It is unbelievable…I thought there were “teams of Lawyers” ready for GOP according to Harmeet Dhillion…. She was in AZ with Kari Lake…what happened? The GOP must get tougher and louder! We know this is happening!

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Lake is going to win. Also Hamadeh. Masters has a chance.

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Problem is most of the GOP is in on it because they don’t want to lose their positions

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We would very gained seats so why would Republicans be in on it?

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So sick of this s h i t

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Me too Brother metoo

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

I worked as a poll worker in Maricopa yesterday. It was a f**king disgrace. I would guess that 95% of the voters were GOP (they were carrying their GOP-provided "Golden Ticket" voter recommendations). They stood in line for 4-5 hours--many with young children--to feed their completed ballots into the tabulator machines. Every once in a while a cheer would ring out around the machines as the lucky voter's ballot was actually accepted. Voters were convinced that if they allowed their ballot to be inserted into the infamous Slot #3 it would never be counted (who knows?).

The last voter left the polling place at 10 PM whereupon we began counting the "misread," spoiled, and provisional ballots. The polling place Inspector (the head honcho) was unable to get the tabulator machines to print out the results reports (these are like a retail store's cash register roll). Once all the ballots, reports (finally), and checklist items were boxes and bagged, I volunteered to drive the ballots to an intermediary collection point. A Dem and I drove to a dark parking lot where several Maricopa County Sheriffs were on guard. The folks there transferred the ballots to a large truck and gave us both chain of custody receipts. We returned to the polling place to finish the night at 12:15 AM.

Random Thoughts: 1) the printers and tabulators were tested during the Monday 11/7 polling place set up. They all worked on Monday but immediately began failing on Tuesday morning. Anyone else wonder how that happened? 2) How did this phenomenon occur simultaneously across 20% of the voting locations on the day that was expected to be a very heavy GOP Election Day vote? 3) Why shouldn't Katie Hobbs have recused herself from the management of an election in which she had a direct personal interest? 4) Why hasn't Katie Hobbs resigned in disgrace yet this morning?

The entire election process in Maricopa County and AZ in general is a f**ked up mess. I was checking in voters all day until 7 PM and the voter rolls were dirty ("I changed my information on line, why don't you have my address?" "I registered to vote but never got a new voter registration card" "I changed all my address info at the AZ MVD (DMV) and printed out the screen shots" (but their ADOT account still showed the old information so they had to vote provisionally).

I'm presuming that the felon former Maricopa County Elections weenie Adrian Fontes will be AZ's new Secretary of State. I will certainly never again volunteer to work the elections. My career in large real time information systems implementations tells me that this mess of shiite data cleansing, process chaos has to be the way it is for a reason--a bad reason. Anyone who rolled out such an expensive, flawed, and chaotic abomination in the private sector would be fired on the spot and walked off the premises. In fact, I may just resign as a GOP precinct committeeman and reclaim hundreds of hours of my personal time. America has spoken. My fellow Americans are fine with what the Dems and RINOs have served up for the past six years--and especially the last two. The saying, "You can't cheat an honest man" comes to my mind this morning. The fact that the brain dead and deeply corrupt are still running the country tells me all I need to know about my fellow Americans--and the future.

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Depressing. I hope you hang in there because we all need people like you. But surely understand how you feel.

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You sound like a person, like many of us, who needs to vent, big time! And it's easy to see why.

Don't give up yet. The fat lady hasn't sung. If you are one who prays, then pray for us all and our country. Think of Washington at Valley Forge and Churchill at Dunkirk. Nobody would have given them a chance of succeeding.

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Thank you for sharing such a nightmare experience. So Sad that our most important decisons are so chaotic. My heart goes out to you. How absolutely awful.

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Thanks for showing up & for your comment here.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

What we all feared has now happened.

And don't think for a minute they're not going to keep shutting down conservative media, sending the FBI after patriots, and doubling down on multiplying the number illegals coming across the border.

Biden will say he has a mandate to do all these things.

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I am at the point yeah yeah it comes to my house they’re not gonna enjoy it

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Why is anyone surprised at this? Deja-vu 2020 all over again. Nothing substantially changed in election security and voting procedures. Why would you expect a different outcome?

Almost every candidate that opposed The Turtle has lost or is struggling. This was meant to be a repudiation of Trump and his endorsements, and payola for old-school RINOs and Swamp Creatures.

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The Retribution continues - you Conservative Republicans have not submitted enough nor repented enough to the Demoncrat Party in Washington!

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The GOP is in collusion to maintain the status quo; quell the disrupters!

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They don't even care anymore. They announce before that they are going to do it.

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Thank you for all your hard work!

Just subscribed.

Totally agree.., we were told we wouldn’t know the results in PA for awhile but because they were ahead they called it??? If it was the other way around they would have said they needed more time… so many NY districts in my area in Westchester county that are so close… and We won house seats in LI and SI and upstate but Hochul and the others won hands down… I don’t buy it.

Anyway keep up the great work!

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How in the hell could that nazi bitch Hochul have won. Who would be stupid enough to actually vote for this sociopath? Of course it was rigged. And Fetterman?? OMG! vote for a brain dead moron.

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The machines have to go. If - IF - there is ever an investigation into this vote rigging, those behind it at regional, state, or national levels need to be prosecuted for sedition and treason, and if convicted, receive the normal punishment for their acts. Enough is enough. Maybe the Luddites can point the way regarding the machines....

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I grew up being a technophile but ever since 2001 I believe fully that if you want to talk weapons of mass destruction it has to be the computer. Without computer technology Total Information Awareness would be impossible. No tracking, No databases, No spying, ect. It's this technology that has given the authoritarian sociopaths the tools to subjugate us. With that and the destruction of the constitution we have no chance.

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Agree. And how would today's George Washington lead a revolution when the enemy is monitoring our every word and move through our cell phones? This technology is keeping us from organizing and overturning this blatant criminal behavior by the left and Rino right!

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I’m out. I’m done. Land of the free is done. Checkmate. We lose.

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I don't connect with much of anything today. Just have to find your space / interests outside of the Woke Globalist Commie BS.

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Why bother voting? I've gotten to that point. As a self employed contractor I actually lose money when I take time to vote it seems. I'm a veteran and there is no way I would advise my son to serve now.

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These people didn't seize power in 2020 just to turn around and give it back two years later. This won't be solved by hoping that people go to jail; that's not going to happen -- ever.

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Ok so where are all the LAWYERS Ronna McDaniel said were "IN PLACE". Simply repulsive that I fought for this country overseas and have to see this garbage in my backyard! REPULSIVE

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Thanks for serving our ( once great) county. My retired army husband is very disgusted .

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As Stalin said, it's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes.

Danny Huckabee

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

Forget voting. My time, money and effort will go toward a Convention of States. There's not much else to do. -- Thanks, Emerald, for your fearless journalism. If there were more like you, we would not be in this mess. -- "Uni-party" is the correct description.

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Have you heard from Robert Brown? He has brought up good points concerning the Convention of States. Tamara Scott has had Robert on her show (on FrankSpeech) multiple times. Please take the time to hear the points that are brought up in those episodes.

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Right on as usual Emerald! Is there any hope that we can stop this madness? The establishment aholes from both parties (moderate Dems, not the psycho left scum) don't look like they will do anything about this obvious and continuous fraud. I was thinking this morning that the last time I was truly happy was the morning after the 2016 Presidential election before the Democrats really started the fraud.

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