When will big pharma/big medicine, US intel agencies and their controlled big media be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity?

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Pains me to say this but don’t hold your breath. We live in an age where there is no more “rule of law”, the “law” is selectively & increasingly politically applied & that seems to be just fine with those “in charge”.

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Until enough people demand justice ... then it will flip upside down. The starting point for that is to call it what it is.

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Make noise! Starts with a few.

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Maybe never in this life, yet we shall still fight to put them in orange jumpsuits at the least.

Wilberforce took many years to end the slave trade in England. Do what you can, act as American as you can, and refuse to let the communists destroy us.

Tell the truth!

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Yes! Resist!

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Holy #$#!

Albert Bourla --- CEO/ chairman of the board of Pfizer --- looks like Shelley Silver walking out of the courthouse after being found guilty for shaking down lobbyists!!!


Two HERO journalists!!!

Can you imagine any of the compromised (euphemism) media networks doing this?!

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Holy #$#!

Albert Bourla --- CEO/ chairman of the board of Pfizer --- looks like Shelley Silver walking out of the courthouse after being found guilty for shaking down lobbyists!!!


Two HERO journalists!!!

Can you imagine any of the compromised (euphemism) media networks doing this?!

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As soon as they can figure a way for Donald Trump to take the fall. After all, they've all been released from any liability by the paid-for US Congress.

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Holy #$#!

Albert Bourla --- CEO/ chairman of the board of Pfizer --- looks like Shelley Silver walking out of the courthouse after being found guilty for shaking down lobbyists!!!


Two HERO journalists!!!

Can you imagine any of the compromised (euphemism) media networks doing this?!

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The vaxers hated me and wished death upon me for not taking the clot shot. I continue to pray for them.

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Good word. It's been especially horrible watching all these young lives cut short. Truly evil.

I remember having a "premonition" that the 21st c. would be more deadly than the 20th c. (100 million dead from wars, genocide, etc.).

Most people hear that and think you're crazy. Am I crazy now?

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Then you're a better person than I am, Ken. They made their choice and now they will have to suffer the consequences. The people who pushed Jewish families into box cars and sent them to concentration camps are the same as these folks, as far as I am concerned.

But what has comforted me is Dr. Iain McGilchrist who explains these people quite clearly. See his interviews and talks on youtube and his channel or read his book: "The Master and His Emissary," about the operations of the left vs. the right hemisphere of the brain. These people who wished to hurt you (and me) are using only the left hemisphere of their brains, as they were trained to do. McGilchrist's book is a meta study -- it's not the old popular culture garbage that we once believed. You might feel better when you realize it is physiologically based. (McGilchrist does NOT go into politics at all, BTW.)

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"The people who pushed Jewish families into box cars and sent them to concentration camps are the same as these folks, as far as I am concerned."

The most ardent proponents of vaccination while leading the demonization of those who rejected vaccination have been Jewish whether in our media (MSM/Hollywood/Entertainment), our government and our corporations. The potential for a genocidal holocaust is clear and this time it will brought to you by those who claim to be doing this all for the greater good and that greater good is their own power and wealth.

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Actually I would like to correct something in my previous post. I didn't mean to compare those who got the Pfizer injections with Nazis -- a lot of those people were simply naive, they believed what was written in the press, and they had faith in the government, and why not -- that's how we were all raised to think.

I meant to take aim at the COVID Nazis who think that the "unvaccinated" should be shunned, locked up, deprived of hospital care, etc. Those who support "vaccine passports" are our home-grown Nazis thugs who, in an earlier generation, would have worked in the Gestapo, or as guards in concentration camps, etc.

I did not mean to make this about German Jews. The Soviets under Stalin were as brutal as the Nazis under Hitler (or the Red Brigades etc etc).

The simple fact is that it was a serious wake-up call to see my fellow Americans trying to put a noose around my neck for refusing a dangerous, experimental injection.

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Holy #$#!

Albert Bourla --- CEO/ chairman of the board of Pfizer --- looks like Shelley Silver walking out of the courthouse after being found guilty for shaking down lobbyists!!!


Two HERO journalists!!!

Can you imagine any of the compromised (euphemism) media networks doing this?!

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Please try to keep up Emerald. This is all caused by gas stoves🤣

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Holy #$#!

Albert Bourla --- CEO/ chairman of the board of Pfizer --- looks like Shelley Silver walking out of the courthouse after being found guilty for shaking down lobbyists!!!


Two HERO journalists!!!

Can you imagine any of the compromised (euphemism) media networks doing this?!

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If you can, support Emerald's work. The battle has just begun, and we need her expertise. She's a warrior.

Telling the truth is a light to the world, and this missive will burn. It's beautiful.

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SADS is caused by climate change and Trump's policies. And you're a racist. But actually SADS doesn't exist because Dr. Fauci, who is SCIENCE, says so.

Gallows humor. So sad I have to invoke it in the face of this catastrophe. So many more are going to die or be sick the rest of their lives. And all because the Chinese, the Dems, and not a few R's, wanted to defeat Trump. That's what all this was about.

Danny Huckabee

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Emerald Robinson

I initially thought the Hamlin "coincidence" would be the straw that broke the camel's back. Surely with such a large national TV audience the powers that be could not explain it away. Sadly, I was wrong. Fauci was brought out for damage control. It appears that everyone that gets their news from mainstream sources is simply brainwashed and won't even consider the alternative. How many people have to die before the average person begins to question the narrative? Sadly probably hundreds of thousands more.

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I'm sure we are in the majority now, but our enemy won't tell us that.

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"How many people have to die before the average person begins to question the narrative?"

Good question - people don't seem to have much issue overall with their parents, infant children, or teenagers dropping dead, at least overall we don't hear much about it, so I really don't know.

I think parents and others are beginning to feel guilty for signing on to the gene therapy for their kids and are repressing the obvious truth because they themselves are culpable for being duped by "science." And the media and politicans are steering people away from the obvious because people are looking for someone besides themselves to blame, and if it ever became a "thing" that they knew the shots were unsafe there'll be hell to pay.

So not looking for a lot of truth coming from official sources - ever. Ain't gonna happen.

Signed, the parent of a son grieviously injured by the MMR vaccine in 1989 (BTW, no one's ever going to own up to that one, either).

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Congratulations on defecting from main stream journalism in time. Many have not. You've proved your intelligence and goodness, and they've proved their stupidity and complicity.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by Emerald Robinson

Emerald you comment on it being an experiment. I beg to differ, it's been proven that the 3 letter agencies were aware of the complications, including death, in their trials. They also, along with the medical establishment, disallowed proven treatments, horse dewormer etc., in the early stages along with known ineffective medical procedure that culled hundred of thousands from the nursing homes.

It was no experiment, it was premeditated murder. Period.

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Remdesavier. They knew it fried people's kidneys.

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You bet they did. Almost all allopathic treatments are poison.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Emerald Robinson

Great stuff. The truth cannot be suppressed!!

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Holy #$#!

Albert Bourla --- CEO/ chairman of the board of Pfizer --- looks like Shelley Silver walking out of the courthouse after being found guilty for shaking down lobbyists!!!


Two HERO journalists!!!

Can you imagine any of the compromised (euphemism) media networks doing this?!

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When all is said and done, Emerald is going to be hailed as this century's Edward R. Murrow.

Too bad an estimated 5,000,000-25,000,000 of us will have to prematurely die for her to get the recognition that she so undoubtedly deserves.

Thank you. Now, go buy Edward Dowd's "Cause Unknown." Its rep is out by now, so further details are unnecessary.

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On the way home tonight heard a life insurance commercial on the radio. The hook was a young widow with 2 kids whose husband had "died suddenly."


I guess it's really getting common.

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Me thinks you missed your calling at Babylon Bee. Your headlines are as funny as they are infuriating. Thank you!

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Emerald Robinson

Thanks for posting these videos, Ms. Robinson. I love dark humor, it's all we've got in the bizarre, evil times we live in. I have to admit, though, that I didn't realize that the "Brought to you by Pfizer" video consisted of actual episodes. until I watched it the second time. I thought they were comedy routines. Knocked my socks off.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Emerald Robinson

Commie Dem Fauci needs to be arrested and convicted for crimes against humanity. He should face life imprisonment at the least.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Emerald Robinson

2023 is going to be a loooong year watching all these "coincidences" (for those who weren't jabbed).

It might be a short year for everyone else (experiencing the "coincidences").

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As always right on target thank you so much there are not many journalist like you thank you for the truth God bless you

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