Lets see. So far I am aware that the "vaccines" cause heart attacks in children, greatly accelerate malignancy of heretofore latent cancel cells in young adults, elevate miscarriages and still births, elevate infant deaths while sleeping, disrupt women's mensural cycle hence making reproduction less likely, brought boom times to the body disposal business via sudden death syndrome and is even suspected of actually modifying DNA. Man these evil geniuses sure knew what they were doing when given the task of depopulating the Earth. Doctor Fauci take a bow, you hired a crack team of death angels.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

They clearly NEVER CARE ABOUT COLLATERAL damage as long as they are making money and staying in power. Just think about the border assault. They hailed people from all over the world to come and they will get into the USA as future Democratic Party Voters. They didn't care about these countries opening their prisons on us. They didn't care about the drugs and cartels killing our children. They don't care about the rapes of our women and children. They don't care about ANYTHING as long as they can stay in power! This my friends is your Democratic Party (and many of the RINO party). We are pretty much screwed coming and going! Always about the POWER/Money... ALWAYS

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I still come back to: #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter Those pushing this poison must be indicted, prosecuted, sentenced, and then carry out the sentence. This is genocide. I’d start with Bourla, Fauci, then continue on with the rest. They must all pay, down to the school administrators, local health officers not paying attention, and so on. Again, #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter

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Thank you Emerald for bringing this very important information to our attention. Something has to be done to stop these satanic marxists.

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I doubt that he has a single thought like that in his sociopathic head.

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Money, power, and greed fuel the dishonest so-called scientists whose flimsy "research" is a facade to make themselves feel important. We need to protect our children for they are our future! This experimental biologic agent for COVID should never have been injected into any arm. Research, research and then research again! Be skeptical! Always! Myocarditis is NOT normal! Kudos, Emerald, for a cogent article.

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So Emerald what about adults? Spike proteins are bad! Wife and I passed on the jab but both our boys took the jab which is of great concern for both of us!!!

No idea how true this is but their is a possibility that both Senators Fetterman and Feinstein have passed on! Senator Shummer and the dems are not reporting this. Can you look into this?

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Those responsible for this mass murder must be held accountable, starting at the top, Biden and his administration, Fauci and all the makers of the poison they mandated for everyone to accept or lose everything they have. Airline pilots are dropping dead, young people are dying daily. Seems those responsible don't give a schiff as long as it doesn't affect them. In my opinion, this was all planned and carried out by the drugmakers and Biden and Obama and the NWO. Otherwise, why not one involved have had any side effects of the jab.

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deletedMar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023
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…and even odds he personally never received one Covid vaccine jab.

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