I am thankful for your return. I had only just purchased a subscription and it looked as if you had been "disappeared."

Have a blessed Christmas!

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All of what you say is true Emerald, but some of us have more connections into our corrupt government, than others. Emerald, besides being courageous, audacious, a scribe of highest standards, your staunch morality and values (dare i say, that would make our founders proud) give us confidence in what you report to us. If I can be so bold to speak for all of us here, we, are willing to do whatever it takes, but you need to calibrate our compass, otherwise we might wander of aimlessly. If you want help, help is yours. WE WANT TO HELP! Tell us what would be most helpful for us "common folk", and we will provide.

P.S. You are absolutely beautiful in that photo!

In JESUS we TRUST. Long live Liberty, Long live the Constitution, Long live the American rebel spirit. Because of CALVARY.

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God bless you and yours Emerald! You are a national treasure!

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Merry Christmas. Glad to see you back.

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Yay! You’re back! I’m soooo happy. Miss seeing you on Newsmax, gave up on them as well. Maybe you and Bari W. Can team up for a tag team interview each other.

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Merry Christmas, Emerald. Thank you for giving us reporting we can trust. Looking forward to more in the new year and hoping you are able to report news with an organization that has TRUE journalistic values and doesn't just talk the talk.

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Just saw that James Rosen is replacing you at Newsmax ~ 👎. Looking forward to following you wherever you land. In the meantime, Merry Christmas to you and yours! 🙏✝️

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Missing you at Newsmax! Will you back?

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Just subscribed. Saw you on Steve Deace. Merry Christmas!

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I hope this doesn’t have anything to do with James Rosen’s being hired by Newsmax. I’m out of the loop for the past 5 weeks. I hope you’re well. Have a very Merry Christmas. God Bless your beautiful family.

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Merry Christmas! I’ve missed seeing you on NMx but I look forward to seeing you here and hearing all the good things you discover!

Have a wonderful holiday season.

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Merry Christmas Emerald to you & all your Family. I miss you on Newsmax & hate their decision. Being a believer I know your best times are ahead. Good Luck & God Bless

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Merry Christmas Emerald! I love how you have the American flag in the background of your Christmas picture. As we celebrate the birth of Christ, we also celebrate that he was also born to die for us. His death on the cross was the ransom (payment) needed to free us from the slavery of sin and death. And His resurrection gave us the victory...eternal life and liberty/freedom. The flag also represents lives lost that paved the way for Americans to enjoy life and liberty. Blessings to you and your family.

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Happy to be newly aboard and eager to partake of your stellar commentary. Best Wishes to all!

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Thank you for all you do. You are a truth teller!!

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You would be welcome on Gab where free speech lives!

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