Olivia Troye Casey Hutchinson and a few of the others are all interchangeably related to the Pence staff...I never trusted him and was proven right with Pences cowardice on 01/06/2021

It’s just looking now that Pence and all around him had the primary job to undermine the Trump Administration

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Don't forget Pence's Chief of Staff, Marc Short, who turned out to be unabashedly anti-Trump. Read his Wikipedia article for all the gory details of his many betrayals.

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Yes indeed Marc Short was in effect the head of the snake in Pences office

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Mike Pence's staff seems to have consisted primarily of Deep State operatives out to undermine Trump at every turn. Which is perhaps not surprising since he was foisted on the President by the Republican establishment in the interest of--how absurd it now sounds--"unity."

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And Pence was just another RINO weasel whereas if he's just done the right thing on at least advocating SOME independent verification of the election of Joe "Mr. 81 Million Votes" Biden, he might well be the front runner following a successful Trump 2nd term. But then again, as the saying goes the Democrats are the Evil Party and the Republcans are the Stupid Party. Together they make up the corrupt Uniparty that's running this country....INTO THE GROUND!!

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We're besieged by professional useful idiots! Keep going after them Emerald! The pushback is picking up steam but I still worry that all these malevolent jerks are going to spring the famed "Disease X" on us in 2024 to get us all killed, injured, locked-down and/or quarantined, for our own good of course! A protection racket on steroids! "Nice health you've got there. It would be a shame if anything happened to it!"

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You always put the pieces together. After you’ve put them together they seem so obvious, yet no one else has done the same. Do you have that good of memory? Or are you that good at research? I suspect both. You do the work all journalists should do, the kind all journalists used to do.

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Why is it that a Congresscritter can't immediately stop the hearing, call the Sgt. of Arms, and have someone like this arrested by the Sgt. of Arms for committing perjury (and contempt of Congress at the same time). What is the reason for the Sgt. of Arms, anyway, if Congresscritters don't use them to arrest people on the spot for perjury and contempt of Congress????? Is it yet another waste of taxpayers' dollars????

They should be arresting these Socialist lackeys on the spot for committing insurrection and treason against the U.S. Constitution--an oath they took to uphold, support & defend, but turned out to be Communist infiltrators subject to death penalties & execution). There shouldn't be any delay to arrest someone like this for committing perjury, contempt, insurrection and treason right in the face of Congress.

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Great concept; have a bailiff ready to escort perjurers to a cell pending indictment and certain conviction - as would be the norm in any hearing.

But congress got no jail (well, one "cell" with no support system), no way to indict, no detention authority, no guts, no accountability - voting is a kind of SNL skit!

Referring liars and perjurers to the executive branch starts a perpetual "investigation" that, literally, lasts forever.

We have no system of justice. Hell, we have no government!

With no men left to fight and surrender imminent, the "must-win" Ukraine war is lost, which the whole of D.C. said losing it would end of our Democracy.

By deduction we no longer have a democracy.

(although, what Marxists wanted with a democracy in the first place is unfathomable)

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Nothing surprises me. We have so many useful idiots in DC. Pence remains a snake in the grass. We need Patriots with a spine in leadership positions! Thank you, Emerald, for your stellar reporting!

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Thank you. Emerald, for another great report. The corruption in our great country is much greater than many of us realized.

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Infiltration at ALL levels of government.

Not surprised she is connected to Judas Pence.

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You can't shame people who have no sense of shame.

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This is called making policy by proclamation. And it’s what they want the public to hear. There may be no scientific evidence for it and it may be incorrect but just making a public statement seems to be all they need to convince a significant fraction of population to believe them.

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Now I see it! The entirety of Mike Pence's (failed) campaign for President!

Pence knew what this spook was doing all along! His campaign, then, was his attempt to shield what this person had done from the inside, so that he could place the blame directly on Trump, thus ruining any future chance for Trump's re-election.

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"You can't make this stuff up." It's gotta be a movie one day.

David C.

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