I agree with one thing that Rubin said: Conservatives have legitimate concerns about this!

I'm disappointed that Glenn Beck isn't holding the line when it comes to family values. Rubin is a nice guy, but he is 𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 about this.

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Deace will straighten him out.

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As Steve, Todd, and Aaron point out, you can’t coexist with this.

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Mar 21, 2022
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All people are sinners

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That's why redemption works. A few are not nice people. They need to be isolated to control the damage.

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I don’t like this timeline. Let’s go back to man + woman + children = family

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Conservative vs. liberal is as meaningless as Republican vs. Democrat. The real battle is atheist (aka globalist aka satanist) vs. theist, even if a lot of people still don’t realize where things stand.

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You're close, but it's not quite that simple. Beck is a theist. In fact, he's a polytheist. Being a theist is no guarantee of being right or moral. According to Jesus, most theists are wrong and immoral...and He was crucified by a group of monotheists and a group of polytheists. The demons are theists (James 2:19).

There is no shortage of globalist theists.

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Children are not to be bought and sold! surrogacy is a form of slavery! No one who says they are conservative (or Christian for that matter) should be congratulating him. Children need a MOTHER and a FATHER, not two sodomites!

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You are one of very few you lay it all out. I subscribed based on your post here. #TruthTeller

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As I've gotten older, the slopes have gotten a lot more slippery and a lot steeper.

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We are already sliding down the other side ~ and picking up speed as we go.

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You go, Emerald! Point out when conservatives fail to follow their Conservative values.

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I'm disappointed in both Prager U and Glenn Beck, but especially Prager U. Dave is part of the Blaze, which seems to be why Glenn would take a positive position. Dave has done Prager U 5-min. presentations which may be why Prager U is supportive. I'm ashamed of both Prager U and Glenn Beck. I really thought Dennis Prager would have a wise, conservative and Christian perspective on this. Apparently not. Perhaps I will re-think my monthly donation to Prager U.

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Dennis Prager isn't a Christian, he's Jewish.

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Dave Rubin claims to be Jewish so it seems the slow slide is really an avalanche

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Obviously not an observant Jew or he would take Leviticus seriously. You shall not lie with a man as with a woman. Pretty clear right there.

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Perhaps even more pertinent, based on my first hand observation from reading all the praise and joy in Dave Rubin's Locals coming from other Jews as well as supposed Christians, we live in an age where God and His laws has been updated and modernized to conform to our sensibilities. This is, of course, just another trick of the enemy to cause humans to believe they are gods and should be allowed to do as they see fit.

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No kidding...like the days of Noah...

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Nothing new under the sun. Regardless the era, the culture, the so called advances in civilization, the source of all problems with humanity is humans.

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And you would think if he was an Observant Jew he would reject what Rubin is doing

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You are correct, but much, if not all of his philosophy is compatible with Christianity.

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Yes, definitely.

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Mar 20, 2022Edited
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I concur; I was just being factual.

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Great and brave piece. Homosexuality is not consistent with Christianity. Period. We must LOVINGLY stand by our beliefs and principles. In the world but not of the world. Marriage is one man one woman. Period. Never forget these people are all lost and only the GOSPEL can save them.

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This post finally persuaded me to subscribe. God bless Emerald! 😀

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Yes, this was the thing that pushed me over too.

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Excellent commentary, as always.

I must say I am deeply offended that Prager U supported this current abysmal trend. Prager is one of the few places I can go to to get clarification on issues that I don’t have the vocabulary or deep insight into. All I can do is sputter and fume.

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I would like to believe that Dennis attempted to council Dave against doing this. He and Dave are friends. Obviously, if he did, he was unsuccessful in convincing Dave to forego what I personally see as a selfish choice without due consideration for the welfare of the children he and his partner will be raising. Even if he didn't want to publicly criticize Dave's decision, he could have simply stayed quiet about it, or even better, talked about the ethics of it on his shows.

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Www.WePatriot.org is organizing the patriot movement. Please check it out.

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Can you share the links to find your TV show? Lindell was not listing it yet on the website. Also, links to past shows? Thanks!

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Thank you Emerald. By the way, I am squirrel_hockey from twitter before being suspended. I would like to bounce my WePatriot idea off of you. Dan@WePatriot.org.

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She is live on the homepage of LindellTV right now:


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Awesome thank you. She rocks.

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Glenn Beck is to conservative thought what Sean Hannity is to conservative television.

full disclosure I never liked Beck or watched any of his programs going back years so I'm not just piling on. He's as phony as a three dollar bill in my humble opinion.

The awful Supreme Court decision legalizing "gay marriage" paved the way for all this horse bleep. It was an orchestrated and planned Bipartisan decision years in the making. The flood gates are now open and there is nothing legally stopping the administrative state from doing anything it wants to your children. And to make matters worse, Joe Biden's version of Harriet Miers will soon be toted on to the Supreme Court like Cleopatra with nothing but feigned, token opposition by the futile GOP Senators.

Good for Mark Dice for at least making the Glenn Beck/Ben Shapiro/Blue Checkmark wing of "conservatism" defend their positions.

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After Beck’s turn as a NeverTrumper I said he should go back to drinking again, might help keep him centered.

This is just nuts.

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Thank you Emerald! This is why I subscribed. You are unafraid to speak God's truth stand up for our beliefs.

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I totally support your stand on this! The frogs in the kettle think it is PC to congratulate Rubin, when really it just turns up the heat towards boiling.

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