When a patient gets blood, will he be told if the blood was donated by a vaxxed or unvaxxed? Somehow, I doubt the healthcare mandarins will allow that kind of disclosure.

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I told my husband there will be approved donors for me, but I would rather just not get hurt and subject myself to any hospital. Ever. Just let me bleed out. I don't trust them at ALL.

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I don't trust them either! I swear I will never give my children another vaccine again.

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I also just said to Hubs that if I had to raise kids in this day and age, I would not give them any vaccinations. You cannot tell me that Tourettes or autism is not caused by rogue vaccines. I am sorry you have to raise kids and decide this. My grandkids....ugh. And my kids in the military...this is all sick sick sick.

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I said the same exact thing! My kids and I will never get another vaccine for anything every again!

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I wondered the same. If ever needed, I want clean blood....like my own!

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You can “bank” your blood prior to a

scheduled surgery but I think it’s only good for a month or so.

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You are asking my question because a year and a half ago, when I moved to my new home, the exterminator came to my house and we were talking about COVID. She said her son went to give blood and they must of asked him 5 or 6 times are you vaccinated? He would say no and then he finally asked why they kept asking him. They told him the vaccine destroys the immune system and they wouldn't take his blood if he was vaccinated. Common sense tells me that isn't still the case. I'm unvaccinated......if I need blood am I going to get tainted blood? I'm scared to death!

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

I'm sure they wouldn't even ask/note it at the time of the blood donation, so they conveniently won't have any information to disclose...

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The first time I donated blood summer 2021,

they asked if I was vaccinated and said they

kept the blood separate. The second time, a year later, I asked the blood mobile nurse why they no longer ask if you're vaccinated. She said it didn't matter any more that all the

donated blood is treated the same. So check

with family/friends to find out who has your blood type so that you have some potential resources.

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There is so much to unpack here, both for the vaccinated for whom there is no return and unvaccinated. What if an unvaccinated person needs a blood transfusion? Would relying on blood from vaccinated persons permanently impact the unvaccinated as though they, too, are vaccinated?

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I'll bet almost everybody that has gotten the jab wished they hadn't. It's personal now. Imagine being a dyed in the wool lib arguing there was no election fraud! that climate change is going to kill us! Trump is guilty!

Hey bub, did you get the jab?


Are you going to get another booster?

no way!


Because they...um...er...eh...lied to me.

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We’re living in a science fiction/ horror film with no happy ending.

Thanks, Emerald, for your faithful, courageous journalism. We are indebted to you for all the heavy lifting of research and collating information. Well worth paid subscription. Blessings upon you!

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There can be no happy ending when billions were duped or coerced into injecting this sinister, irreversible poison. Alas that includes some of our loved ones. Fight back? I’m listening ... with skepticism.

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Excellent Emerald. I have recently read this newly released report. No surprises here! The amount of top shelf athletes and healthy people dropping is astounding and they have the gall to coin a new malady, "sudden adult death syndrome". Really? Despicable!

All should read this and share. And all should see Reiner Fuellmach and teams assessment posted online called The grand Jury Summary

Gotta run, have sudden adult ,need to pee, syndrome.

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A clear and sufficiently large motivation of the Deep State bureaucracy, would be to attenuate lifespans so as to avoid bankrupting Social Security & Medicare.

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The virus was designed for that. The jab is meant for the remaining “useless eaters”, as Klaus Schwab describes us.

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This is outrageous, things are getting so outrageous and so over the top I’m actually running out vocabulary that expresses the utter outrage.

I knew this, I just ask this the other day on this forum “what about the blood supply??”

Now my suspicion has been confirmed these murderers actually did poison every single person who unwittingly took the shot. They lied and deceived and even FORCED people to take the shots.

If this doesn’t make people angry enough to inspire a revolution then I suppose nothing will.

Now we got get this out to everyone because MSM will bury this story.

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Warning received! Time for a Nuremberg-style trial! Evil personified: Yuval Noah Harari. Bless the German scientists and their findings. Thank you, Emerald. You have done a great service to your readers. The evil ones will have their judgment day.

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Trump in July 2021, "We made maybe one of the best bets in history because we bought billions and billions of dollars worth of the vaccine by saving time long prior to knowing whether or not it was going to work. Now, I had an idea it was going to work. I had a meeting with the drug companies. I put tremendous pressure on the FDA."

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True. However the Trump Admin planned to focus vaccination on elderly and other at-risk populations only. The risk-reward for these segments is much better.

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To my understanding, the Trump Administration additionally never intended to mandate these vaccines.

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Fraud ends with a bang. Remember Bernie Madoff and his Ponzi scheme? Bang! This is a much bigger bang. It's not Democrat v Republican. It's not right v left. It's not big corporations v small business. It's God v Satan. It's good v evil.

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I very much appreciate Emerald's reporting, but there is a lot here to be skeptical about. Would recommend holding this new "discovery" at arm's length for a while. How structures and particulates enter into and remain in the blood without being filtered out by the micro-capillaries of the circulatory system...needs to be explained in detail.

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Agreed. I'm looking forward to hearing analysis of the report's findings by other experts.

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Yes, definitely. Steve Kirsch reported on this a few days ago and he was clearly wary as well. We have to learn not to bite on every shiny object.

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I have a question. If the contaminated blood is in vaccinated people what happens if they become blood donors? Will the recipient of their blood receive all of the poisons that they pass on through the transfusion? I'm not sure how that works and how a donors blood is tested before it is given to someone else or if it even IS tested. If no one is checking the vaccinated person's blood how do we ever trust hospitals if we need emergency treatment?

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Emerald (love your work!), please publish a substack about what people can do about this awful situation. I've heard vaxxed and un-vaxxed should take hydroxychloroquine and/or ivermectin. I've heard that flccc.net and aflds telemedicine have treatment protocols for vax injuries. But this is all second hand information. Is there a clearing house for vax injury treatment? What should people do if they no longer trust their doctors?

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Excellent piece...

...off with her head👸🏼

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Now we know why they wanted to keep docs secret for 75 years!

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Notwithstanding these and many other issues, what baffles me is that some people show no signs if health impairment from having taken the vaccine. It's as if COVID took its toll, and the vaccines took their toll? Questions... Questions...

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