We were in Taiwan all of 2020. Covid-1984 didn't hit Taiwan hard until 2021, so life was mostly normal in Taiwan all of 2020. In Taiwan, I walked down the street from our apartment 3 minutes to the local pharmacy, and bought boxes of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for $10-$20, very cheap. Brought it back to the U.S., and order ivermectin from India for low cost. I got Covid-1984 once in fall 2021, and again during Thanksgiving 2023. In both cases, I was in bed for 1.5 days, and was back up and fine in 48 hr after taking HCQ, Ivermectin, quercetin, melatonin, etc. We told everyone not to take the poison death shot, but many people "wanted to travel" or "wanted to see relatives."
Since the Manchurian Candidate stole the election in 2020, we have been under a mafia rule. Praying that Elliot Ness (Trump) will put a stop to this after Nov 2024 elections!
I learned of Ivermetcin while in Brasil in 2020. Widely available w/o a physician prescription at retail pharmacies. Very inexpensive. My wife and I have been taking Ivermectin prophylaxis since 2020. Zero side effects or complications and I have a Pacemaker/Defibrillator implant since 2018.
Peter McCullough is my hero. Texas icon.
What Baylor Scott & White did to him was unconscionable. But, he rebounded with character and integrity. Truth tellers do.
Thank you for your integrity in reporting the facts and not the propaganda.
Bannon had Dr. Michael Nehls on the other day(Episode 3320 of the Warroom). He is the author of "The Indoctrinated Brain" and explains his case on how the gene therapy in the 'vaccines' are going to further erase memories; essentially they hasten dementia, etc. Nothing surprises me anymore when we have so many wealthy NGO's and freakshow's running them.
Exactly. The Covid propaganda and fear was enough to warp people's thinking. But add to that the grief when a family member or friend dies after the injections, and a person's ability to think and see reality is destroyed. A parent who made their child get toxic Covid shots will never be able to admit the truth to themself.
Thank you again, Emerald, for keeping this issue front and center. It needs to be shouted from the mountaintops (and every honest person's account on X/Twitter). Every day. Over and over.
Anyone who is not reading/subscribing to Marc Crispin Miller's Substack, DO SO NOW. Every week he publishes lists (from USA and around the world) of those who died suddenly that week. It's horrific, it's evil, it should make your blood boil. You'll never want to get near a needle again in your life!
I tried for a few months but it is so sad that I just couldn’t keep reading it day after day. I’m 81 years old and the constant horrors in this world I’ve seen in my lifetime are just too overwhelming. But he is doing good work and it is too bad that it is hidden from 90%of the rest of the people.
Thank you Emerald. And analogous to a little lying schoolboy telling the teacher, umm the dog ate my homework, these low life criminals try to peddle off the " global warming" did it. This has to be the lowest most embarrassing stage the human being has arrived at. So called smart people, educated, PHD's don't even know this info, never heard of graphene oxide, never even heard of Klaus and the WEF ! However, they do know about Greta as they clink their glasses and make their educated vote. I never gave enough creedence to the power of brainwashing until recent. We are at the precipice
At some point people are going to realize and understand the depths of evil perpetrated on society. Keep repeating the mantra and publishing more of such reports. Since we sing in the choir for funerals, we are intimately aware of how many more funerals there are now. Thoughts and prayers for all the recently deceased.
There’s plenty of evidence. Are you familiar with all his lawsuits? Read Dr Paul Alexander for a while, one of the heros of the medical freedom movement
I know that there are lawsuits. I also know about the vilification that has precipitated them. When Dr. Malone asked his Substack subscribers for feedback, I suggested that he refrain from lawsuits, as his own wife is recommending. And I made other suggestions about a specific situation I’m aware of. Because people do things we disagree with does not make them plants. When you make that kind of an allegation, you need to provide specific evidence, or a link to specific evidence. A recommendation to read another person’s output is not evidence.
Like the Deep State's misdeeds, "evidence" will always be fleeting. Discernment and deduction must then suffice. And so it is with Malone, whose actions do not match his original, professed zeal for the good of the people. He has all the earmarks of being a plant.
There is plenty of evidence about the Deep State’s misdeeds, chronicled by I don’t know how many people. To say that evidence is “fleeting” about Dr. Malone is crazy— there is documentation all over the place of what he has said and done. Why aren’t you pointing to anything specific?
1) because, as you say: "To say that evidence is “fleeting” about Dr. Malone is crazy— there is documentation all over the place of what he has said and done."
2) Including links deters folks from doing their own work. PLEASE don't believe me!
You are the one making the allegation. In this country, the standard (now often violated) is the presumption of innocence. This means that the person alleging guilt has to provide the evidence. This is what you are refusing to do.
Kay, My long Search for the article which led me to question (Not conclude) whether Dr. Malone was cooperating with the Deep State, appears to be missing. I may (or may not) have fallen for a Deep State misdirection. My sincerest apologies to the good Dr. If it is found I'll pass it on.
Emerald, could you please provide information/links of the best possible ways to detox, and get these poisons out of the body? I'm okay, but I would like to provide positive information to my family and friends who are at risk. Thank you.
Some perspective, I achieved 'complete response to treatment' from participating in clinical trial for multiple myeloma (stage III when diagnosed). So, as I watched the panic envelope my friends (outside the right-leaning ones who just got angrier as they saw what was happening).
I saw this in Gilda's Club meetings as well. These who dined on frosting their whole lives and had little or no muscle mass or capacity for even light aerobics expected chemo to be a targeted therapy were the ones who didn't make it long term. Over a few years of attendance, the personnel of these meetings changed as the unhealthy, pre-or diabetic were hit the hardest. Perhaps I was lucky because of physiology too.
That perspective guided me away from the Covid vaccine and the hype around "the shot(s)". Because the same body types were affected the most, it merely paralleled what I saw during treatment and through the Gilda's Club meetings. Caught Covid 2x and got through it both times a-ok. The most vaxxed member of my immediate circle is recovering a g a i n from another Covid bout. And I used to have a much more sympathetic view of big Pharma.
I am not recalling just scant years before so many young people of upper-tier athletic ability (even standard healthy) dying. It did happen here & there but it's a weekly thing now. I guess a year to year comparison would reveal more data but, even that could always be disputed. 'Cause the media doesn't get much dough outside of big Pharma big - gov't ties.
Proof of jab was required to enter a restaurant or a Springsteen concert two years ago. Now it's forbidden to ask jab status.
We call that progress. However, the marxists call it a setback.
Great reporting, Emerald, thanks!
We were in Taiwan all of 2020. Covid-1984 didn't hit Taiwan hard until 2021, so life was mostly normal in Taiwan all of 2020. In Taiwan, I walked down the street from our apartment 3 minutes to the local pharmacy, and bought boxes of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for $10-$20, very cheap. Brought it back to the U.S., and order ivermectin from India for low cost. I got Covid-1984 once in fall 2021, and again during Thanksgiving 2023. In both cases, I was in bed for 1.5 days, and was back up and fine in 48 hr after taking HCQ, Ivermectin, quercetin, melatonin, etc. We told everyone not to take the poison death shot, but many people "wanted to travel" or "wanted to see relatives."
Since the Manchurian Candidate stole the election in 2020, we have been under a mafia rule. Praying that Elliot Ness (Trump) will put a stop to this after Nov 2024 elections!
You are a fearless Warrior of truth, Emerald.
I never bought into the bullshit.
I learned of Ivermetcin while in Brasil in 2020. Widely available w/o a physician prescription at retail pharmacies. Very inexpensive. My wife and I have been taking Ivermectin prophylaxis since 2020. Zero side effects or complications and I have a Pacemaker/Defibrillator implant since 2018.
Peter McCullough is my hero. Texas icon.
What Baylor Scott & White did to him was unconscionable. But, he rebounded with character and integrity. Truth tellers do.
Thank you for your integrity in reporting the facts and not the propaganda.
I call these sudden, unexpected deaths “VAD”. Vaccine Assisted Death
Minor adjustment: VCD vaccine CAUSED death.
Emerald is spot on with calling out all these vaccine related deaths.
Bannon had Dr. Michael Nehls on the other day(Episode 3320 of the Warroom). He is the author of "The Indoctrinated Brain" and explains his case on how the gene therapy in the 'vaccines' are going to further erase memories; essentially they hasten dementia, etc. Nothing surprises me anymore when we have so many wealthy NGO's and freakshow's running them.
Exactly. The Covid propaganda and fear was enough to warp people's thinking. But add to that the grief when a family member or friend dies after the injections, and a person's ability to think and see reality is destroyed. A parent who made their child get toxic Covid shots will never be able to admit the truth to themself.
I have a 40-something friend who's mother was psychotic about getting the jabs; he died two weeks after jab 3. I still cannot talk to his mother.
I’m reading his book. Fascinating and horrifying.
Excellent work Emerald Robinson. My compliments.
Thank you again, Emerald, for keeping this issue front and center. It needs to be shouted from the mountaintops (and every honest person's account on X/Twitter). Every day. Over and over.
Anyone who is not reading/subscribing to Marc Crispin Miller's Substack, DO SO NOW. Every week he publishes lists (from USA and around the world) of those who died suddenly that week. It's horrific, it's evil, it should make your blood boil. You'll never want to get near a needle again in your life!
I tried for a few months but it is so sad that I just couldn’t keep reading it day after day. I’m 81 years old and the constant horrors in this world I’ve seen in my lifetime are just too overwhelming. But he is doing good work and it is too bad that it is hidden from 90%of the rest of the people.
Thank you Emerald. And analogous to a little lying schoolboy telling the teacher, umm the dog ate my homework, these low life criminals try to peddle off the " global warming" did it. This has to be the lowest most embarrassing stage the human being has arrived at. So called smart people, educated, PHD's don't even know this info, never heard of graphene oxide, never even heard of Klaus and the WEF ! However, they do know about Greta as they clink their glasses and make their educated vote. I never gave enough creedence to the power of brainwashing until recent. We are at the precipice
At some point people are going to realize and understand the depths of evil perpetrated on society. Keep repeating the mantra and publishing more of such reports. Since we sing in the choir for funerals, we are intimately aware of how many more funerals there are now. Thoughts and prayers for all the recently deceased.
Keep up the great work Emerald! One small request, please don’t include Malone in a list of “good guys”. He is NOT
I have to disagree. A claim like that requires evidence.
There’s plenty of evidence. Are you familiar with all his lawsuits? Read Dr Paul Alexander for a while, one of the heros of the medical freedom movement
I know that there are lawsuits. I also know about the vilification that has precipitated them. When Dr. Malone asked his Substack subscribers for feedback, I suggested that he refrain from lawsuits, as his own wife is recommending. And I made other suggestions about a specific situation I’m aware of. Because people do things we disagree with does not make them plants. When you make that kind of an allegation, you need to provide specific evidence, or a link to specific evidence. A recommendation to read another person’s output is not evidence.
Like the Deep State's misdeeds, "evidence" will always be fleeting. Discernment and deduction must then suffice. And so it is with Malone, whose actions do not match his original, professed zeal for the good of the people. He has all the earmarks of being a plant.
There is plenty of evidence about the Deep State’s misdeeds, chronicled by I don’t know how many people. To say that evidence is “fleeting” about Dr. Malone is crazy— there is documentation all over the place of what he has said and done. Why aren’t you pointing to anything specific?
1) because, as you say: "To say that evidence is “fleeting” about Dr. Malone is crazy— there is documentation all over the place of what he has said and done."
2) Including links deters folks from doing their own work. PLEASE don't believe me!
You are the one making the allegation. In this country, the standard (now often violated) is the presumption of innocence. This means that the person alleging guilt has to provide the evidence. This is what you are refusing to do.
Kay, My long Search for the article which led me to question (Not conclude) whether Dr. Malone was cooperating with the Deep State, appears to be missing. I may (or may not) have fallen for a Deep State misdirection. My sincerest apologies to the good Dr. If it is found I'll pass it on.
It's probably only going to get worse from here.
Emerald, could you please provide information/links of the best possible ways to detox, and get these poisons out of the body? I'm okay, but I would like to provide positive information to my family and friends who are at risk. Thank you.
Check Peter McCullough's Substack, Courageous Discourse.
Also check The Wellness Company.com.
Thank you Gene!
My pleasure. Always.❤⚘
Check Dr. Zelenko's site, too.
Thank you Architeckt!
Unfortunately the brainwashed masses followed their doctors advice, mass media vaxx push, etc and called us conspiracy theorists and worse.
Some perspective, I achieved 'complete response to treatment' from participating in clinical trial for multiple myeloma (stage III when diagnosed). So, as I watched the panic envelope my friends (outside the right-leaning ones who just got angrier as they saw what was happening).
I saw this in Gilda's Club meetings as well. These who dined on frosting their whole lives and had little or no muscle mass or capacity for even light aerobics expected chemo to be a targeted therapy were the ones who didn't make it long term. Over a few years of attendance, the personnel of these meetings changed as the unhealthy, pre-or diabetic were hit the hardest. Perhaps I was lucky because of physiology too.
That perspective guided me away from the Covid vaccine and the hype around "the shot(s)". Because the same body types were affected the most, it merely paralleled what I saw during treatment and through the Gilda's Club meetings. Caught Covid 2x and got through it both times a-ok. The most vaxxed member of my immediate circle is recovering a g a i n from another Covid bout. And I used to have a much more sympathetic view of big Pharma.
I am not recalling just scant years before so many young people of upper-tier athletic ability (even standard healthy) dying. It did happen here & there but it's a weekly thing now. I guess a year to year comparison would reveal more data but, even that could always be disputed. 'Cause the media doesn't get much dough outside of big Pharma big - gov't ties.