If McCarthy is Speaker it doesn’t matter that the GOP barely controls the House. It will effectively still be controlled by Democrats.

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McCarthy is controlled opposition. As Speaker, the Democrats will effectively control the House.

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Matt Gaetz for Speaker of the House 🇺🇸

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The Republican Party is dead. Time for a new party. The Patriots party: by Americans, for America and Americans. Multi ethnic workers party for Main Street not Wall Street. A strong military that is used in self defense. Being engaged with the world but not entangled with it. The time is now

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What happened to MTG? I’m in GA and so disappointed that she is suddenly, as SOON as she gets re-elected, no longer fighting for America First and is even endorsing McCarthy. Emerald, please try to find out, or get her to address why she isn’t part of this group with Biggs, Gaetz etc

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Yes what happened to MTG? She came out for him right after the election. The guy who kicked her out of all the committees. Is she backing DeSantis now too and against Trump running?

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MTG is still supporting President Trump. She is still pushing for investigations, impeachments, no funding of Ukraine. For some reason she is convinced that some RINOs are going to join the Dems if McCarthy is not made Speaker. Bannon has had her on a few times and she will not backdown.

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MTG has been on Bannon's War Room. She is convinced some RINOs will join the Dems if McCarthy is not made Speaker. She isn't backing down.

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So let the RINOS join the Dems. It’s blackmail for us to support someone we don’t want. McCarthy is no different than Pelosi, but we’re going to keep him because we’ll lose some RINOS? F--- the RINOS. If we use her logic nothing will ever change. If the ship is going down I’d rather go down on my terms like a man, not on my knees praying the RINOS will do the right thing.

At this point let the whole GOP go down. They are just Democrats in sheep’s clothing at this point anyway. The sooner we start a new Party the better off we are. We need a MAGA Party. The GOP is dead. Bannon was wrong and Mike Lindell was right. It’s all about the machines and the count!

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Wake up buddy.. she's compromised. Controlled opposition.. hit me the second she gave her RNC $ to McCarthy. Please prove me wrong, but you won't

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Do you have proof this happened? Please provide story link.

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MTG still is pushing the same America First agenda other than supporting McCarthy. She is convinced RINOs will join the Commie Dems if McCarthy is not the Speaker.

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If she's still plugging McCarthy, read between the lines.. or not.. the money hand off was a headline I remembered. Do you understand KM poured MILLIONS of donated RNC money AGAINST America First Candidates in Arizona? And do you understand the word Uni-party..? place your faith and worship in no person of this world to save you.

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We’ll, I agree it’s the Uni-Party and I agree we need to walk away from the corrupt GOP. But we need to save ourselves. It’s not about trusting in a person it’s that we need some system of government to govern ourselves. Of course we must put our trust in God, even God gave us laws to govern ourselves. We must stop all support to the RNC, the GOP and start a new Party. The Republican Party cannot be saved for the reasons you correctly mentioned.

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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

The People, due to an addictive fixation on display devices, have lost their moral compass - but this mental chaos actually began long before even the now oldest generation. It started when Marxists in the early 20th century infiltrated (boring-in as Ayers & Obama would later say) institutions and principalities.

With great patience toward their evil and destructive goal of total subversion, The Marxists convinced We-The-Sheep (not lambs, for we knew better) that Marxism is an easier god than God.

And so, God has, as Jesus, the true Lamb told his apostles: "Kicked the dust from His feet of we who rejected Him and left us to our fate".

The Marxists openly laugh in our faces as they, again openly, steal serial elections.

America no longer exists. It is a CINO as surely as K. McCarthy is RINO.. And it must be what we wanted; it's what we allowed our vote to be used for.

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I agree. The Constitutional Republic is gone. Has been for awhile.

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Street Walker McCarthy, for sale. Identity of customers irrelevant. Open for business 24/7.

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The SOB is on Fox News right now (@ 7:10 pm, 12/02/22), pretending that what he's saying today he'd been fighting for all along. What a despicable swine the man is.

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Selling snake oil 🛢️

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I say again. The late conservative talk show host Inga Barks went to school with McCarthy and said while guest hosting the Mark Levin Radio Show, McCarthy was no conservative and he was squirrelly.

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Just what we don't need!

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The argument that we have to support McCarthy because the alternative could be worse doesn’t hold water. He must be punished for being ineffective whether that’s due to incompetence or malevolence. When your child misbehaves, do you ever say “Well, I don’t punish my child because other kids have done worse.”? Of course not. The misbehavior must be corrected or it will become a habit. As it has with McCarthy and the rinos.

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I often flew on the UA Thursday evening flight from IAD to LAX with KM and the California delegation. Seemed like decent enough human being, but no way has the spine, moxie or conviction to address what this country is facing.

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SPINES needed in leadership positions. Those who will not back down when the going gets tough! SPINES!

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Neville Chamberlain Junior wants to be Speak of The Louse.

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McCarthy will become Speaker and he'll do it by getting 20 to 30 Democrats to vote for him.

Biden and Harris' positions at the top are precarious and that makes the next Speaker very important, and there's NO WAY a real conservative will be allowed to run the House.

That's my prediction. (probably worth what you paid for it but what the hell). ;)

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CT has been exposing RNC Chair McDaniel and GOP Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon all week for their less than productive efforts on behalf of Kari Lake. Now they've raised the white flag in AZ and 'moved on' to Georgia to undermine Herschel Walker. The GOP is pathetic.

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That guy is a real POS RINO. As I mentioned GA is really messed up.

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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

Makes sense. MTG is afraid that some RINOs will join the Commie Dems if McCarthy isn't made the Speaker. She is getting attacked but will not backdown. It's definitely a mess.

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This lifetime republican hopes the party burns down; it is a corporation that only cares about cash. They have stated "We make more when our guys lose." Well... now they will hopefully start losing cash. Donate to candidates, folks, not to ANY party apparatus as they have colluded in swing states to control the ballot counting aside from withholding Trump generated PAC cash from America First candidates.

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STOP SENDING GOP MONEY!!! WHY are SHEEPLE STILL sending them their money???? They aren't working for YOU...they work for the same COMMUNIST GLOBALIST TRAITORS that you and I want to see swing from the end of ropes.


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NO! Plain and simple: NO to Kevin McCarthy! We the People crave LEADERSHIP without whining. Thank you for telling the TRUTH about this imposter, Emerald. Only real LEADERS need apply!

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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022

Too many RINOs in Congress. They will push McCarthy through for the Uniparty. MTG is afraid some of them will join the Dems so she is backing McCarthy. I totally disagree.

As others have stated it's pretty much a lost cause at this point. There will be investigations that lead nowhere. The MSM narrative will be the Special Council on All Things Trump.

The Constitutional Republic is gone and has been for awhile. The Commie Dems control all the Levers. Commie Urban Hell Holes and their Burbs = Mob Rule!

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I’m so done with the Ryan/McCarthy/Luntz cabal. The republicans need to emulate the democrats and elect a real speaker who will go after Biden et al. He is not the one, but they refuse to get their act together. Andy Biggs should get some pledges now, and take on the RINOS.

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McCarthy is an enemy of America first. He will do us more harm. He must not remain in leadership. Breitbart News is standing by him. They wrote a pathetic article supporting him the other day.

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Which is why we must reject him. When the system is telling us we must, there’s no other option etc. that’s when we know we must totally reject what “they” say.

We need a MAGA party now! We must walk away from the GOP they are corrupt to the core and cannot be saved.

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