Thank you Emerald for consolidating this info. Saw you on John Fredericks on Real America’s Voice (RAV) yesterday. Well done!
For any of your readers who are unaware, RAV can be downloaded on most smart TVs. It is free and has excellent programming.
I highly recommend Bannon’s War Room from 10-12noon and 5-7pm. The War Room posse has 2500 talented volunteers plus 250 lawyers working with Dr Naomi Wolf of to sift through these pfizer document data dumps.
They are making great headway.
Thank you Emerald. You are fearless. Much RESPECT to you.
As always - when we learn the truth about our government's involvement in ANYTHING - education, health care, poverty - it's WORSE than we ever could have imagined. MUCH WORSE.
I saw a doctor wondering if the masks in the offices are the reason that so many people are not going in for their checkups. Do they not like the masks? Good grief, is she serious? The long term harm this has all done to the medical community, to the government, to the news sources that we somewhat trusted, is monumental. I will never forget the feeling I had when I realized that the government would rather I was dead than be noncompliant.
Let’s not forget *why* Pfizer concocted this witch’s brew: because our own government funded communist Chinese mad scientists to make bat viruses transmissible to humans
"Let me finish with this thought: perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to re-program the DNA of half the world to produce spike proteins to “fight” a virus with a 99% survival rate?" How right you are Emerald! And still everytime I visit my neurologist we argue about my not wanting to take another "jab" of the Pfizer vaccine. If the first two times weren't enough to immunize me from a "deadly" virus, then I do not see the efficacy in taking a third, fourth and so on ad nauseum.
"FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!", I am thinking about becoming a Scientologist or Flat Earther.
Concerning stuff. But these figures aren't from the latest 80,000 dump. We have known about this (docs in the public domain) for at least half a year, some of it, over a year.
question - Naomi Wolf mentioned in one video that there were 50 pregnant people in the trial (not just rats) but no follow up whatsoever on those people? So not sure if that was in a later papers dump from company.....
44 rats. Humans less important in the pecking order! Money, power, control and greed! Left speechless and disgusted! Brave of you to share this, Emerald.
Just more lies. The last report I read though the vaccinated were being hospitalized and dying in greater numbers than the unvaccinated. If I remember right, it was actually the CDC after they were called out for not being truthful with the public. Still don't trust them though.
Pfizer is guilty of crimes against humanity and media are complicit
Check out attorney Thomas Renz and the whistleblowers inside the DoD.
Bless Thomas Renz!
Thanks for asking this, I was wondering myself. It’s like saying 10 people in the US were attacked by sharks last summer without giving context.
Thank you Emerald for consolidating this info. Saw you on John Fredericks on Real America’s Voice (RAV) yesterday. Well done!
For any of your readers who are unaware, RAV can be downloaded on most smart TVs. It is free and has excellent programming.
I highly recommend Bannon’s War Room from 10-12noon and 5-7pm. The War Room posse has 2500 talented volunteers plus 250 lawyers working with Dr Naomi Wolf of to sift through these pfizer document data dumps.
They are making great headway.
Thank you Emerald. You are fearless. Much RESPECT to you.
I encoruage folks to watch the video links. They are simply tragic and infuriating! Thanks once again Emerald for this stunning content!
As always - when we learn the truth about our government's involvement in ANYTHING - education, health care, poverty - it's WORSE than we ever could have imagined. MUCH WORSE.
I saw a doctor wondering if the masks in the offices are the reason that so many people are not going in for their checkups. Do they not like the masks? Good grief, is she serious? The long term harm this has all done to the medical community, to the government, to the news sources that we somewhat trusted, is monumental. I will never forget the feeling I had when I realized that the government would rather I was dead than be noncompliant.
Well said, Kay.
...They won't allow the 2022 midterm elections to be free and fair.
Let’s not forget *why* Pfizer concocted this witch’s brew: because our own government funded communist Chinese mad scientists to make bat viruses transmissible to humans
Thank you again for your excellent reporting.
"Let me finish with this thought: perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to re-program the DNA of half the world to produce spike proteins to “fight” a virus with a 99% survival rate?" How right you are Emerald! And still everytime I visit my neurologist we argue about my not wanting to take another "jab" of the Pfizer vaccine. If the first two times weren't enough to immunize me from a "deadly" virus, then I do not see the efficacy in taking a third, fourth and so on ad nauseum.
"FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!", I am thinking about becoming a Scientologist or Flat Earther.
were Joe Biden, Fauci and Obama among the RATS that Pfizer tested the Covid vaccine on?
was also HRC among those RATS?
Concerning stuff. But these figures aren't from the latest 80,000 dump. We have known about this (docs in the public domain) for at least half a year, some of it, over a year.
question - Naomi Wolf mentioned in one video that there were 50 pregnant people in the trial (not just rats) but no follow up whatsoever on those people? So not sure if that was in a later papers dump from company.....
Pregnant women, not pregnant people.
Unbelievable. Keep digging and shouting. Thanks
I’m so glad I never got the shot and we all need to pray for the ones who did
Outstanding reporting on this Emerald
44 rats. Humans less important in the pecking order! Money, power, control and greed! Left speechless and disgusted! Brave of you to share this, Emerald.
I wonder if the data is the same/similar for the Moderna vax. Why are we getting document dumps for it as well?
Just more lies. The last report I read though the vaccinated were being hospitalized and dying in greater numbers than the unvaccinated. If I remember right, it was actually the CDC after they were called out for not being truthful with the public. Still don't trust them though.