I cannot laugh. Republicans had 6 million more votes than Democrats but no reported blowouts. The math doesn't work The red wave occurred

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It occurred in Florida, but nowhere else. Isn’t that strange??

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Election integrity in Florida. It would have happened everywhere if all states diligently forced election integrity. When citizens no longer care about election integrity it is because they lack integrity themselves. A country whose citizens have no integrity will fall to tyranny.

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So glad God had my back & I moved to Florida just before lockdown from upstate New York. I hadn’t expected to move for a few more years.

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🤔 Beats me what it could be! 🤔

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Lindell is waiting on totals from Pennsylvania if they don't match the first domino will fall. They didn't match last year but nothing was done

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And they made sure to call him a crazy nutcase last time (and send the FBI after him), so will it matter at all this time?

Don't misunderstand me - I LOVE Mike Lindell (and I've bought a BUNCH of his stuff to support him - my wife keeps saying, "No more!"), but I'm not optimistic at this point. I was never a "Start a Third Party" guy - but I'm starting to think that might be the only solution. Not a quick solution (and not built around Trump, even though I love him , too), but maybe the only effective, permanent one.

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Yes. What is next step? Exposure is not enough. Action. What action?

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I was never a Lindell guy. He won me over with his actions. Pennsylvania has a law they now realize. If the totals don't match the election cannot be certified. They didn't know about the law last election is my understanding. They have to abide by the law. That should be the best chance so far to prosecute the steal.

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Dems are masters of blowing off the law - that is how they have gotten where they are today.

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The only solace in this humor is knowing that MANY AMERICANS know "THE STEAL IS REAL"!

We need to keep shouting the truth, never let someone get away with saying "the Republicans just had bad candidates" or "Trump, Trump, Trump!"

That's B.S. THE STEAL IS REAL. This is 2020 all over again. Keep saying it.

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, "Live not by lies." When you speak the truth, it emboldens others to speak it as well. Also see the book, "Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents" by Rod Dreher. He speaks prophetically (published September, 2020) about where we are today.

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TRUTH!!! This is a fight between good and evil. We know who wins!

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Yeah but most don't care. That's the real problem. I recommend the excellent book, "The Weaponization of Loneliness: How Tyrants Stoke Our Fear of Isolation to Silence, Divide, and Conquer" by Stella Morabito.

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If we allow it, we deserve it. The problem is half the country approves of it. Two ways to fix it -- assertive demands, or force. As Lincoln taught us, a house divided cannot stand. He used force to unify it. That's often necessary.

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He was President.

And don't believe for one minute that half the country approves it. If that was true you would not see so much CHEATING.

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Not so much. TrueTheVote showed 2020 was small, but done in places that mattered -- evenly divided places. Cheating a few percent is detectable, as 2000 Mules and Parallel Election showed. 50-50 can be manipulated 55-45 can't be. It would take 20,000 mules to swing 10%. Of course, if the government sponsors it, the sky is the limit, until we break out the pitchforks.

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Mission number one Make Americans Gain Awareness of government graft and corruption and to reveal the real seditionist among US.

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If only we could meme our way out of this shitshow. I feel like I’ve been pushed out of a plane but my parachute won’t open.

And I’m hurtling toward Jesus’ dire prophecies of hell on earth before He returns.

Where is that damn ripcord?!?

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Jesus has the ripcord. What are you worried about that for? We just have to fight back as long as we're here walking upright.

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Agreed but that's because no one is held accountable. Hold one person accountable and it'll change. We hope the new class has courage

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Yeah especially after it's one of the only states that got cleaned up

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Thanks for the laughs.

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I'm following Lindell on Lindell TV. They found a Pennsylvania law that says if the number of voters does not match the number of votes the election cannot be certified. They didn't match last election but they didn't know about the law. Lindell is waiting for those numbers due maybe today. If they don't match he has a crack legal team waiting to file suit. They cannot ignore statute. That will be the first domino. Hopefully the investigation will blow the lid off everything. So just wait and follow Lindell.

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Bravo, Mike. Kudos, Emerald!

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I did not realize just how MUCH the dems had to cheat to win in 2020. Thx for those #s.

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Cannot justify continuing to fight this battle with the Democrat or the Republican party. If Trump announces a run, hope it's under a new party. I will gladly give it a try. Back up plan will be to look south of the boarder- perhaps they have dumped enough of their bad ones here in America to make south of the boarder more appealing then America?

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I'm afraid I've lost my sense of humor with this! Our country is in dire trouble!

I'm not complaining about Emerald. I appreciate what you do and where your heart and mind is.

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Ridicule may seem like a weak response to blatant fraud but, with no media or law enforcement, I am hard-pressed to think of anything more cost-effective. Let's keep our sense of humor - and make them lose theirs!

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Spot on. A sense of humor disarms!

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When citizens no longer care about election integrity it is because they lack integrity themselves. A country whose citizens have no integrity will fall to tyranny.

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