Who is Katy Tur? ;)

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Used-up media harlot.

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I LOVE the embedded clips of these morons/lunatics putting their foot in their mouths! Beautiful!

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Trump's takedown of Tur in that video made my day!

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If Katy is looking for sympathy, she can find it between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

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Smokin' Piece Emerald! You have taken the only winning approach with Marxists apologists like Katy Tur in the field of so-called journalism. Aggressively and accurately point to the record of their public musings and ridicule it without cessation! There is no other EFFECTIVE way with these people.

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Excellent as always.

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Amazing how these brain dead ‘journalists’, with NO CREDIBILITY, write books full of BS that only brain dead libs will read... thanks Emerald. Great job. I am wiping the coffee from my nose as I write this 😉

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I don't think the Libs read books. The books just adorn their bookshelves.

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Book furniture-virtue signaling.

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They aren't read. It's a way of making huge campaign contributions.

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Jul 26, 2022
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Bribes? Perhaps, but who needs to bribe anyone in an industry that is already owned lock, stock and barrel by the bribers (Pfizer/Covid-Industrial complex)?

Money laundering, no, unless the publisher rebates (kicks back) most or all of the money back to the buyer (unlikely).

Money laundering scenario: You have hot cash. You buy a pizzeria. Now your cash is "legit." You OWN something of tangible, financial value worth something in the future.

Owning a Tur book (who read it to her?) entails losing your money (willingly). You now own something that is worthless the day you bought it and will be worthless forever.

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Her “book” sounds like it would be pretty “triggering” for the snowflakes (who are the only people who would buy and possibly read it). Why would you want to publish to the whole world what a truly disgusting human being your tranny father has been his whole life? Couldn’t possibly be for the sympathy votes could it? Naaaaaaahhhhh. <shakes head yes>.

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It's been a standard (corrupt) book marketing tactic for YEARS now. Template Author (not Tur) ginning up publicity claims that her father sexually molested her, etc. All lies, told without the slightest sense of shame. All Tur did was find a new way to throw someone (her insane father) under the bus.

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...another one bites the dust! 🤣

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Lol. With this most recent piece written by Emerald Robinson, she has just killed the 20 books Katie Tur thought she was going to sell. Emerald gives it to them straight with no chaser. I'm sure when Katie Tur read this, she became apoplectic with rage, because Emerald has exposed her for the fraud she is!!

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The books are bought by people who are making political campaign contributions, then they throw them away, unread.

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Very entertaining article, Emerald. I would demote Katy from JV to modified propagandist. I doubt her skill set warrants any better. Loved how foolish DJT made her look. Keep up your excellent work!

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Amdoremi, yes, Trump cuts right through the clutter, doesn't he? She was just gonna sit there and tell us illegal immigrants don't commit many crimes, spouting her talking points like a good little trooper, when suddenly she got Trumped and lost her place. He does this so matter of factly without any time consuming flourishes or doublespeak and saves me from the sore throat I get from yelling at the TV screen.

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I’ve never heard of her. Sounds like so many n legacy media.

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Dang I miss Trump

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No doubt another Soros funded installed "journalist".

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Funded by the bottomless corporate pockets of Comcast/NBC (News Blatantly Corrupt)

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Corporate press is dead. We all know this. Keep investigating the stories that matter. Thanks

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Who’s that? Seriously, I’ve never heard of her.

Thanks Emerald - you’re reporting has been awesome. I tuned out on mainstream news years ago because of the nonsense coming from people like her. Thanks for bringing it to my attention so I’m a bit more culturally aware but she’s not a factor - at all - in “telling me what to think” these days. Glad for the honest and quality sources I get from other places.

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