Our country is being controlled by a criminal organization.

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Yes, it’s called the Uniparty, which is an employment office for those who worship Being In Power- of something, anything- rather than G-d or the Constitution or our Flag.

Without a Constitutional amendment mandating definable term limits, these whores to power will forever open their legs . Crude, yes, true, also “yes”.

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There's simply no other way to explain it.

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It’s kind boggling that republicans are still this stupid. After 2020 you’d think it would have been obvious. If they keep Mitch and Kevin in charge of the party they deserve what they get. I won’t support any of them until they are under new leadership.

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Republicans are not mad about these losses. Remember, Mitch McConnell's wealth went from $3M to $100M+ while in office - leader or not!

The uniparty (RINOs and Dems) need control together, so as long as AmericaFirst is kept out, mostly, it's all good (reason McConnell never helped in AZ or really NV - or really ANY of the Trump endorsed candidates). McConnell did support Lisa Murkowski - the RINO definition!

Bottom line: It turned out great for the Dems/RINOs - the Uniparty wins again. And they are cheating again just like last time and it's being accepted AGAIN by a bunch if passive people. We all need to show up more (if there is much left in 2 years - financially we are in big trouble and the next 2 years could be worse than anyone can imagine).

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They aren't stupid they know exactly what they are doing, we have a major problem with rinos not giving a shit what happens to us. All they care about is how much money they can steal from taxpayers. The demorats are evil and could give a shit about our constition every day they try to overide it for their good, they will eleminate it as soon as possible to take over the USA. we all need to make our voice heard either that or open season on the evil bastards.

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I say open season

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We weren't able to implement enough election integrity legislation. Couple that with sabotage by the GOPe/RINO/UniParty at the national level and you get a repeat. Even if we are "allowed" to take the House, I'm not sure we will have enough power at the state level to effectively continue election integrity improvements or get to the count we need for a Convention of States. Is the fat lady singing?

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It sure seems that way. I don’t know how much more I can stomach. When did we become the fucking losers? And to this lot of depraved scum.

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In AZ we had a group of RINOs in the state legislature (both Senate and House) who kept killing integrity bills. And when they made it past the RINOs Gov Douchey (McCain RINO) vetoed. Then we have the RINO Maricopa Board of Supervisors who love the current mess. I came here from CA two years ago to hopefully make a difference. WRONG. Ballots are not gonna work to resolve this.

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It's simply repulsive that I risked my life overseas to come home to this bullshit. I am so disgusted at what I am seeing. At some point these people need to be caught and prosecuted. Anyone caught at any level needs to trigger votes being tossed. Piss the legitimate voters off enough and all hell will break loose and maybe that's what needs to happen. How long are we going to stand for stolen elections that result in the left leading us off a cliff?

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Thank you for your service. It still means something to most of us.

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Thank you for you kindness. So appeciated. This stuff just boils my blood.

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Thank you for your service. It galls me that blatant fraud continues despite the hard work of honest Patriots! Dr. Malone informed us of mass formation psychosis. We have lethargic folks who simply are too lazy to do much. Heaven help us return what our founding fathers envisioned for this great country. Patriots need to stand strong and never give up.

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1776 is next...politicians first

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Thank you for your service Anthony. There is no one left to "catch" these people. Democrats occupy a huge majority of all government jobs in this country. They control virtually everything, everywhere. They only way this stops is civil war.

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One more comment.

<<November 9th, Senate candidate Adam Laxalt (R- NV) reassured his voters that his opponent needed 63%>>

This is a SMACK in the face. They hit the number EXACTLY needed to win - they don't even hide the fact it's impossible for this to happen. They throw it out there in our FACE because they know we won't do anything about it. I'm actually not sure we can, or they would be a little more careful and less in your face.

Mail in votes have ALWAYS been a problem in history because chain of custody is very hard and time consuming to verify (versus a real person showing up at a voting location). 22,000 mail in votes decide election, imagine that... SMACK again - DEMS/RINOs are LAUGHING at us.

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Trump and Lin Wood have already warned us. There’s no 2022 and 2024 if we don’t fix 2020. I don’t know what the answer is, but we are not in a good spot.

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Right. I have turned away from anyone that tells us to "move on" from 2020. They're either frauds or idiots. You don't allow evil to go unpunished. Period.

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Voting integrity is the ONLY issue

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“It’s almost like you don’t understand how elections work in America now.”

Keep at it, Emerald. I’m afraid few of us understand the specifics of the “how”. But with your commentary we’re getting up to speed.

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So how do law abiding people react to criminal actions, irrespective of what entity is conducting the criminal action? What the hell is it going to take to motivate people? Do we roll over because, well, we don’t want to do anything illegal or offend anyone, all while the criminals are looting, burning, ransacking our country? Just roll over, not stand up, take action, and defend our country? Then we deserve to eat bugs, take jabs, and die at the command of the e-lites (TOTH to Clif High on that term!) as they eat meat and own everything. Time to shit or get off the pot.

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I knocked nearly 1,000 doors this cycle for the GOP. VERY few people wanted to talk or accept literature. Many were outright hostile. I presumed that they were content with the way things are going. Read this if you'd like to get a feel for what is happening down on the street level:


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Where is the RNC on these elections??? What about McConnell?? McCarthy?/ You would think they would want to win?? And be complaining vigorously!

And what about DeSantis? He wants to run for President why is he not speaking out???

Only Trump, as always, shows leadership.

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RNC? They have a red lightbulb out in front, and we are stupid enough to think the rules we learned in our childhood still are in force. The French Revolution ended after the Revolutionary Govt. guillotined a whole lot of selfish people.Hmm, maybe they knew something.

Destroy the RinoPublican party, and/or start a new Patriot Party , or at least, start a new third party , thus financially destroying the RinoPublicans and making their future political future a vain dream. Then, the Patriots-or Populists- or Constitutional party, whatever, can take on the Demofilth party , without compromise.Start with a national Patriotic Tax Strike. Do not comply.

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I’m with you. Patriots party. By Americans for Americans.

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John: I am wondering how after all this you can still be asking ALL of your questions.

Let me try to answer them:


What about McConnell?? RINO.

McCarthy? RINO.

You would think they would want to win?? NO

And what about DeSantis? He looks to be in league with other swamp dogs.

He wants to run for President why is he not speaking out??? Because he wants to run for President - AGAINST TRUMP.

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Good point

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The Democrats sent tens of billions to Ukraine and then laundered this money back to Democrat pockets and funds in the US. Now the company is bankrupt and the funds are nowhere to be found.

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Thank you for sharing this link. We all knew it was b.s. 🤬

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This is what happens when you do not punish evil. It increases, becomes more sophisticated, becomes more bold. This is what happens when cowards allow the steal of 2020 to go unchallenged. Until evil is punished, this will get worse.

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I knew something was up when Wednesday the democrats were all giddy and pretty much celebrating. If they “lost” why are they celebrating? I said since Tuesday night I’m not convinced we won’t win either the house or senate until all votes were counted. They were working on the steal and I knew it. It was SO obvious. What makes me so sick is no republicans stand up to them about it. They just let them steal. We will never win the house, senate or White House again. The house seats left to count are next to go the democrats way and Kari Lake will be defeated too. We are all doomed.

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I knew in my gut that this was going to happen again. They CAN'T let the Republicans get any kind of majority because the house of cards will fall. We should have gotten our first clue when Biden came out before the midterms when a reporter asked him about Hunter being investigated if the Republicans won the House. He said he wasn't worried about that. Nothing would ever come of it. How did he know that if it wasn't already in the works and planned? This has been going on for months, maybe even years. They don't want to get investigated for all of their corruption so they will do anything to win. Shenanigans like Zuckerberg's money that was probably distributed to people when the "harvesters" picked up their ballots and filled them out was probably just one of schemes they used this time. Hey, if Republicans are stupid enough to think that this would never happen again they don't need to be in power. Why would the Dems stop when it worked so well for them?? Anyone who brought up the subject of voter fraud and stolen elections was immediately silenced. You were a "denier" and conspiracy theorist if you even said a word! How can people not see this this time around? Every time a Republican is out front in a critical seat somehow more and more ballots show up and they just happen to be for the Democrat. I hope someone fights back this time and calls them out. (I'm not holding my breath.) Maybe Kari Lake will do it.

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You make some strong points. Biden said something like it was "almost comedy"...he knew, again.

But please, let's stop saying that fraud, and evil is "shenanigans".

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Folks you know as well as I do, this will lead to bloodshed if we are to stop these cheating bastards.

I'm ready

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God is looking for repentance among his people, and then he will take care of our enemies. 2 Chronicles 7:14

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The dirty little secret is pubs cheat, too, so they can't complain too much. Read Parallel Election for insight how it is done in PA, probably similar in other evenly divided jurisdictions. Dems have done it a little better lately. Pubs will improve, then the dems will complain. Anyone who has any confidence in our government is hopelessly naive, or in on the scam. Until the population becomes more directly involved in managing their rulers, nothing will change. But most don't care who's in charge as long as they're taken care of. Our problem isn't corrupt government, but a corrupt society.

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Where fraud is obvious, can’t the candidates sue? If so, why won’t they?

In New York, all the counties Zeldin won had the same number of people voting and the same win/loss percentages. The same was true (different totals and percentages) in many of the counties Hochul won. No results were reported until 99% of the vote was counted, giving them plenty of time to substitute fake totals for the real ones. The fraud here is blindingly obvious, yet the Republicans do nothing.

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Don't hang on to a broken system. This won't be solved with lawsuits. In Harris Co, TX the lack of paper ballots is deliberate and obvious, as Emerald has shown. The local GOP response? They're going to "write a report"...

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The point is not hanging on to a broken system, it’s exposing the broken system for all to see. Doing nothing (or writing a report) is not a viable option. Neither is a revolution. So what do we do? The people in Brazil sure aren’t doing nothing about their stolen election.

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Everyone, who wants to see, can already see the broken system. The rest are morons who couldn't see it if you painted it on their eyeballs. No one wants revolution, but it is inevitable. Not because 'our side' is suddenly going to organize and launch it, but because the left will only continue to attack us.

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I don’t believe that (the moron part). Most people don’t want to believe the system could be so corrupt, but many would if they could see the evidence. It’s like the covid hoax—people are realizing that the safe and effective vaccines aren’t and are turning away from the lies. It’s a slow process, made much slower by the media’s relentless lying.

I suspect the real problem is that people in this country have been so comfortable for so long that they recoil from potential discomfort. Inflation and shortages of food and fuel will likely wake them up, but too late to do much good. And unlike in Brazil, the military is not on our side.

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You make good points. I hope and pray that you are right, and I am wrong.

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Again, I want to "Like" your stories but they are so full of bad news and paint such a horrid picture of our once great nation but I do sincerely appreciate your postings. Relatively few people out of a nation of 330 million will ever read a story like this. I was cautioning on my social media accounts in 2008 that "democrats are a disease upon our nation" and all my friends thought I was a nut job. I no longer participate in social media. Telling the truth has become very hazardous in the United States and certainly dangerous to one's career.

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