Another great piece from the most honest and hard working journalist in the biz, thanks Emerald!

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This is a SUPERB piece of writing with accurate descriptions, and it unveils the reality of the disaster which is Joe Biden’s presidency! Thank you, Emerald!

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Listen to me Emerald, you are clearly a rising star. Sooner or later Fox News and Corporate Conservatives are going to come with a job to try to buy you off. Just remember Ann Coulter sitting at Rob Lowe’s roast being publicly humiliated for hours because deep down she wants their acceptance. You don’t want to be that. Keep doing what you do girl…

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I will second this comment

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Agreed. They will try to buy you off. Resist

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Preach on sister. Preach on.

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Excellent writing. You are the real deal, Emerald. I enjoy your work.

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This is worthy of a Pulitzer Emerald. Absolutly incredible.

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No need to insult her! Pulitzer prizes have long since become degenerate tokens bestowed upon fifth columnists from the NYT like Walter Duranty and his post-modern colleague, the female(?) Sideshow Bob look-alike who came up with the 1619 Project.

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Neoliberalism in today's America = Hypocrisy = Put America Interest Last = Treason

People need to wake up, hold them accountable and take our country back.

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How about we exchange the stranded Americans in Kabul for the Democrats, corporate media, woke military, intelligence agencies, Silicon Valley and Hollywood? They all deserve to live in that hell hole after what they did to this country.

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Another brutally honest article Emerald! God help this Country.

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A fabulous piece from you Emerald! Thank you! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Your scathing excoriation of our treasonous federal government and press should be read far and wide by those still mindlessly glued to MSM and the propaganda mill of the press. Unfortunately, it is probably too late for these NPC's whose brains have long sense been turned to mush by treasonous public schools and universities. But thank you revealing the truth, Emerald. Someone has to do it, and so few do.

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Way to go Emerald . i love this article . You called all the Bums out.

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Every single word of this is amazing.

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What a wonderful article about such a horrible chain of events. Your way with words Emerald is not only refreshing and factual, that really puts the reader in a position to understand these complex issues more clearly then previously thought.

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Unsheath Occam’s Razor. No explanation for the string of obvious stupidities offered nor any effort to change course demonstrates these “mistakes “ are quite deliberate. Benedict Arnold betrayed us to Brits with his failed surrender of West Point, Biden successfully surrendered Kandahar, and more,so much more. Time to talk seriously about treason and the flock of woke “Benedict Arnolds “ who infect the DC Swamp.

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐚𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥 was the governing "strategy" on 11 September 2012 at Benghazi for #CalamityOrganizer Obama. #CalamityCodger Biden invoked the 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦 [super-sized] strategy during Afghanistan August 2021. Nothing like invoking one's electoral votes with guts... as opposed to gutless guile and/or manic-mindless incompetence.

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A Dr. Hunter S. Thompson style review of Afghanistan. Good job dude.

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