What can be done? Legacy media won’t report it. GOPe and Dems are in bed together on everything. It’s going to happen again tomorrow in Georgia.

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We need to fully accept that elections won't fix this...

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Definition of Dominion; Sovereignty or control.

Dominion Voting Machines have sovereignty and control over our elections until we get rid of these machines.

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Nothing suprises me anymore. People don't know what to do at this point. The fix is in and like Emerald said.. "They aren't even trying to hide it anymore". Just like the Southern Border.. They are quickly building the left base by 200,000 + per month and that will be going on for a few more years. We are in deep trouble folks. The FRAUD is real, the ILLEGALS are real and the CRASHING ECONOMY is REAL.

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And the worst part is because most of those immigrants do not speak English they can manipulate them just like they’ve manipulated the black community for 60 years.

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Im sure we all saw the mules in the 2000 mules film ? Are they not identifiable? If they stole money from an ATM , I'm sure they would be. Are there not severe laws to punish these crimes? If not, then it will not stop, and that will be the end of real elections and the end of America.

WOW! That easy

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I live in PA and voted for McCormick. Sean Parnell was my first choice and when he endorsed McCormick that was good enough for me. PA has a majority republican state senate and they did absolutely NOTHING to either get to the bottom of the fraud of 2020 nor to prevent it happening again. I agree with every word.

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While I generally agree with you Emerald, I'm not so sure about this one. Yes, there very well could be shennanigans going on again just as they did less than 2 years ago so that part may be true. However, Trump should NOT have endorsed Dr. Oz. Oz is as best a RINO and at worse a DemonRat. I don't believe he represents the conservative values of US conservative Americans. I don't know anything about his opposition but I don't think that OZ is the right person for the job and really hope he loses.

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While your eyes are adjusting themselves to the darkening theater in Pennsylvania, don't ignore the kabuki show playing out in Georgia.


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I live in Georgia and can't STAND Kemp BUT I'm not a huge fan of Perdue either. Perdue has been part of the political establishment for decades and while I believe he was cheated out of his senate seat in the 2020 election, I don't know that he's the right person for the job in GA. I will take ANYONE with conservative leanings over the land whale known as Stacie Abrams. While I get why Trump threw his endorsement behind Perdue, I don't think Perdue is the right guy.

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My brother lives in GA and luckily in MTG's district. He thinks Kemp will win the Pub primary and Gov over Commie Dem Whale Abrams. He said people like Kemp for how he handled the Virus. I don't think he really cares which Pub wins the primary as long as long as Commie Dem Whale Abrams doesn't become Governor. My brother thinks the leaked recording dissing GA might hurt her.

Perdue never contested which was telling. He probably won the election and there shouldn't have been a runoff.

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Emerald, I must correct you I have several friends in Lancaster County who voted for McCormick. To be clear, no one wanted to vote in this election. My MAGA PA friends did not like Oz one bit. Fox gave them concerns on Barnette. McCormick started talking MAGA near the end of the race and they voted for him. I suspect this is why the pollsters were so wrong.

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Sorry. Anybody who is still influenced by Fox is an idiot. Anybody who is still watching Fox is an idiot.

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Emerald wrote, "The Trafalgar Group has been the only polling firm (other than Rasmussen) to make accurate calls the last few years."

Emerald, let me introduce you to Richard Baris https://gettr.com/user/PeoplesPundit

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Great post as usual, Emerald. Wake up, folks, and join your county election process.

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