This is typical from the American Marxists. They want central control of everything to implement their globalist (and Satanic) agenda.

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Have seen it clearly since 2020. Unfortunately the Republicans are complicit as they are trying to destroy MAGA. We need a new party. Patriots party: for America and Americans

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YES- the best way.

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MAGA is essentially Tea Party 2.0, however, its more inclusive of values that admittedly Trump helped to expand and shape... (i.e.. working man) ...broader strata. This is exactly what the uniparty and globalist cabal hates...fine...we have a billion guns and if we got pissed enough, we'd remedy this situation "quickly." Last month I've been trying to determine when and what is the straw that breaks the back...b\c once that happens it's uncontrollable.

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History is a funny thing. People get pushed a lot for a long time(long train of abuses) then suddenly it’s all to much and they revolt

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Yep...as in history we've seen time and time again. But chaos is uncontrollable. In our case, if there is mass cohesion of citizens, I think the lever pullers are in for a rude awakening. What do you think?

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"[M]y theory is that FBI agents are being installed ... when voting machines have to malfunction only in GOP-dominated polling sites." Emerald's theory is shared by everyone with a properly working brain.

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At this point it's utterly hopeless. No point in voting, which I imagine was the desired end run result anyway. There is nobody coming to save us. They control the mechanisms by which we the people had a voice and now it's gone. How many more times do we need Charlie Kirk to tell us to "hold the line"? I'm done playing this game. I've cast my final election vote.

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You are mistaken- study the history of our founding. Revive your spirit with the spirits of Lexington and Concord. It may have to come to that...

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Me too! I’m going to live my life in “freedom” as best I can. Unfortunately, the USA is full of complete morons. I was “yelling” years ago and no one listened. It was a joke to them.

Now they can take their joke and shove it up their asses. YOU will be the reason your children and grandchildren will be COMPLETE, brainwashed, brain dead slaves. Because you already are.

“We didn’t love freedom enough......We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago, Volume 1

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Great quote - thank you for posting that.

We need to learn from A. Solzhenitzyn. If you don't have time to read his huge Gulag Archipelago, then at least read his much shorter - but equally powerful "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". We're getting close to the horrors of Soviet Russia in the early 20th century.

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I have that book as well, and the three volumes of Gulag. It’s extremely frightening that people are as asleep AND Godless as they are today. I cry for humanity.

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We gave the system a second chance. We called them out on the cheating and we showed how it was done. But neither law enforcement nor the courts have done anything about it. As this election makes quite clear, they now intend to keep this up forever. I honestly don't know what the next step is but the time for talking is over.

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Agreed. When our voices aren't heard at the ballot box, our actions are felt from the ammo box. Sadly, it may come to that.

I'm 64. I've lived a good portion of my life. I'd rather suffer and "expire" in this battle for my children's and grandchildren's future than to die of old age in my bed knowing I did nothing to stop these evil people.

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Amen. Fight the good fight for posterity. Patriots need to continue to stand strong.

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Amen! I’m right there with you. It’s for our children and grandchildren that we stand!

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Unfortunately it will be war. There will be no other choice.

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We have more than one example of past actions to guide us.Study the history of our Rebellions. The key is to not wait so very long as to mandate a defense as the only possibility. There must be a positive and affirmative offense to reduce our oppressors. Act, not merely react.Study.Prepare.Join together.The sacred oaths we take to protect and defend our Constitution must be fulfilled.

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The links you posted aren't working - at least not for me. Maybe Google (Maggog) is blocking them?

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I will second the "Curse upon Maricopa County Election Officials" and may they "never rest in peace." It is very obvious to me they have made their pact with "the devil" and will live with that choice until the day each of them pass on to a special place prepared for them in "Hell."

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It’s quite funny how they totally discount their OWN blood...their children, grandchildren, ANY children for that matter.

They are ALL “useful idiots”. Lenin was 100%!

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I have thought of that also; and I can only assume they have something going on that would be devastating if made public.

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So if what you’re saying is true, than they sold their souls. A man should rather come clean, and face the consequences. Does anyone do that anymore? In my day, that was called integrity.

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Here is the big question? Will anything be done about this or will it’s just fade away like all the other incredible things our government is doing???? It’s as if no one can be bothered. No one is doing anything. We all jus talk about the incredible things happening all over the world. We all know it’s leading to the one world order. They don’t hide it anymore. We all know that much of the elites and Hollywood are under the spell of Satan. Satan is the ruler of this world right now and he is having his way. The time is short!! It would appear at this point they(whoever they is) can’t be stopped. Although there are so many of us who are good people and want goodness , for some reason the evil is winning. They have come after the children and for some reason parents out there are too busy to give a shit! I’ve raised my kids and I completely was fooled by living in the freeest country in the world. I gave my kids all the vaccines like a good little mom. Now all my kids are sick. 2 of 3 are on lifetime drugs for various health problems. The other child has had 3-4 surgeries and is only 21 and has survived brain surgery. They all lined up for the shots no matter what I said. I raised them all with the Bible and taught them everything I could about God and his morals. They all were brainwashed in school and hate religion. None of them believe in God and love the whole transgender LGBQT......agenda. They all have supported BLM and CRT and think America sucks. I sure the hell did not teach them that so where do you think they all learned this thinking??? It’s heart breaking. I hope God will forgive them for they know not what they do. There is always time to repent and come before our God. I sure hope many are doing that now. The Bible is clear....God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth. These evil people will not win but many will be lost in this spiritual battle we are soon to face. Right now families are being ripped apart. If you have family who believes hold to them tight. Stick together! This battle is only going to get harder. Proverbs 3: 5-6. This is the only way now! We all can see that they will do whatever they want to do. Choose now whose side you are on!!

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Deb...my heart breaks for the pain you are going through. I truly agree and understand what you are saying. We are seeing the start of socialism > communism. The absence of God is paramount to their agenda. All you can do is ask for God’s guidance, grace and protection. For your children as well.

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I left God for awhile because I felt like such a failure over my kids but I now realize He is right where I need to be. The last 3 years have been horrible without him by my side😢 I’m starting to pray again and read my Bible. Thank you for your kindness💜💜💜

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DO NOT GIVE UP. I cannot stress this enough. “Evil” wants you to give up. You do the best as you can as a mom. It’s not your fault. Turn them over to God.

God gives us pain to find Him again. God bless you.

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Deb, I pray for healing for you. As a mother you can only do so much and its up to your kids to find their way back to God. You gave them a good foundation and that means something. Don't give up hope.

Your post gave me hope that there are others out there that think like I do. I listened to a podcast today and could not believe how the hosts were talking about how they cannot get over what it happening in this world. I wanted to scream and say "open your eyes!" How can anyone be fooled by what is happening to our country? It is sick and those that put their heads in the sand will one day realize everything they said wouldn't happen is already done and it will be too late. May God have mercy on us.

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Freedom is a taste the protected will never know. I can't believe what I've read here, sounds like a few wimps are throwing in the towl, willing to give in to the communist scum. Well I'll be damed if I will. Americans are so used to laying on their fat asses and doing nothing, something like this is another inconvience, folks don't give a damn who calls the shots. The demorats have gotten use to no feedback from anyone so this is what happens. I'm a vet and have fought like hell to stop communism, its never too late to put those bastards back in their place. Its time to play dirty as hell, give them a taste of what they have put on us for too long. Keep in mind they will destroy us if we don't fight back, look at what they done, FBI breaking into homes without just cause. I suggest people get together in neighborhoods and plan to fight it is you or the demorats/commies If you don't have guns go get one or two and plan to fight to keep your freedom.

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Thank you for your service. Amen for the suggestions!

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And who told the Feds to stay out of his state on Election Day?

Oh - yeah; Ron DeSantis. And Florida managed to count all their votes same day, and peoples' votes actually got counted ('cuz when that happens - funny thing - Republicans win!).

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Any and all court cases will be thrown out. No standing. Moot. F&ck you. Never will any arguments be heard by any corrupt judge

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We don't even need to read the article. The answer is YES! And yet everyone (media, talking heads, elites, administration) act like this is normal and nothing to see.

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They're doing this in plain sight because they know they will never be held accountable. We will never have free and fair elections in this country again (if we ever really had them to begin with).

Sadly, the real ugly story behind elections is that all of the candidates have been vetted by huge corporate interests (the ones that own the government and everybody in it) as safe; i.e., will not disturb the status quo. We don't like to think that our favorite candidates are in the uniparty, but the truth is that they all are, despite their rhetoric.

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Maricopa County right now is Ground Zero for USA elections and the cheaters, having been been gloriously successful without consequence, are smugly not hiding it anymore. Looking at the history of political violence in this country, I shudder over what could be unleashed once enough people genuinely understand that the non-violent tools and processes developed by earlier generations have been vanquished: Antifa's strategies are child's play in comparison. During the Revolutionary War, people were tarred and feathered, their homes and businesses burned, and they were sometimes killed by their neighbors -- people whom they'd known and mutually depended upon for years. The inability to live together harmoniously after the Revolutionary War concluded was the cause of mass migration to Canada. In the Civil War, guerilla warfare between civilians in the border states was so horrific that Kansas was dubbed, "Bleeding Kansas." After the Civil War, from Reconstruction on until as recently as *1981*, lynching was used by a politically violent underground, who also burned and bombed homes, businesses and churches -- sometimes en masse in uncontrolled, murderous riots. In the 1970s, underground groups bombed, burned and even kidnapped an heiress. None of these violent groups needed to rely on currently available technology. So, when those currently in power so openly chortle at the success of their color revolution, coup, and nullification in application of the US Constitution and law, are they so historically ignorant to not understand what they might unleash? If the courts fail -- again -- to preserve election integrity, upon which our entire system of government rests, do they not consider where they might take us and how it could impact them personally? I pray we can avoid this destiny.

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Adding: In guerilla warfare, targets are not random; they are selected with precision. As recently as 1995, terrorists killed over 160 people -- including 19 children -- in the Oklahoma City bombing. Why? Because the federal building targeted housed federal law enforcement agencies responsible for entrapment of Randy Weaver and 1992 murder of his wife and child and, more specifically, the 1993 Branch Davidian massacre in Waco, TX that included 25 children as casualties. Terrorists may not have primarily targeted children in the Oklahoma City bombing, but they accepted their deaths as collateral damage after federal agents showed them the way. Timothy McVeigh, the primary Oklahoma City bomber, said "I didn't define the rules of engagement in this conflict. The rules, if not written down, are defined by the aggressor. It was brutal, no holds barred. Women and kids were killed at Waco and Ruby Ridge. You put back in [the government's] faces exactly what they're giving out." He later stated "I wanted the government to hurt like the people of Waco and Ruby Ridge had." (Michel, Lou; Dan Herbeck (2001). American Terrorist. Scientific American. Vol. 284. p. 225. Bibcode:2001SciAm.284f..28D. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican0601-28. ISBN 978-0-06-039407-3. PMID 11396336.) The terrorists' selected date for the Oklahoma City bombing intentionally coincided with the Waco Massacre. Before our country deteriorates even further, hurtling towards a destination that in the end produces overwhelming, universal misery, those who are participants in corrupting our civic system for non-violent conflict resolution -- clean and fair elections -- should think carefully about what long-term consequences could develop. I hope and pray this trajectory can be reversed.

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All I see is undependable machines. Get rid of them all. Go back to paper at the polls, with Voter ID. So simple, no more machines to complain about.

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So, I have cyber business. Elections infrastructure (managed at the state level) is still deemed critical infrastructure. That fact that Maricop on day of had an extremely high failure rate and ZERO redundancy only makes sense if it was a well-planned failure.

At this point I'd welcome a criminal gang to jack the county for $100 million in bitcoin via ransomwear just to crush the county government.

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At this point you are preaching to the choir, Emerald. The real question is whether our betters will actually DO something about this. I am doubtful, to say the least. We know the Turtle will do nothing beyond blathering, if he even bothers to do that, and McCarthy has already proven that he's as useless as t--s on a bull. Hate to say it, but the only thing I see causing any change will be violence, and even that may not get it done

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All I can say is that EVERYONE associated with this USA Takedown is PROTECTED! They seem to know up front with swagger, like Fauci, Gates, Hunter and so on, that they are PROTECTED!!!

The question is how and by who? W E F Is my only answer

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