May 26, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Just as my brain could not comprehend what happened in GA, Emerald sends out this post! This my friends is WHY I PAY for this service. I visited the Northern GA mountains (Blairsville) 3 weeks ago. Spent a week vacationing and chatting with the local folks in a few different towns we visited. What became clear is that the people in that area 1) Loved Herschel Walker 2) Love DJT and 3) Were well aware that their elections are wrought with fraud. Also, thanks to Emerald and her excellent analysis in PA, we know PA elections stink to high heaven as well. Not sure what to do, but folks need to know how dirty their officials are in these states.

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What you have to do is get involved in politics. At every level. Take over the school boards, take over the counties, take over the districts. Take back your government.

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And now PA needs a recount. What a shocker. 🙄

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Shouldn't they do a forensic audit?

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Good question. And where do we locate the honest group that will perform that audit? (They're not in WI, I can assure you.)

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What's very clear in all this mess is that only 1 SIDE IS PERPETRATING THIS FRAUD, and we all know which side that is...

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The reason why so few Republicans admit “widespread” election fraud...

...because they do it too

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100%. This.^^^

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Exactly why these states have done nothing to secure our elections after 2020. They are all in on the steal!

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You do recall that GA past a voting bill and that the DemonRats were up in arms about, right? Remember the Land Whale whining about it enough to get the MLB to move the All Star game to the leftist state of Colorado? They did something so unless you have facts to prove these primary's were stolen, I don't want to hear it. We as conservatives have to come with hard facts, not conjecture if we want to ever have hope of changing our election system.

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Did you watch 2000 mules? If not, you should go watch it.

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I did watch it and was shocked. To my knowledge, there were no ballot boxes for this primary. I hope that there will be MUCH more scrutiny on those this coming fall due to the 2000 Mules movie. I am also hopefull that maybe, just maybe some legal action will come from the movie but I'm not hopeful. Kemp and Rathensburg are part of the problem but how do you get them out when they're pulling the levers, so to speak? As a GA voter the only thing I care about in this upcoming election is defeating the Land Whale known as Stacie Abrams and getting Warnock out of the Senate. If that doesn't happen, GA is in a whole bunch of trouble.

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

How do you fight lying satanists/communists/'progs' who never fight fair - and who've infiltrated every major US institution since 1913? McCarthy was right. JFK was right. 2A seems the only remedy... and that is sad. But the better way may be for conservatives to step up and start running for office at the school board and local level.

Even though it seems too little too late, worth a 'shot'... also: encourage yourself and friends to read the Bible, as well as head over to gab.com

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Yep, and the little changes they did I knew from the beginning was not enough. It was all for show to pretend they were doing “something”.

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Kemp and Carr are at exactly 73.7% !! That’s an algorithm. Perdue won’t get to the bottom of this BUT Kandiss Taylor should have standing to file a lawsuit if votes were taken from her and given to Kemp. She could be the key to uncovering the Dominion fraud.

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I live in Missouri and the stench could be smelled from here. Pennsylvania is stinking too!

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As an ex-Georgian I can believe Kemp honestly won if the margin were closer. Other than the election he was a decent Governor. There is no way Raffensberger legitimately won. He was questionable before 2020 and every indication since then is that he is either grossly incompetent or corrupt.

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May 26, 2022·edited May 26, 2022

"Other than the election he was a decent Governor"

Other than that how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln? If you don't have fair elections and borders, you no longer have a country.

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

We don't have a country. We have mafia factions. The "masonic" US experiment is over, and now it is the USSA's turn to fall vs the USSR's turn in 1990. How's collapse going so far?

USSR vs USSA - what happened to Russian citizens, vs what's happening to American citizens - similarities and differences -

1. vodka vs opioids

2. pensions gone vs inflation ate my social security

3. everyone in Russia lived in gov housing, so nobody was homeless or foreclosed on, vs US massive foreclosures in 2008-11 and increasingly massive section 8 & hotel voucher waitlists over time

4. Russia: oligarchs raped the country, stripped assets and skipped town with a Club Med layover before landing in US/EU; US: oligarchs rape our countryand the 99% daily with inflation which is theft-of-savings, more and more taxes and "not-taxes" (fees, bonds, special assessments)

5. Russia: didn't seem so affected by 2008/subprime mortgage fraud.

US: 2008: zero bankers arrested; big banks all bailed out; nobody got stimulus checks or it was very minimal payouts; Occupy Wall Street with a unified 99% complained and protested wall street vulture parasites... so in response, the 1% parasites' corporate media began harping incessantly on "RACISM" hugely in the decade since, leading to Americans believing "RACISM" and "wypipo" are the #1 problem in America, not corporate-government fees, taxes, and inflation... and their communist tool BLM riots/defund police, commie DAs don't charge criminals for crimes.

6. Russia: lockdown just like everywhere else. US: 2020 was a 2008 rinse and repeat with a couple moneychanger improvements: $600 stimmie check shut-up money for 'mericans and covid-funemployment cash for Americans {instead of getting $72,000 we got $1,400) vs Blackrock/Vanguard receiving 4 TRILLION in 'federal' 'reserve' private central bank funny money loaned at interest--that 4 Trillion of inflation boosted the 1%'s real assets & stocks... could've paid every American $1000/month for the same time period for the same cost but no... B/V got all your money instead. Oink oink!

7. Pensions & incomes have gone up 10x under Russia's current leader.

Family and church are affirmed.

Moneychangers thrown out/national debts paid off.

Country seems to be doing well. No country is perfect but their leadership did great 1999-present, given everything thrown at them.

US: pensions/201ks/incomes have gone down in terms of purchasing power. Family/church/European-Americans attacked ad nauseum by satanic media/perversion culture (not "popular" culture)/government/D/RINO politicians and gestapo agencies

Legalized weed is very clever, two results:

1. more tax revenue/extracted savings from voters/citizens/Americans

2. lazy/"chill"/"content" US citizens/voters. Nobody shows up to protest the bullshit when they're constantly high and watching trash netflix.

What am i missing?

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Just now joined! You are one of most honest and best reporters doing the job right now anywhere! Thank you ! I will follow closely!

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Raffensperger and Kemp rigged the election in 2018 for them both to get in office. A lot of it is outlined in Kill Chain doc. I suspect they were tipped off to Abrams cheating and beat her at her own game. This is why Kemp and Raffi were very quiet during the 2020 steal.

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Rigged. Odoriferous. Obnoxious stench! Keep exposing the fraud, Emerald.

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As a voter living in GA, I have mixed emotions regarding this post. You need to be careful talking about what you beleive to be fraud without actual evidence. If you have evidence - great let's see it. Polling info is NOT nececessarily evidence of Fraud. Counting irregularities, 2000 mules, boxes of ballots, etc. are potential signs of fraud.

There are a lot of different things that could be impacting this primary election. I'll be honest - I almost didn't vote because it's just a primary. I think many people check out for primary's, especially if they don't care about either candidate in their party. That said, I did not vote for Kemp or Rathensburg since I'm still pissed that they didn't do more to try to reveal the Fraud of 2020. I also didn't vote for Perdue, because I don't think he's the answer either. I'm sorry, but just because DJT endorsed someone, doesn't mean that everyone else thinks he's the right candidate. While I was very happy with what DJT did during his time in office, I think a lot of people are getting tired of him and really don't care who he endorses. Do I believe his second term was stolen? Absoluetly. Do I think that there is rigging and fraud in our elections? Absolutely. Is anything going to change with that? While I sincerely hope so, I'm not optimistic. Those with the power to make changes don't have the balls to do it. Regardless of who the Republican nominees are in November, I'm voiting for them. They may not be perfect and may be corrupt to some extent they are WAY better then ANY democrat that will be on the ticket.

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I can't agree with you more. I live in a very red county in North Georgia. Among my circle of friends and family, the consensus is that Kemp is indeed compromised. We all know that Kemp caved when his daughter's boyfriend was murdered by car bomb. But we also know that he likely is the better opponent to Abrams, who, we all agree, cannot become governor. Desperate times calls for making unsavory choices.

We all know the election was stolen and the evidence is overwhelming. We all know that Atlanta and Fulton County has been taken over by radical liberals and the office of mayor has been a corrupt cesspool for decades. My husband refuses to bid on construction projects because it is widely known that the only winners of any such bids will be cronies of the current admin.

So, what is the solution, besides civil war?

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Interesting and understandable that you did not vote in primary - yet the number of voters in the GA primary was way up. Just seems strange.

Assuming Kemp 70% numbers are legitimate, R Kemp voters throughout GA should be easily identifying themselves to one another as 70% is a lot of consensus. I'm not hearing alot of R's admit to voting for him though - are you ?

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As another poster pointed out primaries are open in Georgia, which seems to answer the question for me. It makes complete sense that Dims would vote for Kemp as a vote against any candidate endorsed by Trump. That there was likely more vote manipulation in other nefarious ways is also a given for me. I always thought the only way Trump won in 2016 was because most Trump voters were keeping their intentions to themselves and the Dims, besides arrogantly believing Hitlery was a shoe in, didn't know how much to cheat. In 2020 they pulled out the stops not the least bit afraid of being outed because they have the judicial system in their pockets. I don't see this changing. Is America over? That's my question. And what does that mean exactly?

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America has gone through worse - Civil War, Great Depression, WW1-2, Civil Rights, Women's Rights - and politicians and parties have cheated throughout history. Because of technology and the incredible and ongoing failures of the Biden regime, we are in a better place than at any other time to get voter laws shored up. The establishment thought we would forget about it by now but one after another - videos, alternative news stories, whistleblowers, investigations, etc. chip away at their ability to ignore it.

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I fully understand the value of being optimistic. I am severely practical so I tend to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. What is the worst, though, in the case of a failing civilization? Historically they rise and fall with some predictability. This is not just a case of war or famine or corrupt politicians - those who would serve themselves tend to find ways to rise to the top - it's sort of like the Peter Principle. What I'm paying attention to is the rapid decay of morales, ethics, common decency and common sense for that matter. Seems like the perfect storm and, from my perspective death by a thousand cuts. The decimation and redesign of education, grabbing the youngest of humans at their most vulnerable is somewhat new to this century.

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Anything that the AJC prints is absolutely FAKE BS NEWS....they are as credible as MSDNC AND CNN....

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May 26, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

Voter integrity is the ONLY issue that matters. For me a “Trump endorsement” is the good housekeeping seal of approval. It cuts through ALL the noise. Still would appreciate a deeper dive on Kathy Barnette, had high hopes for her

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Smells like some cheating going on in GA and PA...

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From The People's Republic of Georgia. Tuesday morning I had made the decision to not vote because it was pointless. My wife convinced me to go. What a waste of time. I am 73 and I have never missed voting, but at this point I believe I am done.

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if voting worked, it would be illegal. like F-15s, "AR14s", personal nukes, overthrowing/ auditing the "Fed", and so on..

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Keep up the good work Emerald.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Emerald Robinson

I thought something stunk badly

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All aboard! What's the next stop after Stolen Elections? Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...

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Help by watching this, then go to www.iv3.us to see how we Grandma Bears can help, from our living rooms.

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I don't like the 3 Biden bars in their emblem/logo.

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? Not sure what you mean.

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