Until we fix our corrupt and broken election system, nothing else matters.

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In other words, it's not looking good for a red wave in the midterms...

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Oh, there may be a “red wave.” Many Republicans who are actually in the Uniparty will be allowed to win.

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Exactly like Greg Abbott in Texas and Mitch McConnell RINOs in senate races.

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As has been the case for some time ~ controlled opposition.

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Not with the constant incipient cheating

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We must start sueing.....and supporting people like Matt Braynard. His election integrity work is incredible!!

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Matt Braynard's Look Ahead America: https://lookaheadamerica.org/

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100%… NOTHING else Matters!!!!

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Gee could it be the software in the voting machines again as we now know occurred in Maricopa County, AZ ?

I'm betting it is.

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"Everybudee, calm down. There's a perfectly logical explanation for all this: The Australian cornered the Colorado kangaroo voting bloc. His campaign slogan, 'A Free Dingo in every Durango,' captured their hearts and souls. Now. Back to your Hillary Hookah pipes. On the count of three... inhale!" [SARCASM]

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Something stinks EVERYWHERE.

Thanks Emerald.

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Our secretary of state, Jena Griswold, stinks and so does our governor, Jared Polis.

Jena Griswold needs to be locked up for deleting voting records in the 2020 election.

Jared polis needs to be locked up for forcing mask and vaccine mandates. Polis lied, and People Died.

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You are on to something Miss. Lemme guess, Dominion Voting machines in every one of those counties that this character won?

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File this one under "Things that make you go hmmmmm". It's stuff likes this that makes me think we're screwed come November. They rigged/stole the last election and NOTHING has been done to address that so why would we have any reason to believe they won't do the same thing in November?

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Exactly - they know they got away with cheating and will openly cheat again - there is no reason not to cheat!

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We need to GET RID of the machines and go back to paper ONLY. PERIOD!

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The left didn't seize power in 2020 just to turn around and lose it in 2022. They have games inside of their games. People need to let go of the 'red wave' wishful thinking.

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So Mike O'Donnell was the empty suit to park laundered (i.e. stolen) votes from Peters?

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Excellent observation! This cannot be ignored. Should be a forensic investigation and legal challenge immediately

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So, if those votes claimed to be for the unknown O’Donnell were in fact votes that were really cast for the nationally known Tina Peters, a person persecuted for upholding her oath of office, then Peters would have received 56% of the vote and would clearly be the winner and Republican candidate.

In Colorado, as elsewhere, it is the cities that tilt “blue” with the less populated ares being much more conservative. ALL of the so called O’Donnell counties happen to be in conservative counties.

CLEARLY this is a current example of more illegal activity. Needs to be thoroughly investigated.

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Wow. That really is weird. Definitely find out what's going on there! Also, what's the real story of Anderson and her involvement with CTCL (the Zuckerbucks outfit to rig elections for leftists that put almost half a billion dollars into it)?

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She is a uniparty creature

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I hope someone asks for a forensic audit.

In Illinois the Dems were spending lots (JB Pritzker has a bottomless war chest) to make sure Richard Irvin lost the Republican primary-he was perceived to be the biggest threat.

I’m really sorry to see Colorado turned blue, it’s a beautiful state. I have family and friends that grew up there, they’re not happy either. I’m praying Texas doesn’t go the same way.

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Oh, they’re going for Texas! Just like they went for Commifornia with 55 ELECTORAL VOTES! CA is red, not blue. These communists have CA in a stranglehold (as Ted Nugent would say). I still remember the days of living in CA when it was RED. These tyrants are exposing themselves more and more each day-they know they’ve lost! Damn the torpedoes!

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I get the STRONG sense that the CA GOP has "acquiesced" CA because it's easier than fighting an entrenched Dem Party. It allows the people at the top levels of the CA GOP to have their "power" by title only, but really do no work to support/strengthen the GOP in the state. And that's talking to a few connected people.

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Oh, of course! Except for perhaps Devin Nunes. But definitely Kevin McCarthy, etc. Even if Larry Elder got through the Democrat cartel, he wouldn’t have been able to do anything. He’d be a lame duck Governor.

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Not necessarily. He would be using the bully pulpit to embarrass the democrat controlled legislature to point out the silly legislation they're trying to pass. Or would embarrass them into addressing an issue that they don't want to touch.

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And they’d tell him 🖕.

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You can ask, plead, beg for a forensic audit. Will you get it? Probably not.

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Probably a planted Soros Democrat with election chicanery...

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They are laughing at us.

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Ah yes, the smell of corruption it has that distinct odor of a rotting corpse. This particular smell of which you speak is coming directly from our corrupt voting system.

Added to the general deterioration of America the stench of corruption rises above the heavens surely make Angels vomit. I’m sure it must be some kind of spiritual revulsion.

I’m personally so full of loathing for this country’s behavior over past 150 years I could easily leave and never look back nor have a second thought.

When women don’t know they’re women and men think they can get pregnant. (Even Alice Cooper knew that “only women bleed”)

When parents think 2 and 3 years olds can choose their own gender that’s when you know our compliant society has lost its way.

We let sodomites out of the closet and now we a country nearly controlled by sodomites and pedophiles.

We have President who everyone knows took showers with his young pre teen step daughter but society says okay.

Society sets the taboos governing acceptable behavior from intolerable ones, so our silence is a form of compliance whether you like it or not.

Get ready for judgement friends.

For there’s always a price to be paid for wrong headed thinking.

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