I love your fearlessness in the face of these soulless bastards. If you set up a fo fund me I will contribute.

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Better make it "Give Send Go" - they don't discriminate against conservatives and Christians.

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Yes, you don't want to get robbed by the likes of PayPal, etc. (there's no such thing as "one cockroach," so if there's one PayPal, there must be dozens of them).

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Fraudsters here, there, and everywhere. Venezuela needs to mind their own business. I agree with your take, Emerald, that foreign firms must stop harassing American journalists about American elections. TRUTH will eventually be revealed. Keep the faith! We have your back!

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If they are Venezuelan then isn’t the CIA you are up against ?

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WE ARE WITH YOU! Stand for Truth & Ty for Fighting for America!

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I’ll gladly contribute if needed.

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Machines are unnecessary. Those who support them must benefit from their use. We know they were connected to the internet. Lindell has that well documented. A voter class action and Rico charge might be appropriate. Texas AG is suing Pfizer and has a case. So does Pfizer shareholders for Misrepresentation .

You are in a position of legal financial extortion. Do you have a legal defense fund? Your fight is for all of us. More publicity, speaking on more shows, funding from Kash Patel. You need to bring an army to attack and defend. We are part of that army but need a plan. We need to be a credible threat and get them to drop the suit. I thought Mike was going to destroy them in discovery.

How can we communicate?

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Good luck today and don't let the basturds get you down.

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Appreciate you, Emerald. I'm already subscribed. You need a good way for folks to support you in addition to subscriptions.

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You're a brave lady; thanks for your work. Expecting or hoping that elected officials will ever look into voting fraud and irregularities is like asking them to bite the hand that feeds them. I know I've said that before, but it still applies. These are people with no sense of shame and no scruples. We live in different times, now, much different from the time when people were honorable and honest, mostly.

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Emerald: Tell your lawyers to file a Motion to Dismiss the Re-Deposition and entire lawsuit on grounds they lack standing and failed to state any claims because the companies are foreign entities, controlled and run by foreign entities, and are being used to rig elections in the U.S. through foreign entities.

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I also believe there was a recent case brought by Mexico against either Texas or Arizona, and/or the United States that got thrown out on similar grounds.

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Come on! Couldn’t you ignore these bullies ?

Are you sure?


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Dec 9, 2023·edited Dec 9, 2023

12/08/23: What is amusing about this jackassery is that since Newsmax did Emerald wrong (and how!), they can hardly expect her to be in the frame of mind to say anything positive about her former employer.

On the other hand, obviously, if she is or isn't under oath, she'll tell the truth.

I suspect that the reason why Fox caved in and settled Dominion's lawsuit (how's that for a colossal Benefit of Corporate Nepotism, Lachlan?!) is that Dom has taken the trouble of assembling all the videos of the Fox (and Newsmax and all the rest of the corrupt media) talking heads screaming at their viewers to get vaxxed.

Which has led to millions of deaths and debilitating injuries, which of course no one in the MSM will ever discuss, having adopted the one-time BBC edict that immigration was not an issue to be discussed, EVER.*

Well, eventually the problem over there in Cameron's UKistan got so bad, they HAD to

--- which didn't prevent Brexit from occurring, which is why Cameron is no more and the Clown Prince, Boris, ascended to No. 10, preceded and succeeded by two weepy Nancy Drews, etc. ---

So you'd think that after a while, with all the bodies now piling up world-wide, this cowardly media prohibition must also evaporate.

And boy will that ever be a new and improved definition of "The Sh*t Hit The Fan!"

*See "The Noble Liar," Aitken (2020), a politely scathing indictment of the dangerous / arrogant sheep at the Woke BBC (Aitken, now retired, was a veteran BBC journalist).

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