After watching Ted Cruz make a jackass out of himself, the need for clear minded people who can keep their eye on the ball has never been more dire. Keep doing what you're doing.

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Substack is important as you say and it’s is one of the last places where you can still break stories. But it is not the last place on the Internet where you can openly discuss predictions like this one. Gab allows free speech and open discussions on such matters. I share your articles there and many people on that platform support you. You would be appreciated on gab and should be on that platform too. Thank you for continuing to expose the truth.

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Emerald, could you report on the Collective Strength initiative held in December? That simulation may be the precursor to the real event yet to occur much like Event 201 was to the pandemic. Is the collapse of the financial sector the event Klaus Schwab alluded to that would make the pandemic pale in comparison? Also share how we should prepare for it. That would be helpful.

Thanks for all you do!

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God Bless & Keep Ms. Robinson. We need you!!!

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Trump was great in 2015-2016 - but he was easily corrupted or defeated. please run in 2024. you start slinging truth arrows and calling the the GOP what you called them on twitter "weak men" over and over - you will win. "weak men" is on the tip of every Republican's tongue...

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I was warning people about Trump in 2015. My predictions about him turned out to be 100% true. Rush Limbaugh -- among others -- said at the time, Trump is no conservative. That turned out to remain as true as ever. Trump fooled a lot of people. The carnage attributable to him will never be undone.

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Trump did more for America, especially our economy than anyone ever. EVER. I can't imagine that you or anyone else in his position where the barrage of info and pressure to react in a nanosecond was way beyond measure would have gotten right.

You also never would have been able to sift the lies from the truth when almost EVERY MEDICAL SOURCE WAS LYING TO YOU. Please...

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No, Trump was lying to you. Apparently you believe these socialist agendas make America great:

Trump gave us:

Largest Deficit in history

Deadly Covid-19 Bio-weapon

Increased funding for Planned Parenthood

Socialist Paid Family Leave

Continuation of Obamacare

Electronic Health Records

LGBTQ in Republican Party

USMCA Treaty

Trump Pushed for

Clean DACA bill

Universal Background Checks

Feinstein Gun-Ban Bill

Nation-wide E-Verify

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Emerald, I am glad to support you! We need fierce independent journalists like you. Great Job!

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You have been correct about everything; and you have been FIRST to break the news. TY.

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Great results often start with the courage to ask the right questions of the right people. Thank you for being that “lone voice in the wilderness” who was willing to go where those questions led, no matter what.

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good stuff as usual. Can you shed any light on the Arizona audit clown show ? Or if we can trust Flynn, Byrne, Giuliani or Jenna Ellis ? btw Ellis endorsed Desantis for 2024 on Twitter a few days ago. How would you like to have someone like that guarding your back.

keep up the great work !

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Always being respectful of ER, by 10/21 many others and myself were saying all of this. I love your work and tenacity, but this wasn't a Nostradamus-like premonition. .02

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I am surprised that they haven't kicked you off of YouTube yet. My prediction for 2022 - Emerald will be banned from YouTube for speaking the 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇

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Keep digging. Lots to uncover!!

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