Sadly, it will be too late for many people that took the vaccines, when down the road, they start to get sick, even a case of the regular flu or an infection of some type, and their immune system will be so weakened by what the vaccines do to the human immune system, they will not be able to fight off their sickness, and will eventually will die. These vaccines were made to depopulate the earth by the elite billionaires, NWO, Deep State, etc. Bill Gates, Ted Turner and many others are on video stating these same things. They believe the earth is way over populated and the population needs to be cut to 500 million people. Do a search of their own words!

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Emerald, stellar report! Now, who will heed this dire warning? It makes me happy that Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, an international lawyer, is proceeding with a major lawsuit which is dubbed Nuremberg 2.0. Bringing these evil doers to account is a major part against Big Pharma, Bill Gates, etc. Now there remains to discover an antidote to this kill shot, if that is at all possible. Murderers in our midst! I keep praying for all the innocent children who have been subjected to this experimental, biologic agent. Your reporting is great! Keep up your good work!

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This has been an amazing document dump, and an echoing silence in our culture. Where is the outcry? Where are the pitchforks? Fauci is a murdering lying criminal.

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A lot of us are and have been awake to these facts since late in 2020 but yet here we are facing an unconstitutional mandate by our PINO and praying that SCOTUS does the right thing by overturning it but the damage has been done to hundreds of millions of American people. It's utterly disgusting that we have allowed this happen and Trump is just as guilty as the Nimrod in Chief that is currently sitting in the WH. It's time for the folks who are AWAKE to fight to take back this country by any and all means necessary. Emerald - thank you for continuing to be a beacon of light to the lost sheep that are in our country.

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The Major's problem is that he wrote his report in governmentese which is designed to obscure rather than inform. He needed Emerald to write it for him, then perhaps superiors might have understood what he said.

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