Oct 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Emerald, once again you are spot on! Lara Logan is merely a correct courageous journalist who has our respect forever.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

You always get right on the bullseye. Thanks Emerald.

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With Newsmax blackballing Lara Logan, I believe their transformation to MSM is finally complete. Haven't watched them ever since upgrading to ROKU (😉) and I haven't looked back. Lindell TV, RAV and OANN are the only media outlets worth watching.

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IIRC, OANN has been dropped/cancelled by DirecTV, Verizon, and Dish. There are probably others. Given the "war" against them, they probably weren't offered any clot shot money, but I don't know for sure.

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i don't know what to make of the Q-anon stuff either but everything you and Lara and a precious few others have been reporting about is spot on. This is one of the few places people can go to get honest non-narrative driven information. I , for one, appreciate it.

You and Lara deserve to be thanked, not scorned.

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Looks to me that there are a large number of "conspiracy facts" ... it has gone way beyond "theory".

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Emphasis mine: "strip in front of schoolkids at [TAXPAYER-FUNDED] public libraries" & "pornography at [TAXPAYER-FUNDED] public schools".

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Conspiracies are real, and really routine. They're only theories until they're proven. They eventually are. The perps always claim the evidence against them is theoretical. The problem is the public who are naive enough to accept it. Failure of the education system.

The important question has to be, how do we educate the naive to recognize the truth? The conspirators are easy to defeat. Half the world who support them are not.

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I have been following Lara Logan fo ra long time. She has sources that seem to confirm all of the worst things we are learning about the U.S. Empire, the cult of "elites" who are bent on destroying our lives and our planet, the endless wars that are ensuring enormous profits for the MIC, and on and on and on. I've never once sensed a hint of untruthfulness or exaggeration in her reporting. That she is still alive is probably the most remarkable part of her life. I trust her implicitly; would that we had a dozen more Lara Logans in this world.

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OMG, Emerald, you totally nailed it! Kudos!

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So good. Saving this to forward as a red pill. Brilliant work, Emerald!

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Excellent...as usual!

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Lara Logan is an excellent journalist. I follow her on Locals. 👍🏼

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I'm definitely sharing this one! The elites are certainly a cult, satanic at that, and I don't have to be a Q follower to know that. I never did understand the Q thing anyway.

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I've posted it before and it IS easily found around the webs; NewsMax CEO Chris Ruddy has donated(?) million$ to The Clinton Foundation for what reasons, I have no idea. Hell, at least you can drive past in posh neighborhoods one's BLM donations but WHERE does that Clinton Foundation money go?

Anyhow, NewsMax is compromised, at the very top. Rudy's donations go back decades so, WHY people still subscribe there, I do not know.

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Oct 23, 2022·edited Oct 23, 2022

We are in an age of intense spiritual warfare, and the satanists are fighting against a lot of unarmed opponents.

Some people might not recognize what Emerald and Lara are doing is actually spiritual warfare against the prince of the power of the air, but that's exactly what they are doing.

If we all will actually fight in the various arenas where we find ourselves, then we will win.

As a good friend once surmised, "if the devil exists, then there must be a God".

I would say since there is a God, He must be all powerful.

Then a lot of churchians wonder why bad things happen to good people.

Because when good people do nothing, bad people win.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t understand the whole’Q Anon’ phenomenon.

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