a person.