New Study: 436 BILLION Spike Proteins Found in the Blood of Kids 30 Days After The Shot
A new study finds: the COVID “vaccines” are causing fatal myocarditis in children
There’s a number of anonymous Twitter accounts that are doing the best investigative work on the COVID vaccines — and one of the best is called Jikkyleaks. (I’ve mentioned this researcher’s work previously on Substack.) Back in January, this anonymous researcher discovered some very troubling information hiding out in an obscure medical study.
The article’s title: Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post–COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis.
This article highlighted by JikkyLeaks should be sent to every parent who gave one of the COVID “vaccines” to their child — it’s a matter of life and death.
Here’s the problem: parents were told that the spike proteins would disappear from the body after a few weeks — only the antibodies would remain.
The medical study proves that these claims were clearly false.
Here’s the main point that you need to understand from this study: there were 436 billion copies of the spike protein found in the plasma of kids one month after they got the jab.
436 billion copies of the spike protein.
That’s much too much.
The study also showed that the experimental COVID “vaccines” were causing myocarditis in children — which is fatal in 50% of all patients over a 5 year period.
This heart damage was revealed in troponin tests.
JikkyLeaks adds:
It's a problem because the study authors should have raised an alarm after the first two or three cases. You see, that was their duty. It was a duty as medical officers and as research officers. But to our knowledge they said nothing and kept recruiting.
But it didn't matter that young people were getting myocarditis (with a known 5-year mortality of up to 50%). What mattered is finishing the study so they could publish.
Read the entire thread here on Twitter.
Lets see. So far I am aware that the "vaccines" cause heart attacks in children, greatly accelerate malignancy of heretofore latent cancel cells in young adults, elevate miscarriages and still births, elevate infant deaths while sleeping, disrupt women's mensural cycle hence making reproduction less likely, brought boom times to the body disposal business via sudden death syndrome and is even suspected of actually modifying DNA. Man these evil geniuses sure knew what they were doing when given the task of depopulating the Earth. Doctor Fauci take a bow, you hired a crack team of death angels.
They clearly NEVER CARE ABOUT COLLATERAL damage as long as they are making money and staying in power. Just think about the border assault. They hailed people from all over the world to come and they will get into the USA as future Democratic Party Voters. They didn't care about these countries opening their prisons on us. They didn't care about the drugs and cartels killing our children. They don't care about the rapes of our women and children. They don't care about ANYTHING as long as they can stay in power! This my friends is your Democratic Party (and many of the RINO party). We are pretty much screwed coming and going! Always about the POWER/Money... ALWAYS