The one thing we know is that the legitimate voters of GA will not determine the winner.

Whoever controls the UniParty (i.e., the Globalist-CCP Axis) will pass through channels to Kemp and Raffensperger who will "win."

I mention those two because they were in charge of the GA election fraud infrastructure in 2020, and the fact that they're sill in office demonstrates that they still control it.

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The Uniparty is not so much in control as it is a partner with international corporations.

At the moment we are under the command of some kind of hybrid Corporatocracy.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

Emerald R. blog comment

12/7/22 - Boycott Fascism

It's properly called fascism--the merger of government and corporations. There is no such thing as representative democracy in America. Unless you are a multimillionaire or funded by multi-millionaires and huge corporations you have no chance of winning national or state elections in America. Throw in the fact that the voting machines and processes are easily manipulated and you have system of control that is criminal and cannot be changed.

Our only hope is to remove ourselves and our families from this Matrix of corporate/government control. We can do this by refusing to buy anything from corporations of any kind and by supporting individuals, supporting local building and craft artists and small businesses in our local communities.

If people continue to work as debt slaves to corporations and government, nothing will change. Be brave and creative enough to quit the corporate rat race and build your own independent working opportunities with your friends and neighbors. In order to do this, keeping the cash economy is essential. Most importantly, support local ecologically sustainable farms and learn to grow your own chemical-free food. Teach your children, families and friends to do the same. Learn to keep yourself healthy without participating in the greedy, immoral Big Pharma monster and their deadly medical industrial complex.

Lastly, support free speech blogs and honest investigative journalists like Emerald Robinson!!

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Agreed. Andrew Torba over at GAB has been making the case for building a parallel economy. Makes sense.

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I believe owning stock is a form of usury, and current events will lead to the end of the stock company era, which has taken about 500 years to wreck (English) society.

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I'm watching Fox News tonight and my blood is boiling! They do updates on the Warnock-Walker race, and NO ONE will mention the very real possibility of fraud.

Screw you, Fox News!!!

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Faux news, sans 2-3 personalities, are basically CNN, no friend if MAGA, or American Conservatives

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Stopped watching Fox after the 2020 election. It's clear that it is part of the cabal, and is "controlled opposition."

One America News, Bannon's War Room, USAWatchdog, Epoch Times / Epoch TV, Man in America and Frankspeech provide truth.

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Did anyone really think he would be allowed to win? They’ll keep counting into next year until they find enough “votes”. We live in a dictatorship now. There will never again be a free and fair election. If there ever was.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

commies doing what they do best, cheat their asses off, while RINOs like McFailures et al continue to do fuck all about it

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It's not America's election, it's Georgia's. In every case, elections are up to the citizens in the election jurisdiction. Problems naturally arise when those citizens abdicate their responsibilities to monitor and manage their government. Complacency will always allow the worst players to prevail. It's our nature. If there is fraud, we allowed it. It's our fault.

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Many citizens in, e.g., Arizona would beg to differ.

There have been citizens standing up. But when confronting compromised voting machines, corrupt politicians and a corrupt judiciary, it's not "our fault" that the fraudulent election system in this country is not yet fixed. Rather, its evidence of just how corrupted our country has become.

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How many were poll watchers? How many volunteered to help candidates? How many even donated money? We fail because we think it's adequate to fill out a card and mail it in. The country is more corrupt because we allow it. Corruption arises because it's our nature. It's in all of us, held in check by rules that are only followed if they're enforced. All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

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Therefore all the bad things that happen in the world during your adult lifetime are in fact your fault. You didn't stop any of it.

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may I ask what you did to stop the corruption?

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And yours. And your neighbors. I stopped some of it, but not enough, for which I am eternally ashamed. Civilization failed; civilization is us.

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Enjoy your eternal shame for not violently revolting at the proper moment. You failed to place the blame where it should lie, with the criminals. Those of us whose brains aren't broken will move forward and deal with reality. You, with your self-blame complex, will be unable to help us. You could probably improve your condition by dressing in sack cloth and tearing your hair. That would help.

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Those who don't acknowledge their failures will continue to fail.

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Sorry David, but it's not "our fault". That logic is victim blaming, results in absolution for the perps, and is wrong. Don't fall for that bullshit and don't propagate it unless you wish to be an asshole.

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Copout. Blaming others for your mistakes is tte hallmark of assholes. We all allowed it to happen. Lots of assholes around, you're in good company.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

There you go again. There is no accountability if those who are to blame are not held accountable. You're logic transfers blame away from the perps and on to everyone who didn't stop them. Victim blaming is evil, as are those who practice it

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How can this shit keep going on? We know the cabal cheats we know how they cheat...and still we get jammed up...early voting and machines that can’t be audited..COMEONMAN ...🖕🏻

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How? bc the parties involved want to keep it that way to keep up the illusion that our vote counts. Uniparty remains intact, simple.

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It's because no one has gone to prison yet (or hung)! Until there are real consequences and the Dems feel threatened, they will keep stealing their asses off!

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But now it’s different. It’s not about the individual elections. They are turning the US into a Marxist State step by step. It’s classic Marxist ideology. Our own leaders on both sides are in on it and doing it. Wait till after the New Year. That’s when the arrests will start. We’ll hear a lot about Trump, he will be jailed, but there will be lots of Americans we’ll never hear about who will be disappeared. That’s next...old school, China style people will just disappear.

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These elections appear to be coreographed to give the illusion that they are legitimate. The predetermined winner always pulls it out in the end. Man that was close Republicans, you'll gettem next time

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I’m sorry but what are you talking about? You mean the 2020 election wasn’t enough? You mean the 2022 election loss of Lake, Zeldin, Oz, Masters, Finchem and the woman in Michigan who’s name I can’t even remember, wasn’t enough? Did you really think Walker even had a chance? Did you think the election was real? Didn’t the Republican Lt Governor of GA go on TV this past Sunday and tell ppl not to vote for Walker? Actually, I know you know all this.

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Red counties must not report until all blue counties report. Will never happen because deep down we want this to occur. I believe it fully now after seeing Arizona go quietly into the night the fascist left has set for them.

The result, will bring an end to the peace this country has enjoyed. Mark it.

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are you confused?

red counties are also ran by (R), Az, GA, etc, they don't care bc they're in on it too.

wake tf up

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And there is no denying that now. Hence the ‘we want this to happen’ qualifier. Uniparty since JFK assassination; is the reality.

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We are very close to the moment the 2nd ammendment will be triggered.

The WEF & NWO & WHO all see it coming. That is why everything they and the Deep State they control are shifting into high gear timeline.

It all has to be done before the 2024 election fearing Trump taking them out.

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Trump cannot win. Not because the people don’t want him, but because “they” control the voting system. Plus he will be in jail before 2024. Yes they are going to jail Donald Trump. He hasn’t done anything to warrant it, but they are going to put him in jail. When it happens don’t give any money to the RNC or any conservative organizations because they are in on it. Remember it’s the Republicans in AZ that turned on Lake, Masters, Finchem etc. it was the Republican Lt Gov of GA who was on TV Sunday telling ppl not to vote for Walker.

I don’t know if the Republic can be saved.

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Electronic vote adjudication.

They just change the results of particular ballots.

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It’s done. There is no Republic. It’s done.

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SCYTL ? ????


All one needs to know.

Thank you, Emerald.

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Georgia RINOS have gone full Moloch. We are in a supernatural battle. Our research essay proves Jonathan Cahns latest book.... https://godtype.substack.com/p/bidens-red-speech-decoded-welcoming

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This will continue until enough real Americans have had enough.

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Another stolen election,

how many more before patriots just give up even going to the poles? I am sure that's what the radical left is asking.

We will not vote our way back; too easy folks. Why can't we get together devise a plan and take our country back stop looking for the easy way out.

No one is coming, no group is coming to expel the enemy which is within our own ranks.

The right to revolt is in the Constitution!!

“ that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.”

GO re-read the Constitution again and listen to the rights we have to reject an abusive government in favor of one that truly represents the people.

But, remember we all gonna have to live with the decision everybody makes to either continue sitting while being taken captive or resist to the degree necessary to remain free and independent.

Don't tell me you and I don't have a choice!

And I don't need a liberal head to tell me what they think

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Evildoers at work with rigging and fraud. Do not certify. Until there is accountability, arrests made, and machines no longer used, this will continue. We the People still outnumber them. Stand up, say NO and fight the good fight!

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