We knew since the start that the "vaccines" were a Fraud - didn't we? - The "KillerJabs"
Pfizer makes $54 Billion/year - literally to KILL people. Fauci is the 21st Century Joseph Mengele - except: much worse than Mengele. Klaus Schwab, the WEF, Joe Biden, all the Western governments are all in this Fraud, this Mass Murder operation: US, Canada, AUS, NZ, UK, Germany, France.
We need a Nuremberg Trials 2.0 and give all those who are responsible for this Genocide the deserved PUNISHMENT (as in the Nuremberg Trials of 1945).
One question remains: why Trump has been pushing these Killer"Vaccines" all along? - I would like to have a convincing answer on this. It is very disturbing.
The Trump question is a good one, and an important one. Is it just his pride (Warp Speed)? He used to be something of an anti-vax guy, as it related to autism.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
You can bet your sweet pippy they will, when these Babbitt business automatons suddenly realize they own a s-load of Disney [ESPN] stock, which will drop 50% in value --- on top of losing 30-40% value in 2022! --- when there's no more college and NFL football games being played.
----- I interrupt this hypothetical scenario to state unequivocally that the most miserable man in America in 2023 will be Bob Iger, who foolishly came back to try to bail out Disney after his hand-picked successor Chapek who in two years (or less) nearly sank the company before being fired last November -----
Ditto the thousands of football head coaches, offensive coordinators, CEOs of food franchises in stadiums (and lesser execs and employees), idiots being paid $15 million a year to call games, all reporters covering the sports (especially the gambling handicappers) ----- no longer working for a living...
And all the people they in turn were paying to buy and fix their cars; to run the hotels they went to on vacations; to run their kids prep schools and Nepotism Universities; to the charities they were supporting... don't forget the parents and relatives who have been counting on $5,000 checks (at the very least) at Christmas time...
What about all the debt load that was incurred to pay for brand new pro/college stadiums and other things that support the stadiums?
Now, no more money flows in to service the debt payment ... add up all of the above and WHAM worst-case-scenario, collective national nervous breakdown.
And Vegas? How do they fare when the once mega-rich lunatics in pro sports decide they won't be able to afford to --- or simply no longer have any money with which to gamble, whose credit card credit lines have been nuked by the card issuers?
Hi Eliza. All my life I have been first and foremost a Free-Thinker. And I always had the feeling that politics is dirty and politicians are corrupt. I have been supporting Trump because he is not a politician. However, first priority is always to exercise Critical Thinking.
As I said above, I am baffled by Trump pushing the KillerJabs. I don't know why he's doing it. I would like to have a clear answer on that. I was baffled already back in March 2020, when he hired Fauci in the "Covid Task Force". Big Mistake.
To those questioning Trump’s position on vaccines from their comfy hindsight armchairs, who are only responsible for their families, pets and MAYBE a couple of employees, not 330 million people: Remember the Gnome and Scarf Lady advising Trump AT THAT UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS TIME, with everyone assuring him of their brilliance. Trump did his best with, as we see now, a corrupt incompetent bureaucratic public health care system screaming in panic for PPEs and lockdowns. He is ONE man, people. ONE man. Expand your blame gaming.
I call this statement a “just musing” troll: “Mmm, wonder why Trump isn’t denouncing the Jab? Because of pride? (You really mean “azzwhole.”)
Trump’s personal experience with vaccination has not been illness and death. Neither has mine. Every inoculation has side effects. VAERS stats on the Jab are real and frightening. Trump has REPEATEDLY stated that each person needs to make their own decision on the Jab in conjunction with their doctor. Trump has been subjected to the same lies from Pharma, the CDC, WHO, NIH, BARDA etc as we all have and did his best despite the deafening panic and insubordination surrounding him.
That he was initially misled I guess I understand. It bothers me that he continued to praise vax once negative side effects and inefficiency became apparent.
Trump should have said, LOUD and CLEAR: "I've made a big mistake about those so-called 'vaccines'. I've been wrong, and I apologize for that. Now I tell you: do not take those jabs: they are poison. They may harm you and they may kill you. Fauci is a criminal, and a murderer, and he must pay for his Crimes against Humanity."
* * *
These are the words I would have liked to hear from President Trump.
You are going to have to link me up to where I can directly listen to Trump’s CURRENT words specifically stating your perception that he still “praises” the Jab. I’ve searched online historical outtakes and either only hear what I first stated already above OR I see “out of context” film tainting his position. I have listened recently IN PERSON, about 50 feet from Trump, to his CURRENT position on the vaxx without a middleman “translating” for me.
I guess I just don’t agree with your “bothers me” premise.
I have no problem with anyone adopting a “wait for VAERS data to be fully compiled and peer reviewed while we FOIA the crap out of Pfizer and Moderna.” That does not constitute praise for the Jab or a denial of vaxx inefficiency. Again, everyone make their own decision in conjunction with their doctor. “Feel” safer wearing a snot filled mask? Go for it!
Forgive me if my trust in any “journalist” needs to be earned right now, left or right. In addition to Emerald and Matt T on substack , Russell Brand, Crowder and Joe Rogan have my attention in addition to Steve Bannon and Epoch Times. I watch 2-3 Leftie podcasters like Jon Stewart for balance. To conclude: super sick of the lazy “Butttt…buttt….Trump!” It is so very much more complicated out there and the Biden puppet has pretty much FUBARRED it all.
Right you are Jabber! Who among us knows WHAT IN HELL the faucies and his cronies told Trump! Donald was given good meds by seemingly honest Docs for HIS bout ,but look at the SIZE of the anti-Trump crowd all around him! Your analysis is excellent,Jabber Jockey.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Here in S. CA I’m still seeing on the L.A. Broadcast alphabet networks and radio stations a steady stream of vax pimping, how it’s the “best defense against the virus especially long covid and to keep others safe“.
On a side note, every registered voter in CA will receive a mail-in ballot whether you want it or not and drop boxes will be set up weeks in advance and in-person voting will be a 4 day event. Whatever was left of election integrity in California is now strangled to death and we can thank the planDemic for that.
I rent out my condo in San Diego. My tenants moved out in June. Received 2 mail in ballots for them at the condo before Election Day despite their having filed a TIMELY change of address. They were Dems. Those are the facts. Draw your own conclusions.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
I am truly shocked at the number of my smart friends and close relatives who have taken the jabs!So far not one of them has suffered any damage ,thankfully.It hurts my heart to see the young athletes(seems like males only...?)drop in their steps! There are "scientists/doctors" in this and other countries who should be hauled up on murder charges! They were TRUSTED!!!!
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
So the next thing is to find out who in the government actually just took saline shots instead of these vaccines. This is so painful to read, but I know it's true. People we all love are going to die because these elitist A-holes either wanted us to die, just wanted to make themselves rich and powerful, and/or the third mostly likely option are evil incarnate and demon possessed. May God judge them swiftly in this life preferably. Https://www.ididnotcomply.com
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Democide: the killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Because this isn't on cnn and any well known sites the majority of people don't know it yet. My 40 yr old daughter would love to get into an argument about this but I have no solid proof, even I haven't heard of most of these sites. I tried to tell her about the vax a month ago, nope. If they demand a 4th booster, she and her boyfriend will run right out and get stabbed. They're teachers, she used to be normal in her early 30's before she was a teacher, the longer she's been a teacher the farther left she tilts. At the current rate, in a couple years she'll be past 90 degrees left.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
I wonder why the media is not MORE crazy than the corruption in DC.... just take "...money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines".... then run wild with the truth? HAHAHA
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
We knew since the start that the "vaccines" were a Fraud - didn't we? - The "KillerJabs"
Pfizer makes $54 Billion/year - literally to KILL people. Fauci is the 21st Century Joseph Mengele - except: much worse than Mengele. Klaus Schwab, the WEF, Joe Biden, all the Western governments are all in this Fraud, this Mass Murder operation: US, Canada, AUS, NZ, UK, Germany, France.
We need a Nuremberg Trials 2.0 and give all those who are responsible for this Genocide the deserved PUNISHMENT (as in the Nuremberg Trials of 1945).
One question remains: why Trump has been pushing these Killer"Vaccines" all along? - I would like to have a convincing answer on this. It is very disturbing.
The Trump question is a good one, and an important one. Is it just his pride (Warp Speed)? He used to be something of an anti-vax guy, as it related to autism.
Probably pride. Pride goeth before a fall
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
You can bet your sweet pippy they will, when these Babbitt business automatons suddenly realize they own a s-load of Disney [ESPN] stock, which will drop 50% in value --- on top of losing 30-40% value in 2022! --- when there's no more college and NFL football games being played.
----- I interrupt this hypothetical scenario to state unequivocally that the most miserable man in America in 2023 will be Bob Iger, who foolishly came back to try to bail out Disney after his hand-picked successor Chapek who in two years (or less) nearly sank the company before being fired last November -----
Ditto the thousands of football head coaches, offensive coordinators, CEOs of food franchises in stadiums (and lesser execs and employees), idiots being paid $15 million a year to call games, all reporters covering the sports (especially the gambling handicappers) ----- no longer working for a living...
And all the people they in turn were paying to buy and fix their cars; to run the hotels they went to on vacations; to run their kids prep schools and Nepotism Universities; to the charities they were supporting... don't forget the parents and relatives who have been counting on $5,000 checks (at the very least) at Christmas time...
What about all the debt load that was incurred to pay for brand new pro/college stadiums and other things that support the stadiums?
Now, no more money flows in to service the debt payment ... add up all of the above and WHAM worst-case-scenario, collective national nervous breakdown.
And Vegas? How do they fare when the once mega-rich lunatics in pro sports decide they won't be able to afford to --- or simply no longer have any money with which to gamble, whose credit card credit lines have been nuked by the card issuers?
Hi Eliza. All my life I have been first and foremost a Free-Thinker. And I always had the feeling that politics is dirty and politicians are corrupt. I have been supporting Trump because he is not a politician. However, first priority is always to exercise Critical Thinking.
As I said above, I am baffled by Trump pushing the KillerJabs. I don't know why he's doing it. I would like to have a clear answer on that. I was baffled already back in March 2020, when he hired Fauci in the "Covid Task Force". Big Mistake.
No doubt!!
To those questioning Trump’s position on vaccines from their comfy hindsight armchairs, who are only responsible for their families, pets and MAYBE a couple of employees, not 330 million people: Remember the Gnome and Scarf Lady advising Trump AT THAT UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS TIME, with everyone assuring him of their brilliance. Trump did his best with, as we see now, a corrupt incompetent bureaucratic public health care system screaming in panic for PPEs and lockdowns. He is ONE man, people. ONE man. Expand your blame gaming.
I call this statement a “just musing” troll: “Mmm, wonder why Trump isn’t denouncing the Jab? Because of pride? (You really mean “azzwhole.”)
Trump’s personal experience with vaccination has not been illness and death. Neither has mine. Every inoculation has side effects. VAERS stats on the Jab are real and frightening. Trump has REPEATEDLY stated that each person needs to make their own decision on the Jab in conjunction with their doctor. Trump has been subjected to the same lies from Pharma, the CDC, WHO, NIH, BARDA etc as we all have and did his best despite the deafening panic and insubordination surrounding him.
That he was initially misled I guess I understand. It bothers me that he continued to praise vax once negative side effects and inefficiency became apparent.
Trump should have said, LOUD and CLEAR: "I've made a big mistake about those so-called 'vaccines'. I've been wrong, and I apologize for that. Now I tell you: do not take those jabs: they are poison. They may harm you and they may kill you. Fauci is a criminal, and a murderer, and he must pay for his Crimes against Humanity."
* * *
These are the words I would have liked to hear from President Trump.
Yes, and also words that shows he grasps the extent of corruption in the federal health agencies.
MISLED? Kind word, Kate.
You are going to have to link me up to where I can directly listen to Trump’s CURRENT words specifically stating your perception that he still “praises” the Jab. I’ve searched online historical outtakes and either only hear what I first stated already above OR I see “out of context” film tainting his position. I have listened recently IN PERSON, about 50 feet from Trump, to his CURRENT position on the vaxx without a middleman “translating” for me.
I guess I just don’t agree with your “bothers me” premise.
I have no problem with anyone adopting a “wait for VAERS data to be fully compiled and peer reviewed while we FOIA the crap out of Pfizer and Moderna.” That does not constitute praise for the Jab or a denial of vaxx inefficiency. Again, everyone make their own decision in conjunction with their doctor. “Feel” safer wearing a snot filled mask? Go for it!
Forgive me if my trust in any “journalist” needs to be earned right now, left or right. In addition to Emerald and Matt T on substack , Russell Brand, Crowder and Joe Rogan have my attention in addition to Steve Bannon and Epoch Times. I watch 2-3 Leftie podcasters like Jon Stewart for balance. To conclude: super sick of the lazy “Butttt…buttt….Trump!” It is so very much more complicated out there and the Biden puppet has pretty much FUBARRED it all.
Right you are Jabber! Who among us knows WHAT IN HELL the faucies and his cronies told Trump! Donald was given good meds by seemingly honest Docs for HIS bout ,but look at the SIZE of the anti-Trump crowd all around him! Your analysis is excellent,Jabber Jockey.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Thank you ,Jabber. I truly think Donald Trump doesn't have a mean bone in his body.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Here in S. CA I’m still seeing on the L.A. Broadcast alphabet networks and radio stations a steady stream of vax pimping, how it’s the “best defense against the virus especially long covid and to keep others safe“.
On a side note, every registered voter in CA will receive a mail-in ballot whether you want it or not and drop boxes will be set up weeks in advance and in-person voting will be a 4 day event. Whatever was left of election integrity in California is now strangled to death and we can thank the planDemic for that.
I rent out my condo in San Diego. My tenants moved out in June. Received 2 mail in ballots for them at the condo before Election Day despite their having filed a TIMELY change of address. They were Dems. Those are the facts. Draw your own conclusions.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
I am truly shocked at the number of my smart friends and close relatives who have taken the jabs!So far not one of them has suffered any damage ,thankfully.It hurts my heart to see the young athletes(seems like males only...?)drop in their steps! There are "scientists/doctors" in this and other countries who should be hauled up on murder charges! They were TRUSTED!!!!
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
So the next thing is to find out who in the government actually just took saline shots instead of these vaccines. This is so painful to read, but I know it's true. People we all love are going to die because these elitist A-holes either wanted us to die, just wanted to make themselves rich and powerful, and/or the third mostly likely option are evil incarnate and demon possessed. May God judge them swiftly in this life preferably. Https://www.ididnotcomply.com
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Unbelievable corruption and deceit. We MUST get justice.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Another sobering piece. Well done ma’am!
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
In England, two dosed 18-39 are 4 times more likely to die of non-Covid caused when compared with the unvaccinated.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Democide: the killing of members of a country's civilian population as a result of its government's policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.
Additional reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide#
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Prayers up for Hamlin, but as you suggest, this may be a blessing in disguise in spite of the media's obfuscation.
And boy, do they ever know how to obfuscate!
You are on a roll. Keep the stories coming.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
And, here is some new post-mortem evidence on how they kill: https://pathologie-konferenz.de/en/
Edited to add also: similar all-cause results from Germany:
Because this isn't on cnn and any well known sites the majority of people don't know it yet. My 40 yr old daughter would love to get into an argument about this but I have no solid proof, even I haven't heard of most of these sites. I tried to tell her about the vax a month ago, nope. If they demand a 4th booster, she and her boyfriend will run right out and get stabbed. They're teachers, she used to be normal in her early 30's before she was a teacher, the longer she's been a teacher the farther left she tilts. At the current rate, in a couple years she'll be past 90 degrees left.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Celebrities and folks in DC aren't dropping, they got different shots, water.
You got that right.
There has never been a crime as monumental is this one with the possible exception of Islam.
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
I wonder why the media is not MORE crazy than the corruption in DC.... just take "...money from the Biden Administration to push the vaccines".... then run wild with the truth? HAHAHA
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
Great work, Emerald. Thank you.
Here are my two latest summaries of those who have "died suddenly" in the US and worldwide, March 15,-21:
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.
juxtapose excess deaths data with the cancelation of Kulldorff's Great Barrington Proclamation,
to customize care and prophylaxis based upon age & risk factors! Who is choreographing all this?
BAM! January 2, 2023: THERE GOES DAMAR HAMLIN of the Buffalo Bills. Like I said, no one will pay attention until the celebrities keel over. Well, one finally has. On prime time TV, no less.