The traitors are at all levels of US Government. I don’t know how we right this ship but we have to do something fast.

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The Declaration of Independence declares that we the people have a right to "throw off a tyrannical government". This is a tyrannical government. Congress is completely compromised. Congress is a Uni-party - one party pretending to be two parties. The entire government is compromised. It's time for the People to throw off this tyrannical government. The time is now.

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Shoot to kill. It would end pretty damn fast. (This is how mad I am - is anyone else this mad?! Why not!?)

I don't live in AZ, so I can't do anything about this - where are all the patriots in AZ who could march into govt. offices and DEMAND "immediate retirements and resignations"?

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These corrupt humans have no conscience. This election needs to not be certified and another to take place with no machines!! I'm just flabbergasted but not surprised and very saddened.

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"Too many right-wing “influencers” in the media had no idea what was going on."

I disagree with this, we not only have a UniParty in Washington, but we have a UniParty in the Media.

Conservative Media or Con Inc. is as bad as the National GOP. They are bought and paid for and there are certain areas of news that they absolutely will not entertain. ELECTION FRAUD is one one them. Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, Sean Hannity to name a few. The GOP Leadership being owned by China is another one but we can discuss that another day.

keep up the great work !!

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Emerald thanks for giving voice to our anger and revulsion of “politics as normal”. Democrats refuse to roll back all “advances in election security” such as electronic voting machines and machine count tabulators so we’re now past the tipping point in the Nation as a whole. Just like “No border= No Country” we are now at “No secure accountable elections= No elective Will of the People”.

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Yes, use an existing worked out system like the one used in Germany, no mail-in, 100% paper, 100% handcount

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For scale, it’s important to remember when we see 500,000 votes weren’t counted, the reason checking ID’s is considered “vote suppression” is because there are reportedly 6 or 7 people in the US who are too stupid to figure out how to get an ID. And if those 6 or 7 people don’t get to cast their vote for stupidity, we are told it would make our elections illegitimate.

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So what the hell are we supposed to do? Conservatives have been cheated out of the last 2 elections (even a tremendously effective and popular president like Trump!) and there seems to be no one on the Republican side with enough brains and courage to do something about it. So with both parties in brazen collusion against true conservatives, what are we supposed to do? We've been shut out of all media, and now our voting process has been irrevocably corrupted. Where do we go from here?!

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We should be screaming like hell at every Republican in office - even the supposedly "good ones" like Jim Jordon, Tom Cotton and others. Sure, they go on Fox and complain about all the graft and corruption, but then they go write a book about it or go back to Washington and sit on their asses. They should be warned that they'll all be fired by us (and maybe strung up for good) if this Republican Congress doesn't get to the bottom of things, fire some people and sentence some of them to loooooong prison sentences!


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Personal experience has made me wonder if the FBI has infiltrated even local elections and local radio talk show hosts who all kinds of whackos tell stuff to. I'm sure FBI is sitting in the pews of your church. The dots are connecting. How better to influence elections and it's illegal to out them 😡

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Fraudulent elections are supported by the uniparty. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty. Patriotic Americans must take back their electoral system.

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Anyone running as a GOP candidate in these states has been on notice for at least 24 months that this would happen. Talk about Lucy pulling the football from Charlie Brown!

There is the adage that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That adage is erroneously attributed to Albert Einstein. Apparently, it first appeared in a Narcotics Anonymous publication. That is fitting because the GOP behave as if they are hopelessly addicted to the same behavior that is losing the culture war, and has lost at the ballot box (unfair as it may be).

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And still nobody is held accountable and the Dems get the result they wanted. SSDD.

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Well being that the GOP had responsibility for the last 2 years since the 202 debacle, one considered the fox is already in the hen house.

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The truth is, they're all foxes; we voters are the hens.

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The real problem remains that were a starkly divided nation. A close win is no more satisfactory than a close loss. Cheating only works when it's close. There is no rational reason for socialists to have any support at all from a free people. That so many support it is a fundamental failure of our education system and our culture. Maybe we can convince more of them to renounce socialism, but it will probably require conflict.

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Is it really as close as it seems? How do they manage to get to within .5-1%, every single time? Is this really just super optimized targeted ads or whatever? I don't buy that for a second.

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I have wondered the for many years I think it's BS!! I believe most or over 65% of people are conservative leaning.

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I agree with this. We're not that evenly divided. There aren't that many Americans who are stupid enough to want what the Democrats are selling - not when our eyes have been opened after four years of Trump and two years of Biden. Ain't. No. Way.

Just like Emerald wrote - 500,000 voters have been disenfranchised in one state alone. I believe the same kinds of numbers have happened in PA, GA, MI, and other states (including my own MN).

There are too many adults still left in this country who way outnumber the whining woke ninnies. If this were not true, there wouldn't be enough people working to keep our economy afloat and pay taxes. But it IS shifting, and we need to stop it before there's no economy or positive social structures (like the family, anyone?) left.

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Agree but until we get MAGA candidates in positions like Kari Lake and stop this election early voting fiasco we are doomed!! I hate to even hear our side talk of us playing the same early voting game it needs to be same day! if you can't vote and it not important tough! then it just not important enough for you.

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Close elections are because of a divided population. Which way they flop is random, driven by the uncommitted minority being swayed by last minute media propaganda or by cheating. Doesnt really matter which. In a perfect world, both would lose and we would decide we don't need government at all. In tribal societies, one side has to rule the other. Doesn't matter what we buy. Those who prefer an outcome need to convince their neighbors.

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I understand the theory, but I question whether this really makes sense. I think you're saying it's like the efficient market hypothesis, there will never be any room for arbitrage because somebody else already got it. So incumbents work against their constituents' interest (for their own or someone else's benefit), exactly enough to just scrape by getting re-elected - and challengers promise just enough to enough groups to just scrape by also.

The problem with this theory is that it implies a very high degree of competence in this goldilocks strategy. I would propose instead, that the winners of close races are more often than not the result of wide spread cheating to get just over the mark. It just seems like widespread vote rigging and cheating will end up being a lot easier to accomplish reliably, than it would be to construct a perfectly balanced organic process of competing "candidates" that gets the desired result in an honest election. An honest election just leaves too much to chance, and is too reliant on accurately predicting voter reactions and behavior.

Naturally the closer the race is, the more believable it is to the voters, er, victims, because, well... "we almost made it but just didn't vote hard enough, better luck next time". A fake landslide for the wrong candidate will be more suspicious and easier to debunk, and requires more cheating. Naturally you would want to minimize your exposure by minimizing the rigging required. Hence the importance of figuring out the number of mail-ins needed to win and just "find" them of the course of several weeks or whatever.

The way to fix our elections is to make the process transparent and distributed, with as little electronics as possible, and design it with fine grained summary counts that can be analyzed statistically, and require investigation if the stats don't come out clean. For example, publishing subtotals of 50-100 batches of secret ballots, with the counting and ballot retention done at the precinct level. Then just let the internet check the stats.

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Like all crimes, some people cheat better than others. In any dispute, one side is usually objectively better than the other, and differences are usually emotional. The best solutions come from effectively teaching others the better choice.

Elections are like arbitrage, which only works in the short term, never the long term. In the long run, every population is purple. But in the long run, we're all dead, so best to focus on the short term. The long run is just a bunch of short runs strung together.

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But arbitrage "goes away" only because of rapid iterations of trades and other participants arbing it out, with instant feedback. That's not really the case with elections, any given election is a single point event. Sure, there are polls leading up to it, but if anythin these are known for generally being inaccurate. Elections are spaced out years apart which means that the particular conditions from one time to the next are quite disjoint. Yes, there are elements in common but many things change between the two points. So the argument that perfect balance is a natural consequence just like market pricing, seems dubious to me.

I argue that a close race is a strong indicator of cheating, because there is a strong incentive never to cheat farther than needed. A fair election is much more likely to be farther from the balance point, because there is a strong incentive to overshoot, to improve the odds of a win. Many people believe that close races are caused by poll optimization, and just happen to make cheating easier (because it comes down to just a few manipulated votes) -- but I would argue the opposite causality: close races are the result of cheating.

This goldilocks argument sets aside the idea that there is an incentive to win (because the outcome of a close race in a fair election cannot be reliably predicted!). Today's political climate is characterized by neither establishment party actually pursuing policies that benefit their constituents. So if we assume there is a benefit to winning, it seems trivial to just... act in your constituents' interest and make this known. This is the Trump / MAGA strategy. I believe that this strategy easily gets well over the majority point, and also creates huge levels of enthusiasm. If polls show a MAGA candidate is falling behind, they only need to "MAGA harder": no sane person shoots for 51% - they shoot for 80,90,100% - why leave it to chance? Pick the issues that 75% of the people care about and you win.

.... Except instead you lose 49-51% because the system is rigged.

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The polls confirm we're pretty evenly divided, but they're sometimes rigged, too.

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022

This is large-scale manipulation by misdirection. Consider the Epoch Times article by Robert Epstein on "How Google Stopped the Red Wave." (Nov. 16, 2022) Thank you for continuing to point out the blatant fraud, Emerald. When will arrests begin? No certification until the election is done over in a secure, transparent, and honest manner! Who will be in charge?

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Nov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022

Not only was Kori with the FBI (Strategic Intelligence Analyst 2008-2011), she studied in China as an undergrad for her junior year abroad (2005/6 school year) and was stationed in Geneva for a year as an investigative analyst for the Global Fund for Aids. All per her public LinkedIn profile. She has checked an amazing number of currently relevant boxes in her career.

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I hope I am wrong but I expect similar things in Georgia.

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I admire the people in Arizona for at least being loud. Here in Michigan our democrat governor, AG and SOS all got re elected. There’s no way they all won re election. They have done a terrible job here and everyone hates them. But they all ‘won’. Nobody says a word about them being stolen except us regular folks. None of them even campaigned!

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Yep, 1st clue its rigged is that they don't debate or campaign! SPOT ON

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Who wrote this speech fo the board, Mark ELIAS ?

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