I remember the Deal death. We fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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Therefore put on the "Whole Armor of God" - (1) The Helmet of Salvation - (2) The Breastplate of Righteousness - (3) The Great Shield of Faith - (4) The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God - (5) Gird your waist with the Belt of Truth - (6) And Shod your Feet in preparation of the Gospel of Peace. [Ephesians 6: 10 and following]

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." "For the time is short"

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Heads Up! (01/26/24): DEAL, not Loeffler, died in the traffic accident.

"Harrison Deal was a young aide to U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler, who died in a traffic crash on December 4th, 2020."

The confusion is quite understandable because the inept / incompetent Loeffler in 2020 managed to blow up her political career in a dress-rehearsal of Ron DeSantis's bumbling-fumbling presidential campaign (2023-24).

Given GA Governor Kemp's endless perfidy, I have no doubt that he wanted to pick a loser (and succeeded) to make sure that the Senate seat would go to brainless stooge Warnock.

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Anyone who thinks the Republicans “don’t fight” has it wrong. They fight like hell 🔥,

But only against grassroots conservatives and independent candidates

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A 20 year old.

Murdering the children.

Makes the Italian Mafia of the old days look like choir boys. They would not have done that. Satan is taking possession of people and there needs to be a reckoning because most of us are anti Satan. We all need to find our voices and our backbones. 💕🙏

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I trust La Cosa Nostra far more than out politicians these days.

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At least old time Cosa Nostra had an honor system: No women or children or innocent bystanders. The American political "honor" is self-protection above all and let the rest die to achieve it if necessary and sometimes when it's not.

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For sure.

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Hence: the mRNA jabs - all the way down to 6 months!

The children who are injured or killed are just "collateral damage".

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You want to hear something that will blow your mind? The Biden Administration forced people to take a poison shot for a virus which had a ~1% chance of killing them. Today, the Biden Administration announced it's suing Tennessee because they passed a law making it a felony to sell sex while knowingly spreading HIV; the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS has a far larger chance of killing you via *any* virus. So, just to recap, the left demanding those who rejected the mRNA shots be put in camps and not be allowed to receive medical care, but if you're a hooker who takes money for sex and give someone AIDS, you shouldn't be charged or punished because it violates the ADA. I *wish* I were joking, but our government hates us and wants us dead. That's the only rational conclusion here. 😡 #ClownWorld

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One nation under blackmail

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Just as you likely do; I have the 2 volume set.

Absolutely - required reading!

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Title, and by whom? Ah, cancel. I see. Just ordered it (Vol. 1).

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(24 hours later) Judging by the footnotes, which I delved into for about two hours last night, this book looks quite promising. A premature judgment, but at least I haven't throw it off the cliff and into the Hudson River at first glance, which has been known to happen...

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Jesus H Christ. The deep state plays for keeps.

As always, thank you Emerald for all you do. Proud to subscribe.

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Mitch is an anachronism. 45 should have never endorsed him. He did regrettably and Mitch has been backstabbing continously.

And Mitch's lap dog from Texas, John Cornyn, may finally be seeing the light with his "public" endorsement of 45.

The corruption in American politics is a knife fight. You bleed in knife fights. Go for the jugular or the kidneys.

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Not arguing with you, brother... Re Cornyn: This DeWit guy was on Trumps campaign.

I will never forget Cornyn telling his voters "I don't listen to the mob" when they were schooling him on voting to infringe on their 2A rights.

Personally, I hope he has seen the light, but I do not trust ANY of them.

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Explains what many of us already had suspicions of. I still cannot unsee the millions in Republican Senate PAC funds that went unspent on behalf of 2022 senate races in AK, AZ, NH, and NV where MAGA candidates were running... McConnell was in charge of those funds. Funny that ALL 'conservative' punditry after that election were calling for Trump to go away. Locally, the Powerline guys are still saying 'Trump cannot win', etc.

There are no coincidences in this deadly game.

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That money went to Ronna's liposuction, lip filler injections and a new wardrobe. It certainly did not go where it should have.

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We all regret her decision to go with the above instead of the originally announced brain transplant.

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For sure. In August of 2022 McConnell flat out told Trump that he needed to provide funding for his candidates.

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No chance that Trump will be that credulous the second time around.

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They're all compromised. They all have the goods on each other. This is why nothing ever gets done and why no one is ever held accountable. The swamp is actually a huge cesspool.

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A pontification of convenience, D. Pure optics. John sees what is happening in Texas. Abbott, late for class but finally out of detention from the Austin liberal RINO cabal, has garnered national attention. F SCOTUS says he. Grand optics. Abbott, Cruz, Patrick, Miller all endorsing 45. WTF? So Cornyn joins not because he supports 45' s policies broadly and more specifically the southern Texas border but because the optics are good for him. His mouth and his soul are not connected.

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I can read faces. And many of the people doing wrong or bad stuff in politics and media appear to be hostages. Blackmail? Plata o Plomo? Threatened family? This is what Warrior Trump is up against. Pray hard.

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If Trump gets back in the White House I would love it if he chose you to be his press secretary. I would watch every press conference. It would be so hilarious!!

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You want a rabbit hole? Check out Seth Rich. This has been happening for much longer than just since 2020. Who murders a man to rob him and doesn't rob him? Who reading this knows more than 10 people who've committed suicide or died in a crazy way? Now look up how many people the Clintons have known or been acquainted with who killed themselves or died in nutty ways. Most of the dead were going to testify against them in some way. Dick Cheney shot someone in the face "accidentally" and they barely investigated the death. If you were unaware politicians and their masters were murdering people to cover up corruption or create corruption, I guess it's better late than never you're joining the paranoid rest of us.

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Thanks for bringing us back to the LIGHT with your TRUTHFUL reporting, Emerald!

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Wow! This is explosive reporting, Emerald! Speaking Truth to Power ...'Thy Kingdom come...Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven'....can have consequences...Praise God , He has the Victory!...Heaven-bound!

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What I want is a transcript of the entire conversation. I have a transcript of his resignation letter, which is dishonest. He was offering a bribe, and had turned himself into a patsy to deliver it. I agree with the comment below re spiritual wickedness in high places.

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John 8:44 We live in times where the difference between light and dark, which has always been there, is now arrogant in being blatantly in your face. John 3:19-21

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