Agree with this assessment. Obviously, the FBI and the CIA colluded with the Clinton’s to spy on Trump in a coordinated effort to remove a sitting president. The deep state and the democrats are actively trying to destroy democracy.

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022

100% Correct! It is very clear by the actions and continual blathering on TV that Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, and Page -- just to name a few -- were all 'eat up' from the inside out with 5th stage TDS. Who can ever forget Strozk's testimony to Congress where there were moments in his testimony that he seemed like someone possessed by a Demon. The wild, rolling eyes -- the jerky gestures -- the indignant, arrogant pose were flags to the American people of an FBI gone rouge, gone corrupt. No longer the image of the 'clean cops' enforcing the law and protecting the nation.

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probably correct. FBI and CIA make most criminals look like innocent victims. they just make shit up. Justice died in America long ago.

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I feel compelled to say this… How can you always be so spot on with your assessments?? How can you see so much while the bulk of people are so blind??? Well the answer is simple I guess and I think I know what it is…. (Pause for drama) in order to actually SEE you need to have your eyes open to the world and not just tuck your head into the Democrat “feed bag”!!! Thank you yet again Mrs Robinson not only for being honest and telling the truth, thank you for speaking as loudly as you do!! Please continue to fight this good fight. I promise YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!

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Too late to right the ship. Everyone now knows that the FBI and CIA lost their way a long time ago and are now work with the Democrats against trump and his supporters who want to, need to, destroy the deep state. And really, they were fooled by Hillary!?! Lol!

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This sounds very similar to Sundance's conclusions that he reached back one April 5 and again on April 16 in two detailed articles that he posted on The Last Refuge about Durham's "limited" investigation.

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Most perpetrators get away with their crimes. It is especially true in banana republics like the USA.

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Where are the Indictments of James Comey and John Brennan???

John Brennan is a COMMUNIST and a muslim. He converted to islam in 1998: "It was a Recruitment Operation by Saudi Arabia" according to former FBI Agent John Guandolo. After his conversion to islam, Brennan career inside the CIA skyrocketed. I've written an article on John Brennan on my Substack: "Matters of National Security" - Link: https://gregrubini.substack.com/p/national-security-1

Brennan allegiance is to Saudi Arabia and to the muslim cause, not to the USA. Brennan refused to swear on the Bible, according to Roger Stone. After his conversion to islam, John Brennan was promoted to CIA Chief of Staff in 1999, and to CIA Deputy Executive Director in 2001.

John Brennan was Special Assistant to “President” Obama from 2009 to 2013, and Obama CIA Director from 2013 to Jan. 2017. Durham interviewed John Brennan for 8 hours in Aug. 2020. What has come out of it? until now, nothing. Are John Brennan and James Comey protected by the Soros/Communist Cabal? Our "National Security" has become a joke.

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WHY THE ALL CAPS? FBI and CIA need to be shut down. Eliminated. If that happens instead of anyone going to jail, that’s a win. I’m against imprisoning former presidents. But I’m not against imprisoning everyone around them, including their wives.

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Is it possible that Durham works at a snails pace for a well timed out crescendo for the mid terms? We all know the American people have a short attention span and an even shorter memory. The final result of his investigation needs to be of a real true value for us all .

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Fiery Emerald has once again boiled it down to harsh reality: an extreme leftist cabal that clearly dominates our governance engages in coverups, deflection and misdirection till the most current outrageous malfeasance makes these five year old felonies look like minor infractions.

What’s especially discouraging is just how long this conspiracy has been operating.

Sixty years or longer I’d wager.

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Apr 21, 2022·edited Apr 21, 2022

Nevertheless the Durham prosecution rounds an important circle in these conspiracies between the feeder legal community in DC and the bureaucracy. It is up to the next Republican president and Republican Congress to radically cut the corrupt and self-serving Administrative State and to reverse the Bush II concept of information and intelligence sharing rather than proper departmental stovepiping to protect the civil liberties of citizens. At this point we see the CIA conniving to politick domestically and prowling over Senatorial computers (and most recently, SEC executive investigators intruding into confidential judicial correspondence) based on the outmoded "unified executive" that Bush authorized after 9/11. All of this must be dismantled and the structure of the government returned to its original conception as independent agencies with an exclusive fiduciary duty to the public interest and to their limited authorities. Central to the needed reform to restore the previous balance between national security and liber, should be the elimination of all public unions. For "accountability" at least in the form of firings.

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Absolutely. Most of the same republicans are praising Durham just as they praised DirtyBillBarr. It’s the same as before.

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Beautiful post.

Country led by a bunch of complicit phonies.

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It’s even worse then that. It seems to me this was a world wide conspiracy implicating other security services via “five eyes”. You are correct, they are trying to divert attention from the security services conspiracy.

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The source of your knowledge seems inexhaustable. And the tesults flowing from it only highlights the Truth of your position, Emerald.

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