Sheriff’s need to be called & reports need to be made. This is a felony. Taking away your right to vote.

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It won't matter if all the "counting" takes place after election day. Josef Stalin said, "(paraphrasing) it doesn't matter how people vote; what natters is who COUNTS the votes."

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I don’t believe the PEOPLE will put up with this much longer.

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Perhaps. Sadly, those in power own and control EVERYTHING that we would need to bring this to a stop.


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This is a complicated subject. How was this allowed to happen when monopolies are not allowed? Didn’t the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1980 out law this? Also California Cartwright Act , California Unfair Practices Act, New York Donnelly Act?

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I suspect that, once all the politicians and government officials were bought off or intimidated, enforcement of anti-trust legislation became a moot point. Once you control everything and everyone, you can get away with anything.

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Seems that way, doe’s it.

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They ignore law (and order). What are ya gonna do about it?

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I belong to a group that’s working to get rid of the machines in California. We have filed a lawsuit. What are YOU doing about it?

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Mike has always been right. Most of us always knew he had the goods on the ChiComs and American political uniparty collusion. Game’s just about over for the treasonists on both sides of the aisle.

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This was the deception of 2000 Mules. Not that it wasn’t true, but it aimed to focus on drop boxes and take everybody’s attention off the machines. The illusion is if we can eliminate mail-in voting, we can prevent fraud. Nope.

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Spot on!

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The S must H T F -- AND ASAP if this is going to ever be righted. FELONS! The entire DEMONCRAT party! This election right now and right here is DOA! Not VALID! Do it over and use PAPER BALLOTS!

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Why do people STILL use the mail in ballot or the iPads at voting precincts? I made it a point to use neither. Can you say LAZY? It’s pathetic.

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This year they decided the easiest way to steal the election was just not allow anyone to vote. What a plan!

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Not Only Corporate Media Outlets lied about Covid and Election Fraud. Li'l Ben Shapiro has been one of the smuggest, snarkiest so-called conservatives to pooh-pooh every single concern about both issues for 2 and a half years. Now he's starting to walk back his Vax advocacy because he knows he has no credibility left on the issue because of the mounting evidence. He's is No Different than Bret Baier and Martha Maccallum as far as I'm concerned.

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Bingo. After 2020 I would never give FNC my time on an election night.

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Did we expect anything different than what we are seeing? Makes me wonder when the last time was that we actually had a FAIR election in this country! Simply unacceptable as the fate of the nation is on the line...

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I personally think that Trump dodged a huge bullet by being "relieved" of the 2020 win. D's would have hung the "rushed, toxic" vaq-cn's around his neck, with shrieks of how Trump was trying to mass-murder Americans, especially members of marginalized communities, senior citizens, etc. Instead the D's won and decided to use the shots to consolidate power, fully embracing all their effects. Now that the effects turned out to be, ahem, sub-optimal, Dems are in the position of having to keep the lid on the full-to-bursting v-injury box in perpetuity.

But we can't continue dodging bullets by being accidental beneficiaries of the cheating.

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If he runs and wins, he’ll be blamed for the lockdowns and the jabs. And then some.

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So... when this all comes crashing down, the next step will be that Republican candidates (and voters) will have to hire a gazillion lawyers to fight to get "real" votes counted - spending millions of dollars just to try to eek out something resembling a fair/honest election.

We should NOT have to PAY for our right to vote. This is ENTIRE B.S.!!!

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Agree. Amen.

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Right on Rev

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We knew this election fraud would be bad; we didn't know how bad it would be. No one should ever trust elections in this country ever again. The Founding Fathers must be turning over in their graves.

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Looks like we're gonna have to open a very large can of whoop @ss. That is the only thing the communist demorats understand, they are attacking R's in a big way in dem cesspools.

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Awesome Coverage Emerald! If we don't have fair elections, we have nothing. And we must do everything under the sun to ensure truth and transparency in our elections. These Globalists pushing the Great Reset by pushing candidates committing treason, need to see justice ASAP!

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But WHO is going to administer the “justice”?

Absolutely NO ONE.

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Just subscribed. Thanks for good works. God help us.

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If you want to unravel the mysteries of the 2022 elections, then you must begin MUCH farther back than 2020. For years, the private companies running most elections nationwide, and managing the "vote-counts," were doing exactly what we saw yesterday: stalling, crashing, flipping votes. It happened in 2000 and 2004, only then it benefited the Republicans. Now it's advantaging the Democrats. In neither case is it forgivable.

And we must go back farther still—to the 1964 election, which, by no coincidence, was the first one after JFK was murdered, AND the first one with computerized vote-counts, managed by the media.


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''For those of you who may be in lawsuits with Dominion, we have put together this summary so you can see how the fractionalized and rigged voting works. If your legal team needs assistance understanding how this works, please contact us. Pleased to answer questions you might have beyond this.''


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Emerald you are so right! A lot on the right just said if we flood the polls with votes it will override their ability to steal the elections. Really? I knew if you didn’t fix 2020, nothing would prevent the Dems and foreign actors from doing it again. What’s the definition of insanity?

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